Monday, October 31, 2011


The Goblins have come, as they do every year,

to fill all the children with excitement and fear.

The orangey pumpkins with gnarly faces,

are waiting for the moment to assume their places.

The kids have decided what they will and won’t be,

a flapper, a gangster, a kook from TV.

The trick or treat candy now sits in the basket

just waiting for someone to dare for to ask it.

The witches are watching from rooftops and trees

while trolls terrorize the insects and scare away the bees.

The Trick or Treat players have begun their patrol,

seeking candy and fun from around every knoll.

But there’s just no Halloween at sea I’m told,

just the wind and water and the ever present cold.

So think off us brightly on Halloween night

as we ward off the scary, the hairy, the fright.

We’ll think of you braving the dark anyway

with nothing to scare you but the lack of the day.

So wrap your Halloween in our love and light

and you won’t have trolls or scares or fright.

For Halloween time is about love after all

the love that comes from the feel of Fall.

That love that comes from the fun painted faces,

and the knowledge that we miss you in your far away places.

Halloween is an excerpt from the future book:

Poems from the Mariner's Wife by Tina Erwin

Sunday, October 23, 2011

KS&L 364 Karmic Nobility

There is a questionable story that came out of the emotional rubble of the Japanese Tsunami of 2011. As the story goes, a young mother realized that she could not escape her home as the five-minute monster 9.0 quake shook her home to its very foundation. In desperation to save her three-month old son, she got down on all fours and placed the baby underneath her to protect him as her home collapsed on her body. Somehow she also managed to text him a message.

The story goes on to describe how rescuers found her body in the rubble, realized that she had perished and then quickly moved on to search other areas. However, the lead rescuer hesitated for some reason and had a nagging feeling that he should return to that particular house because this woman had been found in a rather odd body position. The others were in a hurry, but he urged them to return. As they pushed her lifeless form aside, there was her three-month old son sleeping safely underneath her. They quickly cleared the area to extricate him. It was at this time that they also found her cell phone and the message she had supposedly texted to him: if you survive this, remember that I love you.

As this story circulated throughout the internet, it was hard to read this account of love’s ultimate sacrifice without weeping. True or not, the sheer poignancy of this story moved many of us to almost instant tears. I admit it: I cried. Then I asked myself why I cried so readily. I pondered this throughout that day and the next. I shared the story with my husband and he instantly teared up [but then he has always been rather sentimental.] So I continued to ask myself what it was about this story that so moved me. Even after I discovered that the story might not be entirely true, I still found myself pondering my own reaction to it.

The answer that came to me repeatedly was quite simple really. It was the story’s elegant simplicity that so brightly stands out. There was a karmic nobility to this young mother’s actions. With each increasingly violent shaking, she had to know that she was dying, that her house would collapse around her, and yet she thought to try to save her son. In the face of the greatest challenge to her own survival, she set aside her own feelings, her sheer panic and thought of her son.

All of us want to know that our own mother loves us so much that she would sacrifice her life for us – willingly. The child in this story may have to grow up without her, but he will always know to the depth of his core, that she profoundly loved him.

But there is more to this [if it is true and I do not know if it is true], and that is why the rescuer returned to that house once he had determined that she had died. There was no logical reason for him to go back. Yet, he had a ‘nagging feeling’. What was that? Where did it come from? Was that feeling the mother, now a ghost, still watching over her son, even in death? Did she watch in horror as her son’s salvation moved away from her home? Was that ‘nagging feeling’ really the ghost mother screaming at the lead rescuer to return to the house? Could that be?

Perhaps my own tears were for that part of the story. Even in death, her loyalty, dedication and persistence prevailed. Literally, she was screaming at this man to save her son – and he did save the child. Perhaps only then could she find peace. Death does not stop the feelings of love that we carry within our souls for those we love. Nothing can change or alter those feelings. Life and death are only dimensions of reality: they do not define the limits of love.

This mom did not have the karma to have a whole life with her son this lifetime. However what she did have and what she did display were the finest elements of karmic nobility, the most golden elements of love that one human being, one immortal soul can have for another.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Book Excerpt: She Left the Light on For Me

The Following article is an excerpt from my new mini-ebook "His What is rising?" due out this fall.

Client: “I don’t believe in ghosts.”

Tina: “OK. No problem.”

Client: “I am a rocket scientist. I work for NASA and I want you to know that I really, really, don’t believe in ghosts. All that airy fairy stuff about spirits and haunted houses is just so much garbage in my opinion.”

Tina: “Sir, truly, I believe you. You don’t believe in ghosts. I get it. No problem. However, you called a psychic who removes ghosts, so are you sure you have the right number”?

Client: “Of course I have the right number! I’m talking to you about ghosts aren’t I?”

Tina: “Okay Mr. Rocket Scientist, I’m listening, so just why did you call me?”

Client: “My beautiful house in Ghent is haunted. I haven’t lived there very long but everyone tells me it is haunted.”

Tina: “Well, lots of houses in Norfolk are haunted, that’s nothing new. All of Virginia is haunted give or take a house here and there. What makes you think your house is haunted. And mind you, I know you don’t believe in hauntings, but something has unnerved you or obviously, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

Client: “I can’t seem to start any relationships. Every single time I bring a lady to my house, they get completely creeped out and leave immediately. Usually they aren’t in the house more than, a good five minutes.”

Tina: “Do they tell you why they are leaving so hurriedly? Surely they give you some explanation.”

Client: “One lady said that the house gave her the creeps. Another one said that she felt an angry presence near her. One lady I really like said that ‘someone blew cold air in her face’ and she literally ran out of the house.”

Tina: “Let me guess, you told her that there is no such thing as ghosts.”

Client: “Yes I did. She got mad at me, said she was not a liar and stormed out of my house.”

Tina: “Is that the only sign you have of a ghost; is there any other anecdotal evidence?”

Client: “No, there’s more. When I leave my house, I make sure that all the lights are off, especially the outside front porch light. Yet, every single night when I return that light is on. I know I didn’t turn it on. I even had an electrician look at the switch and the switch is fine. No one can explain why that light is always on when I return at night. I always turn it off, but the next night, it’s on again. Can you remove the ghost? Do you think I have a ghost?. . . .I can’t believe I’m even having this conversation.”

Tina: “I bet this is shaking all of your paradigms about life and death isn’t it.”

Client: “Shaking is an understatement. Will you help me?”

Tina: “Of course. I’ll get back to you.”

…. About a week later:

Tina: “Ah, Mr. Rocket Scientist, I am here to report that you did indeed have a very possessive, jealous female ghost. Neither you nor your lady guests are crazy.”

Client: “Who is it? How did she get here? Did you order her to leave at once!”

Tina: “Well, the problem is that she was in love with you and had been nuts about you since the moment you moved into your home. She has issues, issues that go back to the Civil War.”

Client: “You mean she’s been here since the 1860’s?”

Tina: “Yes, her name was Georgia and she was an old maid spinster who died as a result of the Civil War, lots of women starved to death or were brutalized by marauding, renegade soldiers from both sides. She, however, died in her forties of disease and this property was where her house stood. She has felt possessive of this land. She did not move into the light, or ‘cross-over’ because she felt cheated by mortal life and wanted to have more experiences. When you moved into the house, she literally fell in love with you and vowed that you would be hers and no one else’s!”

Client: “You mean she was trying to possess me?”

Tina: “She wanted a relationship with you and she did blow in the faces of your girlfriends and terrify them. She felt this was great ‘sport’ - how fast could she get each one to leave. She told me she turned on the light for you each night so you would somehow know that she was always there for you. Let me assure you, she wasn’t any too happy to see me when I came to remove her.”

Client: “Did you remove her?”

Tina: “Oh yes, she’s quite gone now. I moved her into the correct realm of the heaven world.”

Client: “I guess I realized that the ghost was gone, when the light wasn’t on for me the last couple of nights when I came home. The house felt oddly empty, like there had been a presence there and now it is gone.”

Tina: “You may want to invite your girlfriends back and tell them that you did believe them and you had her spiritually removed. They will appreciate your believing them and taking action.”

Client: “Thanks. Maybe I didn’t want to believe in ghosts. Maybe that shook my whole belief structure. I’m not sure how I feel but I am grateful to you for helping me, or, her or the situation.”

Tina: “You’re welcome. Always remember that there is no such thing as no such thing. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, so the energy of the animation of the human body has to go somewhere at death and that somewhere is into another dimension as a ghost. When a soul is assisted in crossing over into the 5th dimension, then they are no longer a ghost and their process of soul evolution and reincarnation, can reasonably continue.”

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Book Excerpt: The Dangerous Resonance of Pink

The following is an excerpt from my new ebook:

The Lightworkers Guide to Everyday Karma [2011]

[available everywhere eBooks are sold!]

The Dangerous Resonance of Pink

Resonance is a critically important metaphysical concept to understand. Everything has a frequency. Resonance is the concept that you resonate, or are in harmony with something, someone, some place or with some concept that is the same frequency as yours, or is close to that frequency.

When you resonate with something, you take on those characteristics because you agree with what it is saying. So, it is exceptionally important to pay attention to all those things in which you are in resonance.

You have to consciously decide, and choose with what you will be in resonance. However, what if you are not aware that somehow you are becoming in resonance with a concept that could be exceptionally harmful to you? Could this happen? Is it possible?

It is possible and it is happening right before your eyes. Women today are being made to believe on an exceptionally subtle level that they will inevitably get breast cancer. At some point, there is a subtle pressure to believe that no matter what you do, this terrible thing is going to happen to you. Some women are so afraid of this that they are going ahead and having whole body parts removed in advance. They are allowing themselves to be mutilated to preclude breast cancer. American women are becoming completely in resonance with breast cancer.

How is this resonance being perpetrated? Pink! Wear pink for the Cure! There is Breast Cancer Awareness Week, Month, Year, Day, Sale, Offer, and on and on. At first it started out with pink bracelets, and then pink ribbons. Now everywhere you look, you see this toxic manipulation of your psyche through the most astounding things such as selling pink kitchen appliances, pink computer/phone technologies, Fight For the Cure jewelry - which you wear in the vicinity of your breasts - of course.

There are also marathons. “Race for the Cure!!!” they say. Imagine hundreds of women running a marathon, all in resonance with each other and all thinking about breast cancer. All mistakenly thinking their running is going to somehow stop what they now believe in the recesses of their minds is inevitable: breast cancer.

Some soup now comes in cans with pink labels, so eat the soup and think of breast cancer.

Carpet companies give discounts if you buy ‘pink flooring’ and they will donate to ‘the cure for breast cancer.’

One bakery in Virginia even sells bagels in the breast cancer ribbon shape and wraps them in pink paper.

And the absolute worst pink product: breast cancer awareness underwear in pink bras and panties. Think about it. You are being asked to wear the representation of breast cancer directly on your very breasts. So even as you get dressed, you are putting on a pink bra that will cradle the very breasts that just may have to be removed.

That is a lot of fear. That is a tremendous number of women to place in fear and to place this fear in front of them day after day, week after week, and year after year. The drug companies are literally creating the very market they are telling people they want to eliminate - breast cancer patients. But breast cancer is very, very big business. Breast cancer advertising is an even bigger business on very subtle levels.

Over the past seventy years, billions of dollars have been donated to find a cure. Where is this money from all of these fund raising activities actually going? Where is the cure for cancer?

This resonance issue goes a step further. Not only are you being made to be afraid of your very bodies, you are being made to believe that fighting your body will somehow keep you safe.

There are now millions of extremely sincere, conscientious women, in resonance with each other, wearing an insipid shade of pink thinking that they are standing side by side with other women of like mind who want to find a cure for a disease they do not even have but believe that they will probably, eventually get. There is no logic here, only exceptionally brilliant advertising. You surely don’t see men wearing shiny brown ribbons to fight prostate or testicular cancer. You absolutely don’t see men having their prostates removed or testicles lopped off - just in case. No man in his right mind would do such an illogical thing.

These resonance issues also apply to women who have already had breast cancer. By keeping them in resonance with breast cancer, they stay labeled ‘breast cancer survivors’ forever. When do they heal? When is it over? When do the support groups end?

People who wear these bracelets and pins think they are being supportive, but potentially, they could be harming themselves.

So, what can you do to change your resonance? Look forward to karmic opportunities to keep yourself happy, healthy and potentially forever cancer free. The time has come to shift your resonance to being with people who are happy, healthy and who are enjoying the life and the body they have. Now is the time to become in resonance with a whole new wonderful reality and enjoy a healthy life for the rest of your life.