Sunday, April 20, 2014

Oil Pulling by Erica Stolman

 Dear Friends,
 My friend Ginan Sabri sent me this and it is so fascinating that I decided to share it. I'm still trying it, so perhaps more later. This is a blog by Erica Stolman from FashionLush.  Thanks Erica!

oil pulling and it's benefits
Everyone has a morning routine… mine has recently changed. Let me share::
1. First things first, I battle with my alarm (i.e. hit snooze thirty times).
2. Bitzy then wakes me up, I stumble to the kitchen to feed her and let her out.
3. We both get back into bed & snuggle for a bit.
4. I turn on morning cartoons (not kidding).
5. Head to the kitchen & put a spoonful of coconut oil in my mouth.
6. Get back in bed, set a 20 minute timer, start checking emails.
So, you may be wondering about #5. Why the hell am I putting a spoonful of coconut oil in my mouth & then getting back into bed with a 20 minute timer.
Two words. Oil Pulling. One word. Obsessed
Oil pulling has been around for years, which makes me mad I’ve only just found out about it. It’s an ancient Ayurvedic technique that basically involves you swishing oil in your mouth for 20 minutes (no more no less) & it pulls toxins out of your body through your mouth. The idea behind it is pretty simple stupid- the oil is “sticky” and when you swish it around in your mouth bacteria gets stuck in the oil & dissolves.
It’s easy to do. Pick an oil, you can use ORGANIC coconut oil or sesame oil (I prefer coconut cause it also has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, & anti-inflammatory properties), put anywhere from a teaspoon to a tablespoon (depending on what you can handle) in your mouth, swish for 20 minutes.
I know, I know you are freaking out about the 20 minute thing, but TRUST me when I say- it flies by. Something about the whole process is relaxing to me. No talking, just swishing. Pull the oil through your teeth & make sure NOT to swallow it. Once you start, that oil fills up with toxins (the ones you’re going to get rid of), you don’t want to swallow!! When your timer beeps, spit out the toxic waste into a plastic baggy or directly into the trash. Don’t spit it down the drain cause the oil will solidify again & mess up your pipes.
benefits of oil pulling
Now for the benefits::
I mean… they are pretty much endless & differ for everyone, but some of the big ones are–
+ Whitens teeth
+ Strengthens your gums/teeth/& jaw. It helps with sensitive teeth & even has reported to help TMJ sufferers like myself.
+ Prevents cavities & gingivitis. Some people even reported it HEALED their cavities?! Not sure about that one… but who knows?!
+ Helps get rid of acne/ eczema/ psoriasis/ & other skin care issues.
+ General body detox.
+ Cures a hangover (hallelujah!!!) & a migraine.
+ Helps with sleep issues.
+ Clears out your sinuses & helps allergy sufferers.
+ If you have halitosis, oil pulling has been a big savior for many sufferers & your morning breath will get MUCH better (you can now kiss your S.O. good morning w/o them cringing!).
+ Helps with general pain issues.
+ Manages any weird hormonal imbalances.
+ & so so so so much more. If I listed everything people say, this would be the longest blog post ever. People rant & rave about oil pulling, & I can see why!!!
coconut oil for health
I have now gotten my best friend, my mom, my dad, & my Dad’s best friend hooked on oil pulling. They’ve all been doing it for a week, so I called them this morning & asked them if they’ve noticed any changes… here is what they said.
+ My Dad says his teeth are INCREDIBLY whiter & his sinuses have improved.
+ My Dad’s bestie said she has had terrible plaque psoriasis on her scalp (nothing has ever worked for her to clear it up), after 2 days of oil pulling it’s nearly gone! She is beyond thrilled.
+ My Mom has pretty healthy teeth, but she did report they are much whiter.
+ Katie, my best friend, says she noticed her teeth have gotten whiter & the whole process is very relaxing to her.
+ As for me, let’s see– my teeth are so so so much whiter (which is great cause I can’t do any sort of white strips- my teeth are too sensitive), I have been sleeping much easier which is a big feat for this insomniac, my teeth have been much less sensitive to hot & cold, & the best result of all- MY JAW PAIN HAS DECREASED TREMENDOUSLY!!! I have major jaw issues & awful TMJ. Last week it started to get bad, lock jaw, spasms, shooting pains– I oil pulled and it all went away. That is enough for me to do this for life. I do have a dentist appointment next week, so I am excited to see if the dentist notices anything!!
I know this all may sound too good to be true, but I have researched Oil Pulling for hours upon hours & there has not been one negative report. See for yourself– one google search & I guarantee you will be at the store purchasing coconut oil in no time.
If you do decide to try it, I am dying to know how it works for you/ what changes you notice/ if you like it/ if you can handle the 20 minute swish/ & whatever else you want to share.
xx, E
// UPDATE //
Sooo… this post has gotten quite a bit of attention, so much so my site actually crashed for a good deal of time ( #stressmeout ).
I am so happy to see this information has proved helpful to so many people. I have been getting a lot of questions though… so I decided I’d add in a little FAQ to help clear things up!!
P.S. Went to my dentist this week & it was the first “GREAT” I’ve heard from her in a long long long time. Yahoo! I am totally contributing it to OP.
Q1: I hate the taste of anything coconut/ I am allergic to coconut. Anything else I can use??:: Absolutely! You can use cold pressed organic sesame oil or sunflower oil.
Q2: I see that you have pictured refined coconut oil,  but lots of people are saying you should ONLY use unrefined coconut oil??:: Here’s the deal with this one… unrefined coconut oil is better, but all I had on hand at the time was refined. The main thing that helps with the oil pulling is the Lauric Acid in the coconut oil- the refining process could remove some Lauric Acid & add in chemicals/solvents. Yet, by the time the process is complete, there will still be around 50% Lauric Acid and little to none chemicals or solvents left over- so you will still get the benefits. People will have varying opinions on this, but that’s what I’ve found out about using refined coconut oil.
Q3: 20 minutes?! There’s no way I can put oil in my mouth for a full twenty minutes!!:: My first bit of advice– try it! I was a little frightened by the number at first too, but once you get going the time flies. I personally find the process to be relaxing. If at any time your mouth is too full of oil, spit out a little & keep on truckin’. If you still can’t handle it- do it 2x a day for 10 minutes each.
Q4: Do I NEED to buy organic coconut oil?:: Yes yes yes!! The benefits will be greater with organic oils.
Q5: I gag over weird textures- can I melt it first before I swish?:: Certainly! Many people say no no no to nuking in the microwave cause of radiation, yet if it’s just 10 seconds (which is all you really need) I wouldn’t freak out about it. That said, the better option would be to run the jar under hot water & then pour the liquid into a bowl for swishing.
Any more questions? LMK in the comments section below & I will answer at the best of my ability.
02.21.14 ♡ 156 Comments

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