Sunday, November 18, 2012

KS&L 86 Thanksgiving by Tina Erwin

This is the time of year we turn to considering all the things we are thankful for. But often we are made to feel that the world is in dire straights, is hopeless and that the sky is falling.
       So perhaps it would be good to take a minute and look at globally what we can feel good about. Often, the press reminds us so continually of what is wrong with the world that we frequently forget to remember what is right with the world. So, here are some thoughts on what is right with the world at this snapshot in time. Please keep in mind that at any given moment, someone is demonstrating about something or someone or some government is doing something harmful, but if you look at the aggregate there are signs of hope out there.
       The election is over and whether you are happy or unhappy about it, the government will still go on. We are an example to the world that you can have people disagree and still move forward and accept results.
       All of North America, Central and South America are at peace.
       India and Pakistan are at peace.
       All of Northern Europe, Europe and Southern Europe are at peace.
       All of Northern Africa and most of Africa is also at peace.
       All of Asia is at peace. That, in itself is staggering. North Korea is being monitored by the Chinese -  a first in history. Viet Nam is a trading partner.
       While parts of the Middle East are not at peace, we can still be hopeful for this part of the world.
       All of the former Soviet states are at peace.
       There is unrest in many countries, but for the most part, this is not a planet at war with itself. Most modern countries are working very hard to prevent any hint of nuclear war. We are more aware of environmental concerns than we have ever been at any time in history.
       The Internet and cell phones have linked the world. We will never see ourselves as alone on this planet because we know that we are part of the global community. More people are traveling to other countries to know for themselves that we, and they are the same, want the same things for our families, food, shelter, safety, love and economic stability.
       The movement to spirituality is perhaps the largest planet wide, than it has ever been. We are aware of more people praying, believing in Angels and higher spiritual beings than ever before.
       So, yes, as we consider that there are places of extreme strife, we must also honor and be grateful for the fact that the vast majority of this planet IS at peace and with continued prayer, hope and love, let us hope that in our lifetimes, all of the planet will be at peace at the same time.  Happy Thanksgiving.

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