Wednesday, May 20, 2009

MyLife, FaceBook, MySpace Invitations

Just this week, I received an invitation to join MyLife from a long time friend. I realized that it was an automated message, generated from her e-mail address book. However two of the questions included my birthday and my maiden name. Why do they need that? I tried to find out, but could not, so I e-mailed my friend explaining why I was declining her invitation. Imagine my surprise, when she answered me back by saying that she had in fact never sent out that request and had no idea why it came to me. Somehow her roommate's address book had somehow accessed her address book. My friend had never joined MyLife at all.

So, my new policy now is to ask every single person who sends me a request to join their group if that was in fact what they intended. Sometimes it can get a bit crazy out there!

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