Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Dangerous Resonance of Pink by Tina Erwin

The following is an excerpt from my new ebook:
The Lightworkers Guide to Everyday Karma [2011]
[available everywhere eBooks are sold!]

The Dangerous Resonance of Pink

Resonance is a critically important metaphysical concept to understand. Everything has a frequency. Resonance is the concept that you resonate, or are in harmony with something, someone, some place or with some concept that is the same frequency as yours, or is close to that frequency.

When you resonate with something, you take on those characteristics because you agree with what it is saying. So, it is exceptionally important to pay attention to all those things in which you are in resonance.

You have to consciously decide, and choose with what you will be in resonance. However, what if you are not aware that somehow you are becoming in resonance with a concept that could be exceptionally harmful to you? Could this happen? Is it possible?

It is possible and it is happening right before your eyes. Women today are being made to believe on an exceptionally subtle level that they will inevitably get breast cancer. At some point, there is a subtle pressure to believe that no matter what you do, this terrible thing is going to happen to you. Some women are so afraid of this that they are going ahead and having whole body parts removed in advance. They are allowing themselves to be mutilated to preclude breast cancer. American women are becoming completely in resonance with breast cancer.

How is this resonance being perpetrated? Pink! Wear pink for the Cure! There is Breast Cancer Awareness Week, Month, Year, Day, Sale, Offer, and on and on. At first it started out with pink bracelets, and then pink ribbons. Now everywhere you look, you see this toxic manipulation of your psyche through the most astounding things such as selling pink kitchen appliances, pink computer/phone technologies, Fight For the Cure jewelry - which you wear in the vicinity of your breasts - of course.

There are also marathons. “Race for the Cure!!!” they say. Imagine hundreds of women running a marathon, all in resonance with each other and all thinking about breast cancer. All mistakenly thinking their running is going to somehow stop what they now believe in the recesses of their minds is inevitable: breast cancer.

Some soup now comes in cans with pink labels, so eat the soup and think of breast cancer.

Carpet companies give discounts if you buy ‘pink flooring’ and they will donate to ‘the cure for breast cancer.’

One bakery in Virginia even sells bagels in the breast cancer ribbon shape and wraps them in pink paper.

And the absolute worst pink product: breast cancer awareness underwear in pink bras and panties. Think about it. You are being asked to wear the representation of breast cancer directly on your very breasts. So even as you get dressed, you are putting on a pink bra that will cradle the very breasts that just may have to be removed.

That is a lot of fear. That is a tremendous number of women to place in fear and to place this fear in front of them day after day, week after week, and year after year. The drug companies are literally creating the very market they are telling people they want to eliminate - breast cancer patients. But breast cancer is very, very big business. Breast cancer advertising is an even bigger business on very subtle levels.

Over the past seventy years, billions of dollars have been donated to find a cure. Where is this money from all of these fund raising activities actually going? Where is the cure for cancer?

This resonance issue goes a step further. Not only are you being made to be afraid of your very bodies, you are being made to believe that fighting your body will somehow keep you safe.

There are now millions of extremely sincere, conscientious women, in resonance with each other, wearing an insipid shade of pink thinking that they are standing side by side with other women of like mind who want to find a cure for a disease they do not even have but believe that they will probably, eventually get. There is no logic here, only exceptionally brilliant advertising. You surely don’t see men wearing shiny brown ribbons to fight prostate or testicular cancer. You absolutely don’t see men having their prostates removed or testicles lopped off - just in case. No man in his right mind would do such an illogical thing.

These resonance issues also apply to women who have already had breast cancer. By keeping them in resonance with breast cancer, they stay labeled ‘breast cancer survivors’ forever. When do they heal? When is it over? When do the support groups end?

People who wear these bracelets and pins think they are being supportive, but potentially, they could be harming themselves. 

So, what can you do to change your resonance? Look forward to karmic opportunities to keep yourself happy, healthy and potentially forever cancer free. The time has come to shift your resonance to being with people who are happy, healthy and who are enjoying the life and the body they have. Now is the time to become in resonance with a whole new wonderful reality and enjoy a healthy life for the rest of your life.

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