By Tina Erwin
Having discussed some of the interesting elements that can happen when you acquire a piece of antique jewelry, perhaps it is time to turn our attention to other types of antiques and the karma that can attach to those pieces.
Some pieces can be cleared. There is a process for that which I will share at a later time. However, there are some pieces, which simply cannot be cleared because there is way too much karma attached to each piece depending on how it was used and who was using it. There are two different examples we can use: World War II and the Bombing of the World Trade Center on 9/11.
The first is the sheer volume of Nazi items that are left over from the Second World War. These include Nazi weapons, flags, insignia, automobiles, yachts, furniture, and jewelry, including cuff links and collar insignia from SS officers. It would also include clothing, helmets, shell casings, Nazi training manuals and more. All of these Nazi associated items carry with them tremendous karma.
Bluntly, when you own one of these things, you are connecting to the murderous horror of what the Nazi’s did to over six million human beings. But there is more than that. The total death toll of World War II was 73,000,000 human beings. Seventy three million people died in that war. So whatever you own from that war and that could also include Japanese war mementos will connect that owner to the murders and deaths that took place.
Think about the karma of now being directly connected to these horrific deaths by the mementos you own. Consider the following three examples.
• A man had an opportunity to purchase a yacht. It came at an incredibly inexpensive price. He felt he was getting a bargain. However, he was a bit nervous by how desperate the owner was to ‘get rid of it’. Apparently, Herman Goering, who was the architect of Hitler’s murderous plan to exterminate the Jews, and other undesirables from life itself, had owned this yacht. Hitler had ridden on this yacht where plans were made to commit mass murder. The yacht was sold at auction after the war. The first owner of that yacht died a terrible death. His family quickly found someone else to purchase it. This second owner also died and so did several of his family members.
By the time it came to this third owner the man was nervous but he kept thinking he was getting a ‘great bargain’. He asked a very wise man about this potential purchase. Our sage, upon hearing the story of the yacht and who its original owner had been, advised him in the strongest way possible not to go near that yacht, much less purchase it! But the man persisted. Perhaps he was mesmerized by the history of it, whatever the reason, his life very quickly went down hill immediately after he began to own it. One by one his immediate family became ill and then he became terribly ill. However, because he had such a wise friend, he remembered his warning and this third owner got rid of the yacht. Once he did that, he karmically broke his connection to mass murder. He couldn’t believe that this karmic connection could affect him so profoundly but it did.
• Another man purchased a pair of SS cufflinks at an antique show. He had no idea why he bought them. He never wore them, never showed them to anyone and only looked at them now and then. He paid quite a bit for them. However, from the time he bought them, he felt haunted by them. Finally, he also met a psychic who advised to break them in half, and then throw them in the sea. When he had competed these actions, he felt a tremendous freedom, a sense of lightness entered his life. The sense of grey doom that had so haunted him for so many years was finally gone.
• Then there was the woman who purchased – also at auction – an extremely valuable painting, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. From the moment the painting came into her life, things went from bad to disaster. Her children became ill, her marriage went on the rocks and everything in her life seemed to go downhill. She also sought out a psychic to help her understand what was happening in her life. This person kept seeing a Nazi swastika in her house. The woman hotly denied it. Yet during a visit with this woman, the psychic kept feeling the presence of something from the Nazi’s. Finally the owner brought out her precious painting. The psychic looked at the woman and pointed at the crate that housed the painting. The woman was dumbfounded. There, literally branded into the wood of the crate was the Nazi swastika. Apparently, the painting was one of those stolen by the Nazi’s. Who its rightful owner is, we will never know.
Did the woman get rid of the painting? Ironically, she did not. She was also the same person who lived in a house where the original owner had purchased pieces of a southern mansion from Georgia, where civil war dead were treated. The mansion had been converted into a hospital. Why the owner of this house did this, we will never know, but she had that entire blood soaked floor removed and brought to her house in Virginia. There were other pieces of that house throughout the house she lived in, including the huge pillars at the front door. So now, this woman was not only connected to the karma of the Nazis but also the karma of the Civil War. She did eventually sell the house but her life was always, shall we say, challenging especially since she refused to release her hold on the painting. . . . or maybe the painting refused to release it’s hold on her!
The third example I would use is the metal being reconfigured from the remains of the buildings in the world trade center bombings of 9/11 2001. There is a tremendous amount of karma attached to these buildings and their demise. Owning a piece of that history will not benefit anyone.
When you acquire any object that has been previously owned, it would be wise to learn as much as you can about it. Also consider that if you seem to attract dark things in your life, for heaven’s sake please do not buy antiques. You attract what and who you are. Start to seek out new things, things that do not have karma attached from dark times. Also, understand that just because you are a good person, does not mean that you can ‘clear’ something that has that much karma attached. Leave it alone. Don’t touch it. If a toxic relative leaves you something like this that you know is connected to a terrible past, destroy it. Break the dark magic that is connected with it. It is incredibly important to surround yourself with positive things. Leave the darkness of the past out of your life.
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