Sunday, May 20, 2012

KS&L 375 Not so Sweet Surrender

by Tina Erwin
         Recently a friend of mine was talking about her fears and how hard it is to face these fears. She told me that she read somewhere that truly spiritual people simply surrender to spirit.
         I asked her what that meant. When you surrender to spirit what are you really doing, what does this mean for you in your heart of hearts?
         “Surrender,” she said, “means that you release, you let go and you let God come into your heart. What does the word mean to you?”
         “When I think of surrender, it has a whole different meaning. I suggest that we look it up. To surrender means that you give in, you give up or admit defeat. It can mean that you submit or stop fighting. It can also mean that you capitulate, as a defeated person. To me, surrender means just that: you lost, you were defeated, all of your power is gone.”
         She told me that she didn’t look at it that way, that she was now really confused. So I asked her if she had been fighting God. What had she been resisting that involved God?
         At this point, she was totally bewildered. I wasn’t trying to be argumentative, only working to have her see that the point of her statement was in and of itself a contradiction. If you love God, then you are filled with the love, the power and the protection of God. You are power ‘full’, not power ‘less’. In metaphysics, words carry tremendous meaning. If you love God, there is nothing to surrender because you do not give up, you embrace, you stand up to the challenge of the spiritual path. You find your courage. What courage is there in surrender, in admitting defeat?
         All of us at some time or other are filled with some combination fear, doubt, confusion and hopelessness. Surrendering to these feelings is not beneficial and means that you just let them wash over you because you ‘lay down your arms’, you submitted to the darkness. Standing up to fear, clearing doubt and confusion and finding hope in the future directly relates to finding your source of spiritual power.
         Spiritual power is the direct connection we have the potential to find. Our spiritual path is defined by our search for this connection. Everyone is on a spiritual path to the light whether or not they think they are. Every single day we live is a step either closer or farther from achieving that sense of the divine connection that defines that path.
         Every interaction we have with another person is an opportunity to have it be beneficial or detrimental. Never surrender to anything. Always, find a way to embrace your own light and the light of others. This will save you. This will help you to heal. This is light work in action. Those who choose to do this work do not wave the white flag of surrender but rather rally those around them with the bright hope of a better day.
         Strike the concept of surrender out of your spiritual dictionary. Replace it with the concept of courage, hope and dedication to the spiritual path that takes us all home to God. The divine loves us all. We are all part of the whole and no one can take that from us.
         Perhaps one of the most precious lessons to take from this concept of erasing the word surrender from your spiritual vocabulary is that words matter. What you say to yourself, about yourself makes a tremendous difference. Let those personal words be terms of greatness not capitulation or submission. The brightness of your own light depends on it.

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