“You see the most amazing anomalies when you remote view someone’s body. Sometimes the things that you find are unnerving. Sometimes you get an education into why a person has the health issues that they have. Sometimes you gain insight into why a certain substance is so toxic in the physical. That’s what I’m seeing here.
I had no idea.
I had no idea the true toxic elements of second hand smoke. That’s today’s lesson: what does second hand cigarette smoke do to a person’s body, on a metaphysical/spiritual level? [Sigh]. . . . now I know.
How do I repair all this damage the smoke caused?
How do I tell him his wife has to quit smoking?
Will she do it for him? Can she do it?
The problem is that there is so much more damage than just what his wife is unwittingly doing. She loves him. She isn’t doing it on purpose. It’s a hideous addiction. Maybe if I explain it to him, maybe he’ll see why this is so important. Perhaps he can insist she quit smoking. Maybe he’ll get it. Maybe.”
So those were the thoughts running through my head as I was working on this man’s body. I shuddered when I saw his auric field. Your auric field is that energetic force field that covers your body. It’s the primary basis of your immune system. Here was a wonderful person whose auric field didn’t just look like Swiss cheese it looked shredded.
That shredded auric field would explain why he was plagued by so many different ailments. First there were problems in his legs, feet, chest, neck, throat, and several organs. Organs, bones, tissue, skin, muscle all rely on the auric field to keep them safe, strong and to enable the physical body to handle varying levels of severe stress. If you have a weak auric field, you cannot face the world to the same degree as someone would who has a strong auric field.
Second hand cigarette smoke acts like acid on the auric field of anyone near by breathing it in. It lowers the frequency of the person surrounded by the hideous grey smoke. It’s also extremely toxic on a spiritual level. If you are around it only briefly, then when you bathe afterward, you can restore any temporary damage. However, if you are around cigarette smoke chronically, it becomes a destroyer, leaving the body vulnerable to depression, illness, chronic fatigue, and disease. Why is this so?
When Native American peoples used tobacco, it was designed to be an aspect of ceremony, and it was the pure tobacco leaves that were dried, rolled and then smoked to sanctify an event or a treaty. Those pure leaves were not toxic. Also, people did not smoke tobacco on a constant basis. It was not an addictive substance. Cigarettes had not been invented.
Native people used tobacco as a remedy for many things including soaking dried, shredded leaves and placing them on be stings, skin lesions, tumors. Some people breathed in the aroma of fresh crushed leaves to relieve headaches. It helped wounds to heal and new tissue to grow. It is currently today, a homeopathic remedy. The plant itself had many amazing alkaloids, but much research needed to be done.
However, today, genetically engineered tobacco leaves are integrated into a toxic coctail of noxious chemicals specifically designed to create an addiction by anyone smoking them. They are engineered to harm, not to be beneficial on any level.
What makes this story more fascinating was that I rightly surmised that this gentleman’s parents smoked. Perhaps this was why he married a woman who smoked, he was in resonance with cigarette smoke.
There are more dangers to having a shredded auric field than physical illness. A shredded auric field cannot protect you from those dark elements that are not visible in this dimension. Think about it. Your skin protects you from what you can see in this 3rd dimension world. Your auric field is your spiritual ‘skin’ so to speak: it protects you from what you cannot see in the 4th dimension.
When you think you feel a ghost, your skin crawls, but that is really your auric field detecting the presence of something. It’s that 6th sense you think you have, which is really your auric field, that tells you that what you are feeling may not be in your best interest. Yes, there is evil out there, there are negative ‘things’ that you cannot see with your physical eyes that can bother you without an intact auric field. This unseen field is critically important.
How do you know for sure you have an auric field? People who lose a limb, can still ‘feel’ that limb, because although the physical limb is gone, the auric field of that limb is still intact. That’s what a person ‘feels’ when they experience the ‘phantom limb’ affect. It isn’t phantom. It’s a real part of you.
As all these thoughts about smoke go through my head I realize that all I can do is share this information with him, hope that he will tell his wife what her smoking is doing to both of them and stop. I gave him as much healing as I could. It is my fervent hope that he will take this opportunity to begin to change things in his life for the better and that he will heal his auric field.
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