Did you ever notice that when people get together and they begin to talk about ghosts, that somehow everyone joins in, not just with an opinion, but also with an actual experience of some kind? . . .sizzle. . .
Did you ever ponder why when people are discussing religion that frequently they begin to discuss past lives and reincarnation? Pop!
When people discuss going on vacation or to a new country that more often than not, they will note how familiar the place felt, almost as if they had been there before? Pop, Pop!
Did you ever meet someone and note how instantly you either disliked with him or her, or at the opposite end, felt immediately comfortable with him or her, almost- - - -almost as if you have known them before? Pop, Pop, Pop!
Have you ever taken part in a discussion of the pyramids in Egypt, the pyramids of Teotihuacán, the monuments of Tiahuanaco, or the amazing pyramids in China? Did the discussion continue to include Stonehenge, Angkor Wat, Chichin Itza, or Machu Picchu? Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop!
Perhaps you and your friends gazed at the night sky and pondered the possibilities of life in Atlantis, or life on other planets, ancient and modern alien visitors? Did you then go around the group and ask if someone had actually seen a UFO or had a close encounter? They filled you with their delicious sense of either, dread, fear and/or excitement, didn’t they! Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop!
Surely you have seen a deck of Tarot cards, or been to a party where someone is doing a Ouija board or telling a story of their experience with these darker tools of magic. This caused you to want to understand what this concept of magic is all about. Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop!
Mental popcorn is created when even one person figures out that there is a staggeringly large world out there of fascinating, esoteric facts, opinions, legends and native stories to learn about that cannot be explained away by science! Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop!
These things are so interesting, so tantalizing that you begin to hunger for even more stories of the strange, the unexplainable, and the hauntingly tempting elements of the seemingly unknowable.
Yet, there are people who do know this information and how it works! These are the seemingly eccentric people who spend a very large part of their lives studying just these very topics. They are utterly fascinating to talk to, why it is as if you didn’t realize how very hungry you actually were to understand this very important yet esoteric side of life! These people will also help you understand how to connect the psychic dots of understanding, the invisible lines of connection and the eternal historical threads that totally bind all of us together. They will skillfully weave the tapestry of understanding and ultimately help you to find wisdom.
These are the teachers among us who spend a lifetime in their own personal searches for truth beyond what modern science tells them is ‘true.’ These people will understand the esoteric and profound science of love, compassion, hate and viciousness and their places in our lives. These folks have an organized mind and they can delicately put the pieces together of why you hated your mother and how that may connect to a past life you may have had in say Brazil or China. They will guide you to seeing into the realms beyond physics into meta [beyond] physics.
If you are lucky enough to find one of these people, you will have entered the world of the disciple, the initiate in training, the world of the metaphysician. We can all enter this world it is not for a few people alone. The only difference is that they long ago discovered the pleasures of mental popcorn and now fill out their spiritual diet with meatier topics and, often, healthier spiritual choices. You can enter this world with diligence, an open mind and an insatiable desire to know.
However, at the end of the day, at the end of a life, truly, the butter on that spiritual popcorn is the wisdom acquired by understanding, growth and the delectable connection to the clear light of the Divine!