Sunday, June 30, 2013

KS&L Chapter 398: Second Hand Smoke by Tina Erwin

   You see the most amazing anomalies when you remote view someone’s body. Sometimes the things that you find are unnerving. Sometimes you get an education into why a person has the health issues that they have. Sometimes you gain insight into why a certain substance is so toxic in the physical. That’s what I’m seeing here.
         I had no idea.
         I had no idea the true toxic elements of second hand smoke. That’s today’s lesson: what does second hand cigarette smoke do to a person’s body, on a metaphysical/spiritual level? [Sigh]. . . . now I know.
         How do I repair all this damage the smoke caused?
         How do I tell him his wife has to quit smoking?
         Will she do it for him? Can she do it?
         The problem is that there is so much more damage than just what his wife is unwittingly doing. She loves him. She isn’t doing it on purpose. It’s a hideous addiction. Maybe if I explain it to him, maybe he’ll see why this is so important. Perhaps he can insist she quit smoking. Maybe he’ll get it. Maybe.”
         So those were the thoughts running through my head as I was working on this man’s body. I shuddered when I saw his auric field. Your auric field is that energetic force field that covers your body. It’s the primary basis of your immune system. Here was a wonderful person whose auric field didn’t just look like Swiss cheese it looked shredded.
         That shredded auric field would explain why he was plagued by so many different ailments. First there were problems in his legs, feet, chest, neck, throat, and several organs. Organs, bones, tissue, skin, muscle all rely on the auric field to keep them safe, strong and to enable the physical body to handle varying levels of severe stress. If you have a weak auric field, you cannot face the world to the same degree as someone would who has a strong auric field.
         Second hand cigarette smoke acts like acid on the auric field of anyone near by breathing it in. It lowers the frequency of the person surrounded by the hideous grey smoke. It’s also extremely toxic on a spiritual level. If you are around it only briefly, then when you bathe afterward, you can restore any temporary damage. However, if you are around cigarette smoke chronically, it becomes a destroyer, leaving the body vulnerable to depression, illness, chronic fatigue, and disease. Why is this so?
         When Native American peoples used tobacco, it was designed to be an aspect of ceremony, and it was the pure tobacco leaves that were dried, rolled and then smoked to sanctify an event or a treaty. Those pure leaves were not toxic. Also, people did not smoke tobacco on a constant basis. It was not an addictive substance. Cigarettes had not been invented.
         Native people used tobacco as a remedy for many things including soaking dried, shredded leaves and placing them on be stings, skin lesions, tumors. Some people breathed in the aroma of fresh crushed leaves to relieve headaches. It helped wounds to heal and new tissue to grow. It is currently today, a homeopathic remedy. The plant itself had many amazing alkaloids, but much research needed to be done.
         However, today, genetically engineered tobacco leaves are integrated into a toxic coctail of noxious chemicals specifically designed to create an addiction by anyone smoking them. They are engineered to harm, not to be beneficial on any level.
         What makes this story more fascinating was that I rightly surmised that this gentleman’s parents smoked. Perhaps this was why he married a woman who smoked, he was in resonance with cigarette smoke.
         There are more dangers to having a shredded auric field than physical illness. A shredded auric field cannot protect you from those dark elements that are not visible in this dimension. Think about it. Your skin protects you from what you can see in this 3rd dimension world. Your auric field is your spiritual ‘skin’ so to speak: it protects you from what you cannot see in the 4th dimension.
         When you think you feel a ghost, your skin crawls, but that is really your auric field detecting the presence of something. It’s that 6th sense you think you have, which is really your auric field, that tells you that what you are feeling may not be in your best interest. Yes, there is evil out there, there are negative ‘things’ that you cannot see with your physical eyes that can bother you without an intact auric field. This unseen field is critically important.
         How do you know for sure you have an auric field? People who lose a limb, can still ‘feel’ that limb, because although the physical limb is gone, the auric field of that limb is still intact. That’s what a person ‘feels’ when they experience the ‘phantom limb’ affect. It isn’t phantom. It’s a real part of you.
         As all these thoughts about smoke go through my head I realize that all I can do is share this information with him, hope that he will tell his wife what her smoking is doing to both of them and stop. I gave him as much healing as I could. It is my fervent hope that he will take this opportunity to begin to change things in his life for the better and that he will heal his auric field.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Earth Changes by Mitch Battros

 Dear Friends, This great blog is a follow-on to the issues mentioned in my
KS&L 400 The Energy of 2013 by Tina Erwin blog. I love how he marries the science and the physical. Enjoy, Tina
by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media                                                  June 14th 2013
A recent study published in the science journal 'Nature', indicates a direct connection between the acceleration of charged particles and its affect on humans. Charged particles come in many forms such as solar flares, coronal mass ejections (cmes), coronal holes, filament, gamma ray burst, and galactic cosmic rays. During times of an active cycle, large amounts of radiation race at the speed of light hitting the Earth's magnetic field. Usually, the magnetic field deflects the vast majority of particles keeping the Earth and its inhabitants safe. But what happens when the magnetic field weakens?
The connection between charged particles and its effect on animals and humans was outlined extensively back in 2003 as addressed in my book 'Solar Rain - The Earth Changes Have Begun'.  This phenomenon is also captured in my published "Equation": Charged Particles (sunspots, solar flares, filament, coronal holes, etc.) Magnetic Field Shift,  Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents, Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros 1998 Updated: 2012).
New scientific research tells us many animals can sense the Earth's magnetic field. Animals and humans have a magnetic field which surrounds them - very much in the same way the magnetic field surrounds the Earth as its protector. As it relates to humans, and perhaps various animals, charged particles from the Sun and our Milky Way can cause confusion or a disturbance in our emotions.
The pineal gland which regulates melatonin production and the circadian 24 hour rhythm is sensitive to magnetic fields. In a recently related study published in the scientific journal 'Geophysical Research', indicates a dormant gene is residing within all of us just ready to be tapped. It is known as 'Cryptochromes' (CRY). They are involved in the 'circadian' - 24 hour cyclical rhythms of daily life.

Strong scientific evidence indicates geomagnetic fields have an influence on the light sensitivity of the human visual system. A recent study from the Department of Neurobiology, University of Massachusetts Medical School suggests humans may be genetically pre-disposed to the influence of geomagnetic flux as it relates to the Earth's magnetic field and charged particles such as solar flares, coronal mass ejections, gamma rays, and galactic cosmic rays.
The following is what I wrote back in 2005 as a result of my research
I have begun to note it is not just the "external" earth change (i.e. earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes etc.) which is shifting, but something within humans as well. We too have a magnetic field which surrounds each of us. I think it is not unrealistic to conjecture what is happening "externally" is also happening "internally." I believe current science will acknowledge this notion showing the Sun's "charged particles" and its influence on Earth's magnetic field is the impetus of change. (mitch battros 2005)
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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Fathers by Tina Erwin

    The following article is an excerpt from The Lightworker's Guide to Everday Karma© by Tina Erwin  

     Parenting has often been discussed. What it means to be a mother seems to be more universally understood than what it means to be a father. There are far more “how to” books for mothering than for fathering, as if somehow, fathering is not quite as important.
Each of us has our own definition of what a father is or is not supposed to be based on our own unique experience. In today’s world, intact families are the unusual anomaly, no longer the norm. My daughter once remarked that she was the only one among her friends with original parents in a healthy marriage.
Is this state of affairs of separated families a good or a bad thing? It is not good or bad; that’s just how it is now. Often, because it seems that karma is being speeded up, many things have to be resolved in this lifetime regarding relationships and at a much greater speed than in the past. What that means is that couples lead more complicated lives and it is often not as easy or as time affordable to work things out between couples. This, in turn, means that there are more and more families without fathers. Sometimes it seems that there is more karma being created on the negative side in divorces than can be resolved in one lifetime. It does not have to be that way.
Some divorce situations are so filled with rage and anger that kids feel disloyal if they try to maintain their love for both parents. Some parents use their kids as pawns to punish their partners. No one ever wins this pissing contest:  everyone just gets really stinky.
Perhaps the greatest loss to families is the concept of the involved father. The involved father is a man who helps as an equal partner, respects the mother and remains in an active partnership with the mother, providing balanced discipline for the kids. Parents who support one another are often quite rare.
Many women who grow up without fathers never really understand men and often take on their mother’s hatred of men, which then deprives the daughter of a loving relationship with a good husband. Many boys grow up with fathers who hate and abuse women and the same situation is the result. These things work both ways.
We need fathers. The reason we have two parents is the balance and wisdom a child receives from both a male and female perspectives.
We need fathers to be teachers to their kids, to be examples of what moral values stand for and for teaching that kindness backed with strength of character are the foundations for a successful life. We need fathers who keep their word and are fair in all their dealings.
The problem is that men and women who did not have positive role models often have no idea how to be that kind of parent. They fumble and seldom ask for help. Often they say well, it was ok for me, why is not it ok for my child? It simply is not. Each of us has to do a better job of parenting than was done for us and if we had great parenting, build on that foundation. Perhaps it is a good idea to identify what good fathers bring to the family.
A really good Dad is a teacher for all his children, offering them the benefit of his wisdom when it comes to people, politics, career guidance, sportsmanship, building things, tools, and life in general.
The father who just sits in front of the TV and never spends time reading or holding his little kids misses out on an incredible opportunity to teach his children something. When you patiently teach them, it means you are spending time with them. One of my sons noted that some of his happiest times were when he was in the garage working on something with his dad - the give and take, the patience of learning how tools work. There were the times when they built gigantic Lego projects together and the guidance received at those times, enabled our son had to build complicated Lego models on his own as a practice for following written directions.
Fathers teach balance in a marriage:  doing chores, washing dishes, sharing in the cleaning, yard work and errand running.
Fathers teach consideration when shopping for birthdays, Mother’s Day and holidays for mothers and siblings.
Fathers teach politics when they discuss their jobs with their sons and daughters so that the children can understand how the real world functions from a man’s perspective.
Children learn what marriage is like only from watching their parents. Kids will do what their parents do unless they are very, very savvy and can differentiate from what was great about their parent’s marriage and what required improvement.
Boys learn how to treat women with respect by watching their father interact with their mother. If the father is kind and considerate, then sons learn this. Girls learn how women are to be treated from their father’s attitude toward their mother. The abusive/disrespectful father creates abusive kids, abusive adults, and ultimately abusive parents. The physically and verbally violent father creates horrific trauma for children literally for generations to come.
It is always better to have a single mother family than have a violent family with an abusive father. The kids never really forgive the mother for continuing to allow the abuse much less the father for abusing all of them.  Why didn’t she just leave him, they ask themselves for the rest of their lives, until they end up in the same type of marriage. It takes quite a bit of courage to leave that life.
Fathers are incredibly valuable and families need fathers for love and for balance. Families do not need fathers who are never there or who abuse.
Like everything else in human relationships, the father connection is very complicated. Let us hope that more men decide to be really great fathers because they are incredibly important in everyone’s life.
So, on Father’s Day or any day of the year, let us honor all those who do represent the best of fathering and let us say a prayer for all those fathers who do not, in the hopes that some day, they may come to understand the tremendous importance of the father’s role in a child’s life.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

KS&L 400 The Energy of 2013 by Tina Erwin

      There was so much attention paid to 12/21/12, the end of the Mayan Calendar, that people didn’t realize that this date was merely a marker in time. It was the end of the world, as we knew it, but not the way we think.
         Something new came in and that is the energy of 2013 and beyond. Literally, this date 12/21/12, according to the Mayans, represented the end of a 225 million year cycle which is the time it takes our Earth and Solar System to make one complete revolution around our Milky Way Galaxy.
         Imagine that we are alive at this time, that we are awake and becoming aware that we are at the very first days of an entirely new spiritual and physical journey. This is cosmic evolution in action and it is this action of advancing evolution that is ushering in an entirely new type of energy.
         No one lives in a vacuum. Everything we each do directly or indirectly affects someone else in some way. All that happens in our galaxy and our solar system also affects us in some small way. Our planet has to evolve, all matter, and all intelligence must evolve or face extinction. So our planet is facing it’s next phase of evolution and we, those puny, often destructive yet fun loving humans are literally, along for the ride.
         Evolution means that the frequency of the planet, and our solar system is being raised. There is nothing new about this. The Earth has been raising it’s frequency for quite a while.

       What is different now, is that the Earth’s frequency is no longer rising at a slow steady rate, now it is rising at an ever accelerating rate.

         This also means that as part of this very vague, almost unfathomable process we are also having our own personal frequencies elevated at the same time and at the same rate, at that same accelerating rate.   On one level, this isn’t new information. On another level though, this whole accelerating frequency is a radical shift even though we can’t perceive it, we are feeling it.
       And frankly, if you aren’t doing everything in your power to match that accelerating rate, you are going to feel like this is one uncomfortable, eternal, Mercury retrograde.

         This is why nothing is as it seems.
         It seems that things should be fine. But things don’t feel fine anymore.
         It seems that our relationships should be going along as they have always been. But those same relationships just don’t seem to be the same anymore.
         It seems that all the things we used to do to raise frequency should be enough. But they aren’t enough anymore. We have to do more, much more to match this accelerating frequency rise.
         What is this new energy, this higher, more accelerated frequency shift that has come in and silently embraced us? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Like all metaphysics, it’s what it is, only as it relates to each of us, and it isn’t good or bad, it is a reality.
         We are all on a spiritual path whether or not we realize it. None of us can permanently leave the planet except through the doorway of death. So, we’re all along for the ride: and oh what a ride!
         We can look forward to potentially the following changes:
*    This energy creates an open environment such that much of what has been secret will now be known. This had already begun to happen over the last 20 years, but now, more and more is known. The Internet has leveled the playing field. Even government secrets are being made known (Consider how much we now know about the sordid acts of our government via Wikileaks). Consider the increasing levels of scandals that are rocking all governments. Secrecy may have been the way of the past on many levels, but not anymore. There are just too many of us and we are used to chatting all the time about everything.
*    Relationships may be rocky too for a while, as we sort through emotions that come up, often unexpectedly and sometimes violently. Where once we were patient with each other, now the previously forgivable idiosyncrasies are no longer acceptable. Irritations on a small level will be erupting and on a larger level, emotional/familial rifts can develop. These can be healed, but it will take everyone coming together.
*    Things that we once overlooked are creating very subtle levels of anger that come to the surface in inappropriate ways, now, more frequently.
*    The run-away use of prescription drugs is exacerbating this problem as emotions rocket to the surface in socially unacceptable ways.
*    This is the time of increased personal responsibility. The reality is setting in that we must come to terms with the need to stop relying on the government to ‘take care of us.’ This issue is global. There will never be enough taxes to ‘take care’ of everyone on the planet.
*    We must absolutely take a hard look at our bodies as well. Do all you can to give your body the care it needs. Take off the weight, get off prescription drugs, exercise. Love your body.
*    Every single thing one person does is going to affect someone else in either a negative or a positive way. It is time to consider what is being said, what is being done with that concept in mind. Karma seems to be returning faster and faster as the conundrum of the pace of the evolution quickens.
*    The karma of immoral acts will not wait generations to haunt people, but will return very much faster than ever in the past. What this means is that thinking that something you have done will not become known is unrealistic. It will be known. If, however, you come to terms with it in your own life, if you seek atonement, you can begin to mitigate that karma and move forward in your evolution.
*    Speaking so that others can hear you is becoming critical. I know you believe you understand what you think I said but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard was not what I meant. Mistakes are being made. We are speaking and writing things that are affecting people on deeper levels. Unfortunately, it is not always what we wanted to say. What someone reads is not always what we would have wanted someone to take from the words we wrote.
*    Even when we do not intend to cause harm, we are harming one another. These are times where we need to slow down more and listen with greater intensity. We are operating at light speed and it is not getting us anywhere any faster.
*    The good news is that citizens are demanding to take their planet back from the clutches of harmful multinational corporations who are directly harming the planet. Toxic GMO foods, deadly vaccines, corrupt farming practices, destruction of life giving bees are forcing us to come to terms with our own responsibility in all of this.
*    The old infrastructure is breaking down as evidenced by the symbolism of the sheer volume in the last several days alone of transportation failures: two bridges, one in Washington State and one in Missouri, and a head on collusion between two trains in Connecticut. This is an example of the microcosm.
*    Consider the macrocosm: our quadrant of the galaxy is also pushing the elevation of frequency. There are two comets that are currently impacting us: Lemmon and Panstarrs. They push a tremendous amount of energy ahead of them that ripples through time and space. The eclipses that have come and will come, both solar and lunar are all creating a cumulative impact on this planet.

         What can you do? Turn your attention to raising your frequency with all deliberate speed. If you seek this help, it will manifest in ways you had not anticipated. Look for it. It’s going to be there. Sometimes you get what you need which will enable you to get what you want.
         Take every opportunity to help the planet, stand up for what you know is the right thing to do and let your voice be heard. Now is not the time for fear, but the time for courage.
         When situations appear that offer you the opportunity to raise your frequency, take all that are offered! Don’t hesitate! We will all need every single element to face the days ahead. And if you have said or done something that has hurt or bothered someone, then do all you can to work it out and then move forward.
         It can be an exciting time, but it won’t be an easy time. Stand by for heavy rolls, difficult days and that odd feeling that something is out of balance. Do all you can to raise your frequency!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

KS&L 399: The Stage Hypnotist by Tina Erwin

       Lots of people have seen a hypnotist use his or her skill to hypnotize an entire stage full of people. It’s considered ‘entertainment’.       
       Is stage hypnotism safe? Can something bad happen to you after you participate on stage in such a scenario? Perhaps first we need to ask what is hypnotism?
       The word hypnotism is derived from the Greek word ‘hypnos’ which means sleep. The use of hypnotism dates back to the early Egyptians and the Greeks. In essence hypnosis means that an individual is totally engrossed within him or herself, and time, place and relevance stop functioning. He or she is literally ‘asleep’ to life around them. Technically individuals can hypnotize themselves, by becoming completely carried away with a project, a book, a situation to the total exclusion of everything else. The person forgets to eat, to sleep, or take care of the normal things in life. We have all seen this.
       Professional hypnotherapists use the tool of hypnotism to help an individual to resolve an issue from childhood, to quit smoking, to resolve a fear or an obsession. These examples would surely be ways of seeking to control the mind from taking specific actions or to take a specific action. Either way, the hypnotherapist is accessing the person’s subconscious mind to influence that person’s behavior for the foreseeable future. In many life-changing cases, the effects of hypnotherapy sessions are permanent and they are intended to be that way.
       If hypnotism were indeed, an exceptionally powerful form of mind control for therapeutic purposes, then why would anyone choose to use it for entertainment? What’s funny about seeing a group of people on a stage quack like a duck, cluck like a chicken, and/or stand on one leg all at the command of the stage hypnotist? Is this a function of people being absolutely fascinated by how one person who can have total control over another person or group? Is this dangerous?
       Perhaps the larger question is how does anyone at a performance of a stage hypnotist know for sure that the people on stage are not permanently connected to the commands of the hypnotist on a very subtle level?
       What’s more, how does anyone at a performance of a stage hypnotist know for sure that the people in the audience are not permanently connected to the commands of the hypnotist on that same subtle level?
       The answer is: none of them really know whether or not they are permanently connected to the commands of the hypnotist. The only person who will know for sure who is and who is not connected is the hypnotist and this ‘entertainer’ won’t reveal what he is really doing or how he does what he does.
        This issue is so serious that over the last several hundred years both in this country and in Great Britain there have been several court cases brought against stage hypnotists. The issue revolved around the hypnotist accessing a person’s subconscious mind. The cases, while mostly unsuccessful in proving harm by the hypnotist, did in fact highlight the dangers inherent in such ‘performances.’ The victims were desperate to prove that after the supposed ‘performance’ by the hypnotist, they were never the same. Since you cannot technically prove mind control, the cases against the magicians, (oops!) stage hypnotists were dismissed.
       Modern day Russia was beset by hypnotists* who could literally hypnotize a person on the street in seconds. The individual would then seemingly willingly empty his or bank account and hand it over to this perfect stranger. When the stranger vanished, the person had no memory of what had happened. Was this mind control taken to an extreme level?
       From a legal and practical view, it is extremely difficult to prove harm by any licensed or entertainment hypnotist. Why bring this up at all?
       The reason this issue is of critical importance revolves around the concept of ‘mind control.’ Yes, one person’s mind can control another person’s mind and this control can exist for a very, very long time. The term Mesmerized came from a famous scientist Franz Mesmer whose studies with patients were amazing. He cold throw them into trances – literally ‘mesmer’-izing them. Did Hitler play with mind control as well? Could this be how he managed to get an entire population to seek to destroy an entire race of people? It is well documented that Hitler sought to use every tool that the occult sciences of dark magic had to offer. Was mind control one of them?
       This issue is of critical importance when it comes to children and teenagers. Adults have few if any defenses against a seasoned hypnotist. Children and teens have none. Their minds are wide open. It is exceptionally arrogant to think that you can outfox a fox and many of the stage hypnotists are simply that.
       The bottom line is that if you are faced with being entertained by a stage hypnotist, ask your higher self if this is in your highest and best good. More than likely the answer will be a resounding no! No one ever checks the credentials of any stage hypnotist. No one ever questions that person's ethics. No one verifies that this person has 'unhypnotized' everyone present.
        In any case, you know you will be safer leaving the venue than remaining and risking even a subtle level of mind control.  It is also critically important to share this information with your teenagers. Remind them to leave any venue with a stage hypnotist. Don't ever let anyone have access to 'playing' with the inner reaches of your mind!     
* Hypnotism in Russia a street-crime weapon? By Kim Murphy for the Los Angeles Times