In the parlance of the spiritual path, you learn that you cannot change anyone else: you can only change yourself. How you change yourself will ultimately determine how people around you react to you and what energetic forces you attract. Like absolutely attracts like. So to this end, what if you could change the circumstances of your day-to-day life? What if you could change something about yourself and your surroundings in a really wonderful way?
The benefits of this are many-fold, rather like a good neighbor who really has a beautiful yard: that yard/home and property will help the values of the whole neighborhood. You will find that you are happier, healthier and overall, have a more fulfilling life – and this is something that you can control. There are unseen forces out there that react to how you react. So, how can you raise the value, literally the vibration of where you work, as well as your home?
Here is the experiment. Do it for 90 days as a test.
• Step one: Every morning, visualize the violet flame of transmutation coming up through your desk, work space, home, property, car anything that you want to spiritually clear and make feel very positive. It has to be your space. You cannot do this for someone else, only your own space.
• Step two: Bring down a beautiful white light after you have done the violet flame on the whole area. This will literally bring positive healing light to your life.
• Step three: As you walk toward your desk, workspace, car, home, yard or room, bless it. Just ask that the area be blessed by the Diving Light of God.
• Step four: Every so often during the day, say to yourself one or all of the following affirmations:
*Something wonderful happens to me every day.
*Day by day in every way, I am more abundant.
*Everywhere I go, I meet the nicest people.
*I am magnetic to all wonderful things.
*It’s all good. Even the difficult experiences are teaching me valuable lessons.
• At the end of every day, give thanks in your prayers for the wonderful day you had.
• Send some type of healing to the world. Give out the energy of your most generous heart.
• Create a new realities book where you make a list of the aspects that you are ready to receive in your life. This can be a raise, a new car, love in your life and/or great health.
• Ask your subconscious to make this happen and then thank your subconscious for doing such a great job.
It is good to remember that the subconscious makes manifest what the conscious part of you creates. Your connection to Higher Self is what will provide the spiritual horsepower to make manifest wonderful things.
As you do the things above, you are changing your own frequency. The higher your frequency, the higher frequency people, experiences and things will you attract.
When – yes - when wonderful things begin to happen to you, start recording them. Document the results of this experiment just as you would do with any experiment. The proof of your actions will be in the reactions of people to you. Your attitude will determine how the world treats you. Just like Ebenezer Scrooge, he had to change his view of life itself in order to redeem himself before his eventual death. As he changed, literally, the sun came out in his life.
True metaphysicians are ultimately scientists at heart, studying the science of that which is beyond known physics. When every one of us can prove the existence of how all of this works to ourselves, we can literally change the world around us and truly make this world a very happier place for everyone with whom we interact.
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