Sunday, January 27, 2013

KS&L 385 The Lessons of The Plague by Tina Erwin

       Drug companies and various governments are experimenting with human DNA on a relentless and constant basis. We are all their guinea pigs. They never asked our permission. In the known recorded history of the world there has never been at time since Atlantis where we are so bombarded with drugs, vaccines and genetically modified seed and food. Atlantis fell because of what they did to human DNA and their destruction of their spiritual basis for living life. A large quantity of life was destroyed in the second and final destruction of Atlantis. However, it was not the only time that life on earth was destroyed. It has happened in recorded history.
         During 1328-1350 one third of the Earth’s population died during the time of the Black Death. Bubonic Plague killed over 200 million people globally. Are these two events: Atlantis and the staggering loss of life in the years of the Plague connected?
         What if every time that humanity stops progressing or moving in a positive spiritual direction, nature/karma hits the reset button? The time of plague was the time of the ‘dark ages,’ and they were dark for a reason. This was the time of the feudal system, the time when feeding populations hit a new low. There was no educational growth. There was no spiritual growth. The sickening stranglehold of the Catholic Church stifled new thought, advances in astronomy, mathematics, science and spiritual thought. Governments sucked the life out of people with unreasonable taxes, laws and the stifling of business. Nothing was new. The land was exhausted. People were physically weak, and their immune systems were marginal. Only the people in areas where there was enough fresh food, sanitation and good health survived. It was also a time when the greed and selfishness of the feudal system enslaved millions of people.
         Plague was the great equalizer. Rich and poor alike died these horrific deaths. In fact so much death took the supposedly ‘healthy’ rich that the Black Death also ‘killed’ the feudal system. One would be forced to ask if plague was a karmic tool of nature to balance life when human beings had failed miserably because of greed, the desire to control other people with an iron fist and the loss of any enlightened spiritual basis. Ironically, after plague, all kinds of new plants were discovered. New types of governments came into being as we entered the Renaissance period. Something had to end for something new to begin. Nature took over.
         Nature will not allow itself to be controlled.
         What can we learn from the time of plague? Perhaps we need to first examine what is happening among us not as a country, but as a planet.
         • Greedy companies/countries are seeking to control life itself in DNA, seed, drugs and vaccines. They are seeking to patent the nature of life itself. This is a violation of karmic law.
         * Nature cannot be patented.
         • The land is exhausted from the use of pesticides, genetically modified seed and the use of chemical spraying from upper atmosphere chemical contamination with Barium, Strontiem 90 and Aluminum. These chemicals are shifting the chemistry of the soil from acid to alkaline. The majority of plants on earth grow in acid soil. Life on earth must have this chemical balance. One company already has a patent on aluminum resistant seed. Why would you need this if you didn’t plan on controlling all seed on earth?
         * Nature cannot be controlled.
         • Drug companies are seeking to control the human population by insisting that more and more people be utterly addicted to prescription drugs and vaccinated into a mentally crippled state. As an example, a staggering number of people are on blood pressure medication. One physician automatically places 100% of his patients on blood pressure medication when they enter the hospital. When asked why he would do this to people who had never taken this drug before he smilingly responded… “I love blood pressure medicine. I put everyone one it.” Why would you do that if you weren’t getting a kick back from the drug companies? Other doctors were told by one drug company to put vast quantities of people on anti-depression drugs, and to put people on drugs who have no symptoms that the drug would fix, telling doctors in one now famous statement: “You will be wealthy beyond your wildest dreams with the kickbacks we will give you. . .”
* The human body is not for sale.
         • The chilling, greedy use of vaccines has sky-rocketed the creation of Autism, allergies, ADD ADHD, Tourettes’s and more globally, but specifically in the United States. Autism was unheard of in the 1960’s. If it did strike a child, that child was born with it. Incidence was something like one in a million. Today in the state of Virginia alone, the incidence is 1 child in 50. The only common denominator is the vaccine use. Only the Atlanteans and the Romans rival the avarice of drug companies. By the age of 18 if an uneducated, parent blindly believed their robotic pediatricians, that child would have received 95 mercury-filled vaccines. And yes, all vaccines still have mercury in them. No human immune system can possibly handle that much mercury. None of the adult population living today had that many vaccines. Whopping Cough was unheard of until the advent of the whooping cough vaccine. Now vaccinated kids are spreading a disease that had been virtually eradicated.
·       Nature will take over creating something to stop this.
         • Nature has already begun. Due to the massive use of toxic vaccines, side-affect laden drugs, and the over abundant use of antibiotics the very structure of bacteria and viruses has already begun to change. Mutations are already being discovered. Fewer and fewer of the vaccines are working on anything. Drugs and antibiotics are having less and less of an effect.
·       Nature is changing itself. Nature is shifting its shape.

         This process is not only going to continue, it is also already accelerating. The final irony will be that the people who did not vaccinate their children in these times may find that only their children will be able to reproduce, will be the only ones with an in-tact immune system left. The people who refuse drugs, who are following the opportunities of homeopathy and a natural, non-genetically modified diet will survive in the days to come.
         We are each individually responsible for what happens to us. We earn the karma for that sense of personal responsibility. When we decide for ourselves to not listening blindly to doctors who take kickbacks from drug companies or eat food that is full of toxic processed substances we pave the way for a much healthier tomorrow.
         Not everyone will survive the coming times. Keep your immune system intact. Read labels. Demand that doctors accept accountability for what they do. Hold people in your life who have your health, and your spiritual development in their hands absolutely accountable.
         Whether you choose to do this or not won’t matter in the end. In the end, karma will hold all of us accountable for what we do today. This alone is the critical lesson from Atlantis and the time of the Black Plague.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

KS&L 384 The Lessons of Atlantis by Tina Erwin

       The existence of Atlantis some 13,000 years ago or so is not disputed. When Solon told Plato about Atlantis, he noted that it was destroyed in one terrible day and one terrible night. He wanted to share the lessons with the Greeks so that future generations would learn the lessons of Atlantis.
       The Greeks were very probably the reincarnation of many Atlanteans who died on this planet when the second and final destruction came. This is the only real explanation for the virtually instant appearance of architecturally perfect structures such as the Parthenon, the Colossi of Rhodes, and other astounding buildings in Greece and throughout the Mediterranean. If Santorini was one of the main hubs for Atlantis, then it would make sense that these sophisticated albeit often misguided souls would want to return to the Mediterranean area as well as many of the other areas where they had lived and thrived.
       Instead of looking for the one spot where Atlantis was, look globally. Atlanteans had marvelous, fast, sleek spacecraft that enabled them to slip between locations with incredible speed. And they had outposts in current day England, Egypt, the Yucatan, Peru, Brazil, China, India, - literally they were completely global. This is the only explanation for the plethora of pyramids and amazing structures on the same latitudes across the globe.
       But the Atlanteans were forced to leave because something went wrong, terribly wrong.
       These astonishingly intelligent people were arrogant. They sought to control nature, to manipulate humanity by creating and executing horrific experiments with human DNA. The evidence has been found in many previously sealed tombs in Egypt. They did these terrible things because they could. Their scientists did not question the concept of whether or not this was the right thing to do. Others questioned it, but were unable to stop the experiments. At the end of the day, you can never totally fool nature if you push nature out of balance. Nature will always seek balance. Nature will always right itself. It may appear sometimes that nature ‘fights back’ but with the spiritual aspect that is nature itself, there is no ‘fighting’, there is only the endless reaction to karma. Karmic balance will always trump arrogance.
       What are the lessons of Atlantis?
       • Cease arrogance. Just because we can manipulate nature, does not mean that it is right. Nature will always balance the karma of arrogance and it will happen when we least expect it.
       • Stand up for what is spiritually right, what you know in your heart is the right thing to do. This helps to balance the karma of any situation.
       • Accept that certain things were never meant to be changed. We were never meant to mutate and manipulate a human immune system the way we are today with drugs and vaccines. The karmic backlash is going to be extreme, and that backlash has already begun. It appears, for example that the majority of kids who are getting Whooping Cough were vaccinated with the Whooping Cough vaccine.
       • Face greed with courage and honesty. Identify greed when you see it and do not be a party to it. Again, this takes courage because often you will be going up against the tide of false political correctness.
       • Let integrity be your watchword. Again, it takes tremendous courage to maintain your spiritual ethics in the face of people telling you what you know in very soul is a lie.
       • Share your knowledge within reason and balanced passion. Passion is not irrational. Passion is what carries you though the tough times. That passion is critical to helping you to convince other people to watch out for the dangers. You either believe in what is right, or you don’t.
       Perhaps Atlantis fell because not enough of the Children of the Law of One (the good guys) stood up to the Sons of Belial (the very, very bad guys) with enough strength of conviction. Tremendous damage was done to the DNA of humanity during that time.
       In fact so much damage was done that a massive karmic wave was created that had to be balanced. Is it possible that an Avatar the level of Jesus came to this earth, not to die on a cross for sins we haven’t currently commited, but to balance the karma created by Atlantis? His sacrifice would have been beyond the comprehension of those souls alive at that time, and it is still awe inspiring to all of us to this day.
       Even when a small group of people come together to send healing to the world “whenever two or more of you are gathered in my name. . . .” in the words of Jesus, to ask for wisdom and guidance, something amazing happens. Every soul who stands up to political correctness, to what that person knows to their very core is wrong, then a tipping point can be reached and the karmic pendulum can begin to swing back toward the direction of reason and balance.
       Perhaps with the development of our true level of spiritual connection to the divine, we can find our courage, our voice and say no to those things that are poisoning our environment (Genetically Modified Seed), the drugs and vaccines that are shattering our DNA and our children’s minds, and the deceit and greed that are affecting our institutions.
       Are you one of those courageous ones?
       Make a difference. Stand up for what you know is the truth. Question everything. Maybe we will not need another destruction. Perhaps we should also look at the lessons of plague as well.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

KS&L 389 Being in Resonance with Death by Tina Erwin

       I was talking to a friend recently and she told me that she had been rather sad lately, feeling like there was ‘a darkness’ within her.
“You know, I have to tell you that I feel,” (and she hesitated here) “that I am in resonance with death. I want to know if you are also in resonance with death since you work with death so much. How in the world, I mean, I really want to know, how do you manage the sadness from hearing what horrible things people do to each other, much less listening to what a ghost would have to say about how and why he or she died. I guess if I seem bewildered by my own feelings, I am even more baffled by what you do.”
         “The difference between what I do, and your feelings is really quite simple:  you are actively grieving. I’m not.”
         You are currently grieving the death of your mother within the last year. When we grieve, we automatically review our life with that person.  Those feelings engender the memories of the grief you were never allowed to work through with the death of your father when you were a small girl. So, literally, you are grieving the loss of both of your parents, the cascade of abusive events that happened to you after your father died and the struggle you have had with these feelings for almost forty years. That’s a huge amount of emotion to try to process and yet live day to day, of being a mom, a wife, a friend and a sibling.”
“Yes, all of that’s true, but I am also concerned, fearful that something will happen to my husband and my children. What if they die? Don’t you ever worry about these things in the work that you do?”
She persisted in wanting to understand why I am not sad all the time.
“When a person is grieving, one of the unwelcome persistent ‘guests’ who never seems to leave you is fear. Fear for the death of other loved ones, fear for the death of friends, guilt over the people who have left you and then finally fear of or for your own eventual death. When people grieve, they seldom realize that the safety of the world they knew is shattered and that feeling they used to remember of being ‘safe’ is now gone, sometimes forever, but not always. You can regain that feeling of safety. However you look at it that ‘fear’ feeling also translates into very ‘sad’ or ‘dark’ feelings. Grief work together is specifically designed to bring the light back into your life.”
“Yes, I get all that, and all that you described is true for me, but I want to know what do you do so that you don’t grieve the people you help and are not profoundly saddened by what you hear?”
“Okay, well, yes, it’s true: I do hear things that would make the angels weep. Some of it is so profoundly sad that I have to take a deep breath to keep on going. However, I am a student of karma. I am a journeyman on the road of life and I respect all of life’s processes. To this end, I work very hard to stay in resonance with life itself, with happiness and with love. Only love heals. I also have a tremendous personal support system. One of the by products of grieving is the feeling that you are alone in a sea of people, that no one understand you, but that isn’t true. Lots of people are grieving and even more people are dedicated to living a wonderful life.
Everywhere I go, I meet amazing people, people who have triumphed over adversity, who have met life’s challenges with grace and courage. These are the people who give me hope, who help me to face another day of hearing sad things. I also have the privilege of watching people heal, progress and conquer that which has held them back, brought them pain or sadness. People do heal. People can and do change and people rise above the sadness and find happiness. Frankly, if I couldn’t see this, I probably couldn’t go forward with this type of work.
Working with the dead is an honor and a privilege. There is an intense gratification in helping a person who has been lost and alone, guilt ridden and full of pain, find the light, feel healing and release the burden of life in the 4th dimension. Every single soul I can assist brings me a sense of completing my mission, which is to help them.
One less soul in the astral plane is one less soul who burdens the earth as a ghost. The more the earth is cleaned, the better and happier the world will be.
I stay in resonance with life by working with my plants, feeling the life that springs from the earth. I rejoice in my very long and happy almost 40 year marriage. I spend time with my adult children and the wonderful people that each of them married and finally I spend time with my grandchildren. I delight in the pleasure of all of them. I am truly blessed with a deep and abiding loving relationship with all of my siblings. I have long and meaningful relationships with friends in many parts of the country. Every single one of these people, bring me happiness. I am deeply grateful to have them in my life.
I am in resonance with the understanding that life is not about static living. Life, the dynamic of soul evolution is going to mean that people are going to have challenging experiences, wonderful events and horrific scenarios that each of them have to face. No one leads a ‘charmed’ life. Every single soul on the planet comes in with karmic challenges that they are each required to face, if not this life time, then the next and the next.
New growth whether it is within a person or a plant, is life’s longing for expression. Sometimes that new growth has to work though cement and sometimes it has wonderful rich soil. Which will be the stronger plant? Both of them can be strong or both of them can perish. Each has to decide how to deal with the opportunity given.
I do know what grief feels like. I know what it’s like to wonder how life can go on seemingly happy, and you feel like your life has led you off a cliff. I know. I also know that hard spiritual/emotional work can heal those grinding days. That’s why I am not now, nor will I ever be in resonance with death. Only loving life heals you and keeps you happily, among the living.”

Sunday, January 6, 2013

KS&L 393 I Predict. . . by Tina Erwin

         We’re starting a new year, and all kinds of people are going to be making their predictions for the coming months, so I thought I’d throw in my predictions as well.
         Let’s see, what does my crystal ball say? But first, which one do I use? I have hundreds of crystal balls: rose quartz, clear quartz, amethyst, and citrine, but wait, I’m getting distracted. I think clear quartz will do.
         As seers of old have done, I gently wave my hand over the ball as if I want to almost smell the various stenches of some coming of events as well as the glorious aromas of others. What will the future of this year be like?
         Well, I can smell the stench of corruption, grief and sadness in several places. The mists of future time are clearing:
         • I see corruption in a government agency! 
         • Some type of corruption will be uncovered in at least one major bank. What a shock that will be!
         • A union organization somewhere will ‘mishandle’ pension funds.
         • Senators and Congressmen of both parties will have several of their ‘esteemed’ members get caught drunk driving, be involved in a sordid scandal of some kind or will be bought by a lobbyist. Imagine that!
         • I predict that more people will ‘snap’ and that more shootings will take place because the frequency of the planet is rising and no amount of legislation will stop it. No law or drug can cease the endless pain, profound abandonment and smoldering anger some people are now feeling at ever-increasing intensity levels. When that emotion erupts, people around that person will be hurt and that will include strangers, friends and family.
         • A jealous husband will kill his wife.
         • An amazing number of people will discover a spouse’s infidelity, become divorced and struggle with grief and anger.
         • People will die of all kinds of cancer.
         • The Middle East will find itself embroiled in strife, the same strife that I have witnessed my entire life as I have watched this part of the world.
         • There will be several major earthquakes.
         • There will be severe flooding in some part of the world that creates disaster.
         • There will be water events [hurricanes, tsunamis, typhoons and perfect storms] along coastal areas of the world that will destroy thousands of home – again.
         • Many people will compromise their integrity for money. People can be bought.
         • Thousands more ‘messy’ trees will be chopped down because people can’t be bothered with nature. Habitat will continue to be destroyed.
         • Arrogant scientists will continue to tinker with Mother Nature and irresponsibly ignore the super weeds, super insects and diseased people they are creating, not to mention the destruction of natural elements.
         • Doctors will continue to maim small children with vaccines and then look bewildered at the tragic aftermath.

         There is balance in everything. Now let’s look at the more aromatic and hopeful events that the crystal ball can sense:
         • The government will still continue to pay out social security, veterans benefits and help people with disabilities.
         • Non-corrupt charities (and they do exist) will continue to help people in crisis, and on a daily basis, when it isn’t Christmas, and when it isn’t news. Non-profits around the world will continue to go about their giving business with care and integrity. Americans, the most generous people on earth, will continue to give to those less fortunate.
         • Families will continue to love one another, giving joy and sharing sorrow. The stronger the family unit, the healthier each individual family member will be because each will be in resonance with the other healthy members.
         • People everywhere will seek to ‘get ahead’ to rise to a better place then they were previously, or last year or last week. Without the hope of a better tomorrow, there is no point in getting out of bed.
         • There will still be glorious sunrises and sunsets.
         • Beautiful children will continue to be born to parents who love them and embrace their futures together.
         • Couples will fall in love this year, some will get married and wake up to learn about each other and the adjustment that marriage always brings.
         • Some people will survive astonishing accidents where they should have died. They will be changed and will grow.
         Millions and millions of people will pray, every day. This prayer energy will be what keeps the world going, what opens people’s hearts and allows spiritual progress to take place.
         • Restaurants the world over will safely feed all of us who are tired of cooking, can’t cook or who are traveling.
         • Caregivers everywhere will get up to face another day of helping someone who desperately needs their help.
         • The airline, train, and ocean going industry, will continue to operate their planes, trains and ships in an overwhelming safe manner. We trust them with our lives.
         • New electronic gadgets will come out to amaze and delight us and challenge us to keep up with technology. They also invite us to ponder however we managed without them!
         • People who have harmed nature, will be balanced by those who have greatly embraced nature and who will risk their lives protecting it.
         Good and bad things will continue to happen this year. Those aren’t hard to predict. However, there is a sense of security, of hope in the thought that some things will continue to be what they have always been and that others can change. Every single day is an opportunity to help someone else, to right a wrong or to stand up to something that simply isn’t right. This is who we are, who we want to be and why the world is still in one piece, because each of us has the opportunity that mortal life provides to make a difference in everything we do.
         I predict that if you are reading this, that you are one of those people who will definitely make a difference in the lives of many this coming year.  Happy New Year!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Blog Confusion

You must be wondering where part 1 is of the Russian information on DNA Discoveries. Well, that whole series wasn't due to be published until next month in a fascinating four part sequence.

Really, I scheduled it correctly. That was supposed to show up on Febuary 17th. I checked it twice. Tomorrow's blog is all about predictions.

So, I have no idea how that got to be published in cyperspace, so please just ignore it.

Thanks, the very confused management.

 Tina Erwin