Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Bee and Butterfly Meditation by Tina Erwin

Dear Friends,
         Our planet is being destroyed, not by nuclear bombs, but by genetically engineered food and the pesticides that are used to grow them.
         Thirty million [30,000,000] bees died in Canada last month.   
 Butterflies are dying by the millions.
        30,000 bumble bees died in one day in a parking lot in Oregon several months ago.
         There are fewer birds and more vermin.
         These are all signs of a very sick planet.
         We have to stop talking about these deaths and do something about this! And we all have the power to change the situation.
         Here are the steps:
1.   Stop buying plants from Home Depot, Lowes, Dixie Line, Target, Trader Joes and any other big box store that cannot absolutely guarantee that these plants are pesticide free. Only buy organic plants. Talk to management. DEMAND WITH THE VOICE OF YOUR DOLLAR THAT THEY STOP CARRYING PLANTS THAT USED GLYOPHOSPHATE AND NEONICTINOIDS.  These pesticides kill all insect life.
2.   Start asking restaurants which foods on their menu contain GMO foods.
3.   Buy organic food. Support organic farmers.
4.   Vote to label Genetically Engineered food.
5.   Write/call your representatives and demand that they label ban these pesticides, that they label GMO food and that they stop the chemical trail spraying in the sky. Aluminum, Strontium 90 and Barium are poisons that kill the soil and life forms. Remember, there is a reason one company has a patent on aluminum resistant seed. Why would you need such a patent????
In your yard:
6.   Plant organic seeds to have flowers, fruits and vegetables in your garden.
7.   Plant milkweed for butterflies. Butterflies lay their eggs on milkweed, and their larva eat the milkweed. Pesticides and weed killers have eradicated milkweed and butterflies along with it.
8.   Get Free SEEDS from:
10.                 Get a backyard beehive if you have the space.
11.                 And if you can’t do anything else, please, please do the bee and butterfly meditation below.

Remember, every third bite of food you put in your mouth is only there because of a bee. The GE companies seem to be DELIBERATELY killing the bees so that farmers will only be able to grow GE food, which will poison and eventually send us all to early graves. We don’t live on this planet alone. There is still time, but our planet is in grave danger. Please share this message with everyone you know.
       Please do some or all of these things.
       Please do the attached meditation.
       Please share this information.

The Bee and Butterfly Meditation
 by Tina Erwin

         Meditation is an amazing thing. The power of a person’s mind can change the world in a positive or a negative way. I am asking that when you do your spiritual practice, you include a few minutes of this meditation. The bees and butterflies, need our help. These few minutes may be able to change the world. If you have children, help your children to do this a well.

Meditation Steps:
1.   Place yourself in a still, calm, peaceful place.
2.   Fill yourself with violet flame, that amazing spiritual flame that offers spiritual cleansing of the negativity that often surrounds us. Allow yourself to be cleansed. Never send healing without cleansing yourself.
3.   Bring down an invigorating healing white light all around you.
4.   Feel yourself being filled with the energy of the Divine.
5.   Now imagine that you are sending this amazing energy to all the bees and the butterflies on earth.
6.   Visualize that you can see every single bee and butterfly inside a protective healing bubble.
7.   Visualize that inside the bubble, the bees and butterflies are receiving healing.
8.   Bees share, visualize that all the bees in every single hive on earth are now in this protective bubble and this is a collective healing moment.
9.   Give thanks to the bees and the butterflies.
10.                 Give thanks to God.

Do this every single day.

Thank you!

Countless Uses for Coconut Oil – The Simple, the Strange, and the Downright Odd Part 5 By Dr. Mercola

14 Surprising Uses for Coconut Oil Around the House

Last but not least, coconut oil can be used for a number of household tasks otherwise relegated to more costly, and potentially toxic, alternatives. Following are 14 creative yet practical uses for this fantastic oil:
1. Clean, condition and sanitize your wooden cutting board. Use whenever the wood starts to look dry.
2. Use when making compost tea16 for your garden to reduce foam.
3. Use as a metal polish. Make sure to test a small area first.
4. Moisturize and soften leather goods as you would using other leather conditioners.
5. Season your cast iron pots and pans17 using coconut oil in lieu of lard or corn oil.
6. Lubricate squeaky hinges and sticky mechanisms with coconut oil instead of WD-40.
7. Clean and condition wooden furniture in lieu of furniture polish. Make sure to test a small area first.
8. Lubricate your guitar strings.
9. Clean soap scum from your shower using a small dollop of coconut oil on a damp cloth. Spray the area with white vinegar and wipe dry with a lint-free cloth.
10. Clean your hands and paint brushes with coconut oil after using oil-based paints, in lieu of mineral spirits.
11. Clean and condition the inside of your car by adding a small amount to a soft lint-free cloth. Rub in and wipe off excess.
12. Clean and sanitize your mouth guard by applying a thin layer of coconut oil. Leave the coconut oil on when not in use. Rinse before using.
13. Cleanse and add a glossy finish to indoor plants by wiping the leaves with a small amount of coconut oil on a lint-free cloth.
14. Remove chewing gum from virtually any area, including carpets and hair.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Countless Uses for Coconut Oil – The Simple, the Strange, and the Downright Odd Part 4 By Dr. Mercola

Coconut Oil to the Rescue
Besides its usefulness in the kitchen and bathroom, coconut oil deserves a place in your medicine cabinet as well—again courtesy of its antimicrobial and anti-viral activity. For example, coconut oil may be helpful in the treatment of:

toxins and debris it has pulled out.
Ear infections: Place a couple of drops into each ear canal. If the coconut oil has solidified, you can easily liquefy it by placing a small amount in a shot glass or other small container and placing it into a cup of hot water
Skin rashes and irritations, including chicken pox and shingles: Simply apply a small amount to the affected area
Fungal and/or yeast infections, such as athlete’s foot and ringworm. For fungal infections, you can mix in a small amount of oregano oil or tea tree oil
Bug bites and bee stings
Cold sores: mix in a small amount of oregano oil, and apply at the first signs
Frequent nosebleeds may be improved by regularly applying a small amount to the inside of your nostrils
Hemorrhoids and piles: You may add a small amount of lavender essential oil for added healing power
Vaginal dryness
Perineal massage:13 Expectant mothers can use it to massage the perineum daily, starting about a month or so before your due date, to help reduce your chances of tearing and/or the need for an episiotomy


Coconut Oil—More Effective Than Permethrin for Head Lice

According to research published in the European Journal of Pediatrics,14 a combination of coconut oil and anise was found to be nearly twice as effective as the commonly prescribed permethrin lotion for the treatment of head lice. According to the authors:
“We designed a randomized, controlled, parallel group trial involving 100 participants with active head louse infestation to investigate the activity of a coconut and anise spray and to see whether permethrin lotion is still effective, using two applications of product 9 days apart. The spray was significantly more successful (41/50, 82.0%) cures compared with permethrin (21/50, 42.0%...). Per-protocol success was 83.3% and 44.7%, respectively. Thirty-three people reported irritant reactions following alcohol contact with excoriated skin. We concluded that, although permethrin lotion is still effective for some people, the coconut and anise spray can be a significantly more effective alternative treatment.” [Emphasis mine]
Isn’t it wonderful to see how nature provides us with so many effective solutions to so many of our ills? And does so in a way that is oftentimes more effective than our chemical drug concoctions! Another anecdotal Hawaiian head lice treatment15 is to first soak your hair in vinegar and leave it in to dry (don’t rinse). Next, coat your hair with coconut oil over night. I’d recommend sleeping with a shower cap to protect your bedding. The following day, the nits reportedly comb out easily.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Countless Uses for Coconut Oil – The Simple, the Strange, and the Downright Odd Part 3 By Dr. Mercola

Hair’s Best Friend
Coconut oil is also known for its hair benefits.12 Most women seem to prefer using it as a pre-shampoo conditioner. Simply massage the coconut oil onto dry hair and leave on for about an hour or longer. You could even leave it on overnight. Just wear a shower cap to protect your pillow. Then, wash and style as usual.
When applied in this manner, the coconut oil inhibits the penetration of water into the hair strands, which would otherwise cause the cuticle, or surface of the hair shaft, to rise, making it prone to damage and breakage. Furthermore, when applied as a pre-wash treatment, a small amount of the coconut oil is able to penetrate deeper into the hair shaft during the wash, when the hair fiber swells slightly.
This can also explain why so many rave about the oil's ability to prevent "the frizzies" in humid weather—this is another feature of its hydrophobic activity. More porous types of hair may find coconut oil particularly beneficial, such as African and chemically treated hair, as well as those suffering with any type of scalp problems, including dandruff.

Oral Health Benefits
As mentioned above, coconut oil mixed with baking soda makes for very simple and inexpensive, yet effective, toothpaste. It’s also a great alternative if you want a fluoride-free toothpaste but don’t want to spend the extra money, since they tend to cost more than most regular, fluoridated toothpaste brands.
Another oral health technique where I believe coconut oil can be quite beneficial is oil pulling. This technique has significantly reduced my plaque buildup, allowing me to go longer between visits to the dental hygienist. (Adding fermented vegetables to my diet has been another game-changer in my oral health.)
Oil pulling is a practice dating back thousands of years, having originated with Ayurvedic medicine. When oil pulling is combined with the antimicrobial power of coconut oil, I believe it can be a very powerful health tool. Sesame oil is traditionally recommended, but it has relatively high concentration of omega-6 oils. Therefore, I believe coconut oil is far superior, and, in my mind, it tastes better. But from a mechanical and biophysical perspective, it is likely that both work.
Oil pulling involves rinsing your mouth with the oil, much like you would with a mouthwash. The oil is “worked” around your mouth by pushing, pulling, and drawing it through your teeth for a period of 15 minutes. If you are obsessive like me and want even better results, you can go for 30-45 minutes. This process allows the oil to “pull out” bacteria, viruses, fungi and other debris. The best time is in the morning before eating breakfast, but it can be done at any time. I try to do it twice a day if my schedule allows. When done, spit out the oil and rinse your mouth with water. Avoid swallowing the oil as it will be loaded with bacteria and whatever potential toxins and debris it has pulled out.
When done correctly, oil pulling has a significant cleansing, detoxifying and healing affect, not only for your mouth and sinuses but for the rest of your body as well. Candida and Streptococcus are common residents in your mouth, and these germs and their toxic waste products can contribute to plaque accumulation and tooth decay, in addition to secondary infections and chronic inflammation throughout your body. Oil pulling may help lessen the overall toxic burden on your immune system by preventing the spread of these organisms from your mouth to the rest of your body, by way of your bloodstream.