Sunday, November 25, 2012

KS&L 89 Wellness in December by Tina Erwin

       If we listen to the press, print, radio and TV, we will surely feel that the whole world is unwell.  It may seem like an inevitability that a person won’t be healthy at this time of year.  We who study metaphysics know inherently that this is simply a lie. No one ever has to be unwell.
       Imagine if the press for just one week reported how healthy the country is, how this December people were the healthiest they have ever been!  Imagine if the press reported smiling faces and empty medical waiting rooms. Imagine if people did not need to be ill. Imagine if people were proud of their wellness - safe and secure in the knowledge that they crave wellness and happiness because they care for their bodies so much and value their health. Imagine if the group mind believed that they could be well all the time. So, why can’t we think like this? Why does it seem people continue to be unwell, especially now?
       Many people seem to need the attention that illness brings. 
       Many people seem to need the excuse to rest that illness brings.
       Many people cannot manage their time so that they are not stressed, so illness is their only way to get out of things.
       Many people heard their parents say that they were always sick at the holidays. Many people remembered childhoods full of sickness in December, it became their norm.
       Many people only received love from their parents when they were sick.
       Many people suffered a death or terrible grief in Nov/Dec and that memory subconsciously brings on a cold or other illness in place of straight forwardly addressing grief.
       Many people are lonely this time of year and an illness gets people’s attention or love, if only for a little while.
       There will come a day in the very near future when illness will simply be a thing of the past, something we no longer need. If we sense “something coming on” then we have the tools to look within ourselves and figure out why our subconscious thought we needed to be ill. We can then address that emotional need and heal the physical body. When emotional needs are met, the body stays in a state of physical balance.  When emotional needs are chronically unmet, the body remains in a chronic out of balance state and becomes vulnerable to illness. No pill, potent, powder or shot will change this. It is just how it is.
       The only way to be perennially healthy is to heal that underlying emotional issue that triggers any type of illness. This applies to every single affliction that affects the human body: all of them.  While this may sound challenging, it is truly the basis of pristine health. It is learning that people die and that we can heal from a death. It is opening our hearts to others and learning to recognize the many facets of love. It is love itself. . . And isn’t this really the message of December?  Love after all is what this is all about. Love the body enough to give it loving rest and release from stress. We are inherently wise when we can love with all of our heart.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

KS&L 86 Thanksgiving by Tina Erwin

This is the time of year we turn to considering all the things we are thankful for. But often we are made to feel that the world is in dire straights, is hopeless and that the sky is falling.
       So perhaps it would be good to take a minute and look at globally what we can feel good about. Often, the press reminds us so continually of what is wrong with the world that we frequently forget to remember what is right with the world. So, here are some thoughts on what is right with the world at this snapshot in time. Please keep in mind that at any given moment, someone is demonstrating about something or someone or some government is doing something harmful, but if you look at the aggregate there are signs of hope out there.
       The election is over and whether you are happy or unhappy about it, the government will still go on. We are an example to the world that you can have people disagree and still move forward and accept results.
       All of North America, Central and South America are at peace.
       India and Pakistan are at peace.
       All of Northern Europe, Europe and Southern Europe are at peace.
       All of Northern Africa and most of Africa is also at peace.
       All of Asia is at peace. That, in itself is staggering. North Korea is being monitored by the Chinese -  a first in history. Viet Nam is a trading partner.
       While parts of the Middle East are not at peace, we can still be hopeful for this part of the world.
       All of the former Soviet states are at peace.
       There is unrest in many countries, but for the most part, this is not a planet at war with itself. Most modern countries are working very hard to prevent any hint of nuclear war. We are more aware of environmental concerns than we have ever been at any time in history.
       The Internet and cell phones have linked the world. We will never see ourselves as alone on this planet because we know that we are part of the global community. More people are traveling to other countries to know for themselves that we, and they are the same, want the same things for our families, food, shelter, safety, love and economic stability.
       The movement to spirituality is perhaps the largest planet wide, than it has ever been. We are aware of more people praying, believing in Angels and higher spiritual beings than ever before.
       So, yes, as we consider that there are places of extreme strife, we must also honor and be grateful for the fact that the vast majority of this planet IS at peace and with continued prayer, hope and love, let us hope that in our lifetimes, all of the planet will be at peace at the same time.  Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

KS&L 390: Veterans Day by Tina Erwin

       Today is Veterans Day.
       Today is the day we honor those who have served our country in foreign wars.
       Today is the time to ponder what our lives would be like if we did not have, if we had not had, if we had never experienced what it’s like to have someone stand up for us.
       In a certain sense, this is exactly what a military person does: he or she stands up against what is negative, what is wrong or oppressive. The goal of the United States Military is not conquest, it’s simply to protect and defend the American people and the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. That’s it. That’s the basic oath that we all take.  .  . and we take it very, very seriously.
       Sometimes determining what is a threat to this country and to the Constitution is a challenging situation.
       Most Americans take Constitutional guarantees for granted but nothing is ever guaranteed. Every single American needs to be vigilant to make sure that elected officials honor the tenants of the US Constitution. Veterans Day not only honors the soldiers of two World Wars, Korea, Viet Nam, and all the endless Middle East conflicts, it honors another critically special group.
        This day also honors those farmers, bakers, blacksmiths, silver and tinsmiths, the country doctors and importers who took up arms to create a country. They had to make a decision. Stay with the British or get to the business of nation building. This meant that these mostly quiet men, these souls who only wanted to live in peace had to fight for that right to live in peace. Had they not done that several centuries ago, we, dear friends, would not be having this conversation.
       But they were not the only ones to serve the mission of making a new nation. There is a wonderful statement about all of those families who stayed behind to try to run the farm, manage crops, raise animals and build families: They also serve who only sit and wait.  But these women weren’t sitting and they weren’t idly waiting! Think of all of those women who worked tirelessly to manage their farms through brutal winters and humid summers to create properties that would produce an income without their husbands. They didn’t just give up. They got to work! Think about their fear as British soldiers came and took all that they had, ‘commandering’ it for the King. Perhaps this outright theft put extra steel in their slender backbones. Maybe these women and children realized that if they all didn’t take a stand against tyranny, then they would still be part of the oppressive remnants of the feudal system that had plagued Europe for centuries.
       Perhaps these women and children weren’t physically standing beside Washington on that bitter cold, wintery day of December 25th 1776 when General Washington crossed the Delaware River to attack the British and the Hessian troops. No, they may not have been there, but these women were supporting their husbands who were with Washington. This particular battle was a turning point in the war. Thousands of men had already died, morale was low, families were weary of war and still they did not give up. Let us honor them all on this day.
       Freedom is never easy. Honor, integrity, clarity of mission and the desire to open doors for the oppressed are the real mission of any veteran. However, the defense of the Constitution is so critical that let us not forget that this document is the foundation for democracy itself. Men and women live and die, but ideals, the ideals of freedom from all kinds of oppression, these are the immortal standards that all veterans hold dear and protect and defend.
       I offer my profound gratitude to all veterans and their long serving families, who have come before me to offer their lives, their sacrifice and their contribution to making this country safe. Because of all of these amazing veterans, I am able to share my humble thoughts with all of you today.
       Tina D. Erwin, Commander, US Navy Retired

Sunday, November 4, 2012

KS&L 388: Why Did My Cell Phone Shatter? Part 2 by Tina Erwin

       Within about three days, Rosalind and the other sales rep Courtney emailed us that things in the store had escalated and now there were far more ghosts in the store than before. Laura and I realized that we had to do something to help these women and all of those ghosts.
         We asked them if they had left a book card in the back of the store. Why yes, they said, we did. Perhaps the card, combined with the willingness these women had shown to help lost souls, had been a winning combination for ghosts. This meant that I had to rethink the situation for these willing lightworkers. As the situation at the gorgeous handbag store escalated I decided that I needed to add something to our second Ghost Stories book to facilitate the transition of any ghost, anywhere, and at anytime. I needed to give not just these kind and compassionate women a useful tool, but anyone anywhere who feels haunted by a ghost, the most powerful tool possible to facilitate the crossover of those souls.
         So I created a prayer. But this isn’t just any prayer this is a prayer that can help a soul to find the light. This empowers any living person to help any ghost anywhere, any time. So the ladies at the handbag store received the first and only version of this prayer. Their ‘mission’ was to use it to clear the store and then to get back to us.
         And they did. They cleared that store of ghosts using this prayer! They didn’t need Laura and I to come in, or remote view to clear it. Now, they had the power and they used it.
         So we experimented on using this prayer with other close friends and family members. And they keep it with them all the time. Some printed it out, some put it on their iPhone. It worked every time.
         Apparently the book card and the eBooks (and eventually the physical book) can, in some situations, create something called a Light Bridge, which ghosts can see. The energy of this Light Bridge facilitates their crossing over into the light. Some won’t need the facilitation of the prayer and some will.
         OK, I thought, so this must be why my iphone broke, to create this prayer.
         But it wasn’t just this either.
         Rosalind and Courtney continued to keep in contact with us. Courtney also decided to share the information with her medical doctor husband. Apparently her husband was bringing all kinds of ghosts home from the hospital. Courtney used the prayer to clear her home and noticed how much better things felt. She uses it every day now. Then she brought him to a lecture I was giving about ghosts. Her very skeptical husband was beginning to rethink things.
         Obviously, that was the reason my phone broke, so that Courtney could clear her home and awaken her husband to a new paradigm of thought.
         But it wasn’t just that either.
         I held a meeting in my home to discuss a metaphysical topic and Rosalind and Courtney attended. They shared with the group how we all met. Later each shared how understanding the situation with ghosts had helped them. Then they began to ask more questions about exceptionally sensitive family members and how they could help them.
         Okay this has to be the reason but it became even more amazing when Rosalind told us that she never works in that particular store. Actually she is a manager and had only ever been sent to that Fashion Valley store one time, before or since we met. She and Courtney had never met before that day. Now they are fast friends, sharing such an amazing experience.
         I give up. Obviously my cell phone was supposed to break otherwise I would never have gone into that store with my friend Laura to kill a little time before getting my iphone replaced. Yep! Everything happens for a reason, or maybe two, or more. The chain of events set into motion by the shattering of that iphone screen still amaze me. I do look for the reason for things, but this one was, wow, amazing!