Monday, November 14, 2011

The Mind as Essence

The following quote is from a book that my brother Paul Debs told me about. This book  [which is available from], written by Charles L. Denhaene is titled: 

How To Become Happy By Eternal Knowledge. 

It was written in 1928 and feels so antiquated that it almost seems like 'olde' English. However, the content is amazing in its simple message: You can use your mind to heal your body. Paul has told me that this method, if followed sincerely, diligently and with a pure heart and a love for your own body can be exceptionally effective. So, I am offering some of the essential quotes from the book.

"The mind is essence and finds it strength in essence. When it is well guided and properly directed, it goes forth and seeks in various plants the essences it needs to kill in our bodies the bad germs of disease and drives out the deadly poisons.

If a person feels a pain somewhere and if that person thinks immediately in the spirit, [if the person] passes the hand very slowly over the painful spot, repeating very rapidly: 'Go away, I will have you no more, the pain stops at once, and if you persevere, it will disappear completely in the end.'

'God has created the plants to cure me; my mind will seek the essences and I shall be cured.' (One must especially repeat: I shall be cured.)

The mind knows them [the essences] very well and can even repair the tissues which do not work well in our body with the help of the nerves and the blood.

So each night, when you have gone to bed, say well to yourself: "By the essence, all goes better and better" Repeat as often as you can, as if you were reciting your rosary, in a low voice, just loud enough for your mind to hear.  .   and whatever ill you may have will be forced to leave."

In these times, we need every tool in our arsenal to care for our bodies. This simple process holds the potential to literally send our subconscious out to find the exact flower or plant essence to heal whatever is hurting in our body or whatever our body needs and that could include help in getting to or staying asleep! It costs nothing and is worth a try. Thanks Paul!

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