There is really only one gift that keeps on giving and that gift is love. Love is the ultimate gift on every level that embraces the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual aspects of life itself. Without love, life for mortal people could not exist.
Love is an energy that embraces you in a thousand ways, in a thousand situations. Every person will describe love differently. It’s what we all want, it’s what we all seek but it is not what we all know how to give. Some people give love the way it was given to them – which may have been limited. Some people just open up their whole heart to everyone, even though this may not be what was given to them. It’s just who they are.
Love is the gift you give yourself because you can see your own goodness in the warm and loving ways that people react to you. Love is the way you care for your body; love is the way you see your body and enjoy the body you came in with. The more you love yourself and your body, the better body, the healthier body you will have for a very long time. The length of mortal life does not measure a person’s ‘long time, or long life’. The length of mortal life is measured by the length and breadth of that person’s soul evolution. Long life does not mean a person is well evolved. Long life means that a person has a long mortal contract this particular lifetime in which to learn greater and greater lessons of love.
Love is an energy that lives within you. The more you love, the more you will find yourself surrounded by loving people, people who are just like you in the way you love. Your resonance with all the Divine aspects of love will attract other people who are also in resonance with those same Divine aspects. What is a Divine aspect of love? A Divine aspect of love is a feeling of goodness you get when you are with that person, a feeling of unselfishness, of caring, of giving. It is also a feeling of non-judgment. When you are with other loving people, you can see how hard they try, how much they love not just you, but how much they love other people in their life. Being with that person makes you feel happy inside, hopeful. That person may be quite different from you and yet their core qualities are the same as yours: warmth and love.
Love is the pleasure that you find when a special friend knocks at your door, you hear her voice on the phone or he embraces you. Love is a combination of all the little bits and pieces of information, knowledge, hope and insight that every single person brings to you. Every person has a gift for you, no matter how small it may seem. Sometimes that gift can be the opportunity that person has to teach you and sometimes you give the gift of your own knowledge, lovingly shared with them.
Adversity visits all of us, not as a hardship so much as again, an opportunity to learn a new facet of love. Sometimes, you just need to learn what love isn’t, and why certain actions are not what anyone would call love. Some of our greatest lessons arise out of overcoming adversity. If this were not true, why would we even have a mortal life at all? Mortal life is a schoolhouse of opportunities to learn every single facet of what love is and isn’t. The more you learn, the more you evolve.
An evolved person loves everyone around them and unconsciously surrounds themselves with loving persons – it is just who they have become. An evolved person loves people and sees the perfection in each person’s path. Each new person is a new gift of friendship, possibly shared experience and hope. Old friends, new friends, precious family members offer some of the greatest gifts one person can ever have. Loving people, are the best gifts to have on your birthday, on Christmas day, and on every day of your life.
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