Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Bee and Butterfly Meditation by Tina Erwin

Dear Friends,
         Our planet is being destroyed, not by nuclear bombs, but by genetically engineered food and the pesticides that are used to grow them.
         Thirty million [30,000,000] bees died in Canada last month.   
 Butterflies are dying by the millions.
        30,000 bumble bees died in one day in a parking lot in Oregon several months ago.
         There are fewer birds and more vermin.
         These are all signs of a very sick planet.
         We have to stop talking about these deaths and do something about this! And we all have the power to change the situation.
         Here are the steps:
1.   Stop buying plants from Home Depot, Lowes, Dixie Line, Target, Trader Joes and any other big box store that cannot absolutely guarantee that these plants are pesticide free. Only buy organic plants. Talk to management. DEMAND WITH THE VOICE OF YOUR DOLLAR THAT THEY STOP CARRYING PLANTS THAT USED GLYOPHOSPHATE AND NEONICTINOIDS.  These pesticides kill all insect life.
2.   Start asking restaurants which foods on their menu contain GMO foods.
3.   Buy organic food. Support organic farmers.
4.   Vote to label Genetically Engineered food.
5.   Write/call your representatives and demand that they label ban these pesticides, that they label GMO food and that they stop the chemical trail spraying in the sky. Aluminum, Strontium 90 and Barium are poisons that kill the soil and life forms. Remember, there is a reason one company has a patent on aluminum resistant seed. Why would you need such a patent????
In your yard:
6.   Plant organic seeds to have flowers, fruits and vegetables in your garden.
7.   Plant milkweed for butterflies. Butterflies lay their eggs on milkweed, and their larva eat the milkweed. Pesticides and weed killers have eradicated milkweed and butterflies along with it.
8.   Get Free SEEDS from:
10.                 Get a backyard beehive if you have the space.
11.                 And if you can’t do anything else, please, please do the bee and butterfly meditation below.

Remember, every third bite of food you put in your mouth is only there because of a bee. The GE companies seem to be DELIBERATELY killing the bees so that farmers will only be able to grow GE food, which will poison and eventually send us all to early graves. We don’t live on this planet alone. There is still time, but our planet is in grave danger. Please share this message with everyone you know.
       Please do some or all of these things.
       Please do the attached meditation.
       Please share this information.

The Bee and Butterfly Meditation
 by Tina Erwin

         Meditation is an amazing thing. The power of a person’s mind can change the world in a positive or a negative way. I am asking that when you do your spiritual practice, you include a few minutes of this meditation. The bees and butterflies, need our help. These few minutes may be able to change the world. If you have children, help your children to do this a well.

Meditation Steps:
1.   Place yourself in a still, calm, peaceful place.
2.   Fill yourself with violet flame, that amazing spiritual flame that offers spiritual cleansing of the negativity that often surrounds us. Allow yourself to be cleansed. Never send healing without cleansing yourself.
3.   Bring down an invigorating healing white light all around you.
4.   Feel yourself being filled with the energy of the Divine.
5.   Now imagine that you are sending this amazing energy to all the bees and the butterflies on earth.
6.   Visualize that you can see every single bee and butterfly inside a protective healing bubble.
7.   Visualize that inside the bubble, the bees and butterflies are receiving healing.
8.   Bees share, visualize that all the bees in every single hive on earth are now in this protective bubble and this is a collective healing moment.
9.   Give thanks to the bees and the butterflies.
10.                 Give thanks to God.

Do this every single day.

Thank you!

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