Dear Friends,
This information comes from Young Living. I actually do most of these things myself. I cannot recommend Essential Oils strongly enough, both the single oils and the amazing blends. And yes, you can get the gel caps and ingest the single essential oils. Frankincense is especially wonderful to take internally. Lots of great information here generously offered by my sister Andrea Harris.
The Everyday Oils Kit was created by Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) so that anyone could immediately use and appreciate the benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oils.
Single Oils
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Lemon (Citrus limon)
Peppermint (Menthapiperita)
Oil Blends
Peace & Calming®
Purification ®
Uses: All single oils may be used as dietary supplements. All of the oils can be applied to the Vita Flex points on the feet, added to bath water mixed with YLEO’s Bath Gel Base, applied topically or used with body and foot massage. All of the oils may by diffused. Diffusing allows the oils to stay suspended in the air to reduce bacteria, fungi and mold. It also freshens the air with natural fragrances, eliminating the need for synthetic, harmful air fresheners. Using the oils aromatically is an excellent way to stimulate the brain in many positive ways, as discussed below.
Obligatory Disclaimer: The following information is intended for educational purposes only. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from a serious disease, illness or injury should consult with a physician.
The Suggested Uses Apply Only to the Use of Therapeutic Grade, Young Living Essential Oils
PEPPERMINT - (Mentha piperita) is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion. Jean Valnet, M.D., studied peppermint's effect on the liver and respiratory systems. Other scientists have also researched peppermint's role in affecting impaired taste and smell when inhaled. Dr. William N. Dember of the University of Cincinnati studied peppermint's ability to improve concentration and mental accuracy. Alan Hirsch, M.D., studied peppermint's ability to directly affect the brain's satiety center, which triggers a sense of fullness after meals.
How to Use Peppermint:
44. Rub 1-2 drops in the palm and rub over stomach and around the navel to relieve indigestion, flatulence and diarrhea.
45. Add Peppermint to herbal tea to aid in digestion and relieve heartburn.
46. Massage several drops of oil on an injury to reduce inflammation.
47. Apply Peppermint oil immediately to an injured area (bruised shin, put on the foot or hand) to relieve pain. If there is a cut, apply the Peppermint oil around (not on) the open wound.
48. Rub several drops of oil on the bottoms of the feet to reduce fever.
49. Apply Peppermint oil topically on unbroken skin to stop itching.
50. For poison ivy or poison oak, apply Peppermint oil on location neat or dilute
with V-6 Vegetable Mixing Oil.
51. Inhale before & during a workout to boost your mood and reduce fatigue.
52. Massage several drops on the abdomen to relieve nausea.
53. To relieve a headache, rub on the temples, forehead, over the sinuses (stay away from the eyes) and on the back of the neck.
54. To stop hiccups, apply a drop of Peppermint oil on each side of the fifth cervical vertebra (up three notches from the base of the neck).
55. Place two drops of Peppermint oil on the tongue and rub another drop under the nose to improve alertness and concentration.
56. Diffuse Peppermint in the room while studying to improve concentration and accuracy. Inhale Peppermint while taking a test to improve recall.
57. Rub 4 drops on chest and stomach to relieve travel sickness.
58. Place a drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue and inhale into the nose and sinuses to relieve congestion from a cold.
59. Add Peppermint oil to food as a flavoring and a preservative.
60. To deter rats, mice, ants or cockroaches, place two drops on a cotton ball and place along the path or point of entry for these pests.
61. Mix one 15 ml. bottle of Peppermint into a 5 gals. of paint to dispel the fumes.
62. Place a couple of drops in a cup of hot water and enjoy in place of coffee.
63. To kill aphids, add 4-5 drops to 4 ounces of water and spray the plants.
64. Drink a drop mixed in a glass of cold water to cool off on a hot day.
Next week:
How to use Thieves Oil!
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