There are all sorts of books out there on de-cluttering your home and aspects of your life. It seems like such a daunting task. You open the junk drawer in your kitchen, and heaven knows we all have one, and you just sigh and shut the drawer. What do you do with all that stuff?
We have emotional junk drawers full of stuff too. Often we look at it and then just shut the drawer - too hard!
So, where do you begin ‘de-cluttering’? Which do you do first: physical house or emotional house? Here are some suggestions.
• Truly, as you do one, you do the other, so make an appointment with yourself for an hour a week, with your house - start there first. If you can make an appointment for a hair cut, you can make an appointment for yourself.
• Just do one drawer or cabinet. Don’t take on the entire garage – that is way too daunting. Also, don’t assign a task like that to your spouse and then get angry when he or she too, finds it daunting and puts it off.
• If you find an old memory in that drawer or box, take some time and decide how you feel. Are you happy with it, angry, ready to let go, need to talk to someone about it - what is the feeling?
• Make a list on a piece of paper of what is not resolved on an emotional level, in that drawer.
• When you have done several rooms and have a respectable number of things on your life list, then make another appointment with yourself or a professional and work through each one.
Imagine what your life will be like at the end of the year. It is wise to remember that as you clean out anything, you make way for new and wonderful things in your life. Sounds too simple. I heard that. . . However, just try it - what if it works?
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