Sunday, September 23, 2012

KS&L 386 The Ghosts' Perspective by Tina Erwin

    Sometimes when you have some modest level of psychic ability, you are blessed when you find that can use this skill in the service of others. Some psychics talk to the dead. Some tell futures, some predict dire events and some help the police department.
         In my case, I discovered almost twenty years ago that I could actually see ghosts and assist them to cross over. At first, I didn’t fully realize how critical this assistance would become for those who have died difficult deaths. What kind of death would that be?
          A difficult death is one where the soul may have killed him or herself, been murdered, died in battle or in an emotional place where the soul feels that somehow something about themselves isn’t worthy of God’s love. The energy of these souls, these predecessors of time gone by, impacts those of us living today.
         In my studies of Feng Shui I became aware of predecessor energy, the energy of people who have lived on a spot of earth many centuries before the current owners. I came to realize how powerful negative predecessor energy ca be because of the manner in which it can tragically impact the current owners. Out of this understanding, I realized that usually, when a ghost ‘haunts’ a location, he or she or even a group of souls usually isn’t doing it to harass the current owners. The ghost is either there existing ‘psychically’ in the time in which they used to live, or the person has no idea that he or she has actually died. On rare occasions the soul does realize that death has come for them and he or she can still see mortal people in the current time.
         Frankly, the more I studied the ghostly predecessors of the past, the more I realized what tremendous theme and variation exists in their reasons for not crossing over into the Heaven World. However, what they all had in common was a reason that crossing over seemed impossible for each of them. They needed help in their spiritual process because their method of death or their negative feelings about themselves at death made transition seem impossible. I also realized that if any psychic can see or hear a ghost, that soul has very probably, not crossed over into the light. I became chillingly aware that simply having a conversation with a ghost was not helpful to the ghost long term. Souls who are ghosts truly need help from the living.
         Over the years while assisting many thousands of souls to make that blessed transition into the light of the Heaven World I heard their stories. Some stories were of judgment gone terribly wrong, some of horrific murders, some were of towering guilt and self hatred. As I shared these stories privately with family and friends, routinely each person would tell me that this perspective, this ghost’s perspective, was totally unique, something that he or she would never have previously considered.
         So at the urging of friends and family, I recently published 3 books called Ghost Stories from the Ghosts’ Point of View. Actually, they are Kindle Singles of seven short ghost stories each. (There is also a combination of these stories in physical book and ebook form: Ghost Stories from the Ghosts’ Point of View Trilogy Volume One.) Each story explains what has happened to a particularly memorable person who has died, and why he or she hasn’t crossed over into the light. More stories/books will follow because I have volumes of these ghostly tales.
         If you have a chance, I hope that you will take a moment to meet the first of many of these memorable characters: Annabelle, the seven-year ghost in pink pajamas carrying a butcher knife. Then there’s the civil war ghost in love with a living person and then of course there’s the controlling mother – but wait, I don’t want to spoil your experience! I want you to meet them, hear them and then open your hearts to each of their situations.
         However, I do have to warn you that the reason that predecessor energy is so powerful is that the ghost’s experience is usually one of tremendous emotion and that dynamic energy is why you are feeling that ghost’s presence. Therefore, listening to and reading about their experiences may challenge you, unnerve you and hopefully move you as much as they have moved me.
         I encourage you to read these stories with an open mind and a compassionate heart. Think about it: the compassion that each of these souls is requesting could be the very compassion that each of us would need to receive if that were us trapped as a ghost in another time and place.
         Sometimes, it will take courage to read these true stories. I hope that each of you, who choose to read this amazing series of ghost stories, will never feel the same again about a ghost. Perhaps you will no longer be fearful of them, but will offer angels to help them. Such is the tremendous value of Light Work.
         Finally, I would love to know which story touched your heart and why. 
         Ghost Stories from the Ghosts’ Point of View is available wherever e-books are sold or follow his link:  Smashwords:

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