Sunday, January 20, 2013

KS&L 384 The Lessons of Atlantis by Tina Erwin

       The existence of Atlantis some 13,000 years ago or so is not disputed. When Solon told Plato about Atlantis, he noted that it was destroyed in one terrible day and one terrible night. He wanted to share the lessons with the Greeks so that future generations would learn the lessons of Atlantis.
       The Greeks were very probably the reincarnation of many Atlanteans who died on this planet when the second and final destruction came. This is the only real explanation for the virtually instant appearance of architecturally perfect structures such as the Parthenon, the Colossi of Rhodes, and other astounding buildings in Greece and throughout the Mediterranean. If Santorini was one of the main hubs for Atlantis, then it would make sense that these sophisticated albeit often misguided souls would want to return to the Mediterranean area as well as many of the other areas where they had lived and thrived.
       Instead of looking for the one spot where Atlantis was, look globally. Atlanteans had marvelous, fast, sleek spacecraft that enabled them to slip between locations with incredible speed. And they had outposts in current day England, Egypt, the Yucatan, Peru, Brazil, China, India, - literally they were completely global. This is the only explanation for the plethora of pyramids and amazing structures on the same latitudes across the globe.
       But the Atlanteans were forced to leave because something went wrong, terribly wrong.
       These astonishingly intelligent people were arrogant. They sought to control nature, to manipulate humanity by creating and executing horrific experiments with human DNA. The evidence has been found in many previously sealed tombs in Egypt. They did these terrible things because they could. Their scientists did not question the concept of whether or not this was the right thing to do. Others questioned it, but were unable to stop the experiments. At the end of the day, you can never totally fool nature if you push nature out of balance. Nature will always seek balance. Nature will always right itself. It may appear sometimes that nature ‘fights back’ but with the spiritual aspect that is nature itself, there is no ‘fighting’, there is only the endless reaction to karma. Karmic balance will always trump arrogance.
       What are the lessons of Atlantis?
       • Cease arrogance. Just because we can manipulate nature, does not mean that it is right. Nature will always balance the karma of arrogance and it will happen when we least expect it.
       • Stand up for what is spiritually right, what you know in your heart is the right thing to do. This helps to balance the karma of any situation.
       • Accept that certain things were never meant to be changed. We were never meant to mutate and manipulate a human immune system the way we are today with drugs and vaccines. The karmic backlash is going to be extreme, and that backlash has already begun. It appears, for example that the majority of kids who are getting Whooping Cough were vaccinated with the Whooping Cough vaccine.
       • Face greed with courage and honesty. Identify greed when you see it and do not be a party to it. Again, this takes courage because often you will be going up against the tide of false political correctness.
       • Let integrity be your watchword. Again, it takes tremendous courage to maintain your spiritual ethics in the face of people telling you what you know in very soul is a lie.
       • Share your knowledge within reason and balanced passion. Passion is not irrational. Passion is what carries you though the tough times. That passion is critical to helping you to convince other people to watch out for the dangers. You either believe in what is right, or you don’t.
       Perhaps Atlantis fell because not enough of the Children of the Law of One (the good guys) stood up to the Sons of Belial (the very, very bad guys) with enough strength of conviction. Tremendous damage was done to the DNA of humanity during that time.
       In fact so much damage was done that a massive karmic wave was created that had to be balanced. Is it possible that an Avatar the level of Jesus came to this earth, not to die on a cross for sins we haven’t currently commited, but to balance the karma created by Atlantis? His sacrifice would have been beyond the comprehension of those souls alive at that time, and it is still awe inspiring to all of us to this day.
       Even when a small group of people come together to send healing to the world “whenever two or more of you are gathered in my name. . . .” in the words of Jesus, to ask for wisdom and guidance, something amazing happens. Every soul who stands up to political correctness, to what that person knows to their very core is wrong, then a tipping point can be reached and the karmic pendulum can begin to swing back toward the direction of reason and balance.
       Perhaps with the development of our true level of spiritual connection to the divine, we can find our courage, our voice and say no to those things that are poisoning our environment (Genetically Modified Seed), the drugs and vaccines that are shattering our DNA and our children’s minds, and the deceit and greed that are affecting our institutions.
       Are you one of those courageous ones?
       Make a difference. Stand up for what you know is the truth. Question everything. Maybe we will not need another destruction. Perhaps we should also look at the lessons of plague as well.

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