Sunday, April 27, 2014

Using Essential Oils to Help Depression by David Ford

 Dear Friends, 
My sister Andrea Harris sent me this and it is written by David Ford.  This is a great way to use esential oils to help sadness or depression.  Hugs, Tina
Stressed or Depressed Information

Research has shown that the effects of fragrance and aromatic compounds
on the sense of smell an exert strong effects on the brain especially on the
hypothalamus (the hormone command center of the body) and limbic system
( the seat of emotions). Some essential oils high in sesquiterpenes, such as
myrrh, sandalwood, cedarwood, vetiver, melissa, and frankincense, can
dramatically increase oxygenation and activity in the brain. This may directly
improve the function of many systems of the body.

When a fragrance is inhaled, the odor molecules travel up the nose where
they are trapped by olfactory membranes that are well protected by the
lining inside the nose. Each odor molecule fits like a little puzzle piece
into specific receptor cell sites that line a membrane known as the olfactory
epithelium. Each one of the hundreds of millions of nerve cells is replaced
every 28 days. When stimulated by odor molecules, this lining of nerve cells
triggers electrical impulses to the olfactory bulb in the brain. The olfactory
bulb then transmits the impulses to the gustatory center (where emotional
memories are stored), and other parts of the brain that directly connected to
those parts of the brain that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing,
memory, stress levels, and hormone balance, essential oils can have a pro-
found physiological and psychological effects.

The sense of smell is the only one of the 5 senses directly linked to the limbic
lobe of the brain, the emotional control center. Anxiety, depression, fear, anger,
and joy all emanate from this region. The scent of a special fragrance can evoke
memories and emotions before we are even consciously aware of it. When smells
are concerned, we react first and think later. All other senses (touch, taste, hearing,
and sight) are routed through the thalamus, which acts as the switchboard for the
brain, passing stimuli onto the cerebral cortex (the conscious thought center) and
other parts of the brain.

The limbic lobe (a group of brain structures that includes the hippocampus and
amygdale located below the cerebral cortex) can also directly activate the hypothal-
amus. The hypothalamus is one of the most important parts of the brain, acting as
our hormonal control center. It releases chemical messengers that can affect every-
thing from sex drive to energy levels. The production of growth hormones, sex
hormones, thyroid hormones, and neurotransmitters such as serotonin, are all
governed by the hypothalamus, thus, the hypothalamus is refereed to the
"master gland."

Essential oils--through their fragrance and unique molecular structure--can
directly stimulate the limbic lobe and the hypothalamus. Not only can the inhalation
of essential oils be used to combat stress and emotional trauma, but it can also stimulate
the production of hormones from the hypothalamus. This results increased thyroid
hormones (our energy hormone) and growth hormones(our youth and longevity hormone).

Through inhalation studies they have found that diffusing essential oils can heightened
level of activity in the hypothalamus and limbic systems of the brain, which can have
dramatic effects on not only emotions, learning and attitude, but also many physical
processes of the body, such as immune function, hormone balance, and energy levels.
High levels of sesquiterpenes occur in melissa, myrrh, cedarwood and clove, vetiver,
patchouli, sandalwood, and frankincense, can increase levels of oxygen in the brain by
up to 28%.

Diffusing or directly inhaling essential oils can have an immediate positive impact on mood.
Olfaction is the only sense that can have direct effects on the limbic region of the brain.
Studies at the University of Vienna have shown that some essential oils and their primary
constituents (cineol) can stimulate blood flow and activity in the emotional regions of the brain.

Clinical studies at the Department of Psychiatry at the Mie University of Medicine showed
that Lemon not only reduced depression but reduced stress when inhaled.

Great Blends to use to help ease depression, anger, trauma, bringing about happiness.

Citrus Fresh:
Stimulates the right brain to amplify creativity and well-being as well as eradicate anxiety.
Works well as an air purifier. University researchers in Japan found that diffusing a citrus
fragrance in an office environment improved mental accuracy and concentration by 54%.
It has been found to be very calming and relaxing especially to children. When diffused it
adds a clean, fresh scent to any environment.

It Contains: Orange, tangerine, lemon, mandarin, grapefruit, spearmint.
Apply to wrist, back of neck, back of ears, feet.
Helps to release the unlimited potential everyone possesses, make it possible to more
fully experience health, happiness and vitality, Restores feelings of hope. Elevates the
mind helping to overcome stress and despair.

It Contains: Idaho Balsam Fir Rosewood, and Frankincense
apply to back of neck, temples, wrist, feet

Brain Power:
Promotes deep concentration and channels physical energy into mental energy. It also
increases mental potential and clarity, and long-term use may retard the aging process.
Many of the oils in this blend are high in sesquiterpene compounds that increase the
activity in the pineal, pituitary, and the hypothalamus glands and thereby increase out
put of growth hormone and melatonin. It elevates the mind helping to overcome stress
and despair,. Removes emotional blocks, heightens relaxation, and helps release
feelings of anger.

It Contains: Frankincense, sandalwood, melissa, cedarwood, Blue cypress, lavender, helichrysum
Apply to back of neck, ears, feet, wrist.

Promotes the relaxation of body and mind, counters stressed nerves and revitalized passion.

It Contains: Lavender, Valerian, Ruta.
Apply to wrist, temple , neck

Stress Away Roll-on:
This blend of oils reduces nervous tension, and encourages relaxation.

It Contains: Vanilla, lime, copaiba
Apply to wrist, temples, and neck thought-out the day and right before bedtime

Tranquil Roll-on:
Provides stress relief and relaxation and with the oils it contains they are known
for their ability to decrease anxiety and induce tranquility. Great for mosquito
bites or bee stings

It Contains: Lavender, Roman chamomile, cedarwood.
Apply generously on wrists or back of neck for relaxation.
Balances energies to instill courage, confidence, and self-esteem. and helps open
and release emotional blocks, brining about a feeling of grounding. It also helps the
body self-correct its balance and alignment.

It Contains: Rosewood, Blue Tansy, Frankincense, Spruce.
Apply to wrist, chest, base of neck, feet, spine.

Produces a magnetic energy to bring joy to the heart, mind, and soul. It inspires
romance and helps overcome deep seated grief and depression.

It Contains: Rose, bergamot, mandarin, Ylang Ylang, lemon, geranium, jasmine,
palmarosa, Roman chamomile, rosewood.
Apply over heart, thyumus, temples, and wrists.

is essential in order to go forward in life. Hopelessness can cause a loss of vision
of goals and dreams. This blends helps to reconnect with a feeling of strength and
grounding, retoring hope for tomorrow. It helps overcome suicidal depression.

It Contains: Melissa, spruce, juniper, myrrh.
Apply to edge of ears, wrists, neck, temples, over hear, or chakra/Vital flex points.

Peace & Calming:
Promotes relaxation and a deep sense of peace and emotional well-being, helping
to dampen tensions and uplift spirite. Reduces depression , anxiety, stress, and

It Contains: Blue tansy, patchouli, tangerine, orange, Ylang Ylang.
apply to edge of ears, wrist, feet, dilute for a body massage. 4-8 drops on a cottonball
and place on a vents for a great night sleep.

Single oils to use are Frankincense,, cedarwood, lemon, peppeprmint, ylang ylang, rosemary,
Jasamine absolute..

Diffuse 20 minutes, 3 times daily. Drect inhalation 4-6 times daily.

Dietary Supplementaion:
MultiGreen, Life 5, Super B, Mineral Essence, and Balance. Complet. Omrega Blue softgels.

I hope this helps when a person is feeling depressed, lost, lonely, sad, unhappy.

Yloils4u mailing list

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