Who Saved Thousands Of Lives
In March 1993, a series of 12 bombs went off across Mumbai, India. The serial blasts left 257 dead and 713 injured. But in the aftermath, an unlikely hero emerged. According to Reuters, a golden Labrador named Zanjeer worked with the bomb squad and saved thousands of lives by detecting "more than 3,329 kgs [7,323.8 pounds] of the explosive RDX, 600 detonators, 249 hand grenades and 6406 rounds of live ammunition." He helped avert three more bombs in the days following the blasts.
The dog died of bone cancer in 2000. He was eight years old.
In the photo, a senior police officer lays a wreath of flowers on Zanjeer as he was buried with full police honors at a widely-attended ceremony.
Please don't tell me that there is not an entire Divine Reception Committee waiting for this dog, this angel in an animal body, in heaven! There is. This dog had the heart and soul of a lion, the relentless dedication of a thousand soldiers, and the intelligence to know that he had a job to do. And Zanjeer did not stop doing his job until it was completely done. I cannot help but wonder if his bone cancer was not due in part to sniffing so many toxic chemicals over all of those years.
Think of the animals who have loyally stood by their owners/handlers in a thousand situations. Think of the dogs who stalwartly served in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan helping to identify bombs, warn against deadly situations and taking the same dangerous risks as their human handlers. Think of all of the dogs who sniff out drugs on all of our borders, who comb the desert for drug traffickers.
Give thanks to all of those tireless service dogs who searched for bodies in the rubble of 9/11.
In each of these situations above, the dogs suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder right alongside of their owners. Some of them received treatment, many were simply put to sleep, their service to humanity complete. The irony is that new dogs are currently being trained to assist returning US soldiers with PTSD.
Now ponder all of the service dogs who patiently assist their owners with the most challenging of those difficult days of just living moment to moment. These dogs lead the blind, guide epileptic children to safety before a seizure and assist other disabled souls to enjoy life.
Any of these canine owners will fiercely argue that their dogs have a tremendous amount of ‘heart’ and the ‘soul’ of a mortal person. The very thought that their beloved companions would not accompany them or meet them in the Heaven World is inconceivable. Transition into the Light is not reserved for mere mortals alone.
All life forms are evolving. Everything in the Universe is evolving. Part of evolution is performing greater and more significant levels of service. All animals evolve to higher and higher and more intelligent levels of life. Creatures move from a fish school, herd, hive or flock mentality to being able to be part of ‘families’ where they may operate independently, but at the same time remain part of a group. This is different from a hive mentality because individuals in the ‘family’ have the ability to think for themselves although they may each acquiesce to the good of the many. Some animals have the ability to analyze a situation, a trait that is usually reserved for intelligent humans.
This is also true for all warm-blooded animals. We are still learning about the intellectual level of marine mammals, and marvel at the memory, intelligence and family values of elephants, monkeys and apes. Horses have a tremendous memory and the endearing stories of horses are known throughout history. The mother instinct of protection that we assume is strongest in human moms is also fierce in all other species.
Having had the privilege of assisting many a soul to that crossover point, I was greatly heartened to see their beloved pet come bounding to meet them. We only know of our treasured pets in their last moments of life when they were emaciated with old age, or gravely injured. Once in the Heaven World, they are restored.
However, this also begs the question, do all animals cross over? We know that not all humans cross over, but what about animals? I was once asked to clear 10,000 acres of property somewhere outside of Las Vegas. It took me 10 days to do it there was so much there. I expected to see the wagon train casualties of the road west, the deaths by disease, dehydration, snake bit, but I was surprised by the sheer number of horses, mules, oxen, dogs and many wild creatures. Most of what I saw were domesticated animals. Many died so suddenly, they were simply not aware that they had died. Assisting them was especially important.
Be sure to watch this great video on this subject:
Video: Do Dogs Go to Heaven?
Animals do go to heaven. If you have the ability to assist any dying animal with prayers, with your love, never hesitate to do so. Always ask that Angels of Transition take your precious creature to the Heaven World. You can also say the following prayer to assist this process:
A Prayer for My Beloved
By Tina Erwin
Heavenly Father,
I most humbly ask
that you
guide my sweet [name
of animal] to the
Heaven World
right now.
I ask, Father, that
you provide love and healing
to my loyal
my most beloved
my precious [animal’s
I ask, Father, that
this valiant animal be
embraced with the
Light of Divine Love
I send gratitude to
you, Father,
for the time I had
with this
wonderful gift you
sent me, this sweet
and loyal creature.
I pray that my
beloved animal
will know how much I
love her*
now and forever.
I miss my friend,
Please help me to
heal my own aching heart.
Thank you, Father.
*Please change the gender as necessary.
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