Sunday, May 15, 2011

KS&L 352 Frequency Waves

Let’s face it, everything is moving faster and faster. There aren’t enough hours in the day anymore. The nostalgic concepts of taking time to read a book, having time to visit friends or just pondering the clouds in the sky are gone. We might like to still do that, but there just isn’t time anymore!

The sages [whoever they are!] tell us that the frequency of the Earth is rising. The frequency of the Earth has to rise because the Earth is an evolving Being just as we are evolving beings in physical bodies. The physicality of the Earth is the housing for that particular Being.

However, as the Earth vibration rises in the process of her evolution, so must we also notice the affect of that rise in and on the vibration of each of us as well. The higher the frequency, the more evolved is the planet. The higher we raise our own frequency the more will remain in resonance with this ever-evolving planet, and the more emotionally and spiritually balanced we will continue to feel.

How do we know if we are keeping up with the growing rate of evolving frequency of the Earth? Tough question to answer, but one that is essential to address.

As the Earth’s frequency rises, it oscillates at an ever-increasing rate of speed – hence why we feel everything is moving faster. We find ourselves trying to maintain our equilibrium as the rate of speed increases. Some people are actually feeling the frequency waves pass through them. This may account for why so many people find themselves awakening at three or four in the morning feeling weird and not quite understanding why.

The Earth is also working through whatever karma is necessary for this Being to evolve. Karma that once took lifetimes to resolve is now coming upon both the planet itself as well as each of us at an ever-increasing rate. Sometimes so much is happening that we may feel like we have been ‘karmalized’ by the unending events of every single day.

This accelerated return of karmic actions and reactions leaves us all wondering what the next phone call will bring, what disaster we will hear next on the news or what difficulty we will get the ‘opportunity’ to face today.

Maintaining balance is now requiring us to make finer and finer and harder and harder choices as each day passes. Just how will we choose to spend our time today? How much editing of our words are we willing to do to help the person in front of us? How will we handle catastrophic news of a death, divorce, injury, illness, job/financial loss? What if it is our house that catches on fire or experiences a flood? Is our catastrophe an opportunity for friends and family to rise to the occasion and help us? When these things happen, will we be willing to search for the lesson and consciously seek the reason this is all happening?

The Earth’s rate of vibration/oscillation/frequency is going to continue to rise. That is a given. The choices we make will help our own rate of vibration to rise, right along with it or lag behind because we stubbornly believe that we can stay where we are, that maybe the rest of the world has to change, but we don’t.

We all have to change. We all have to find that spot of discomfort within ourselves and address it and decide to change now! Don’t wait! If change bothers you, ask yourself why? Is it fear? Is it the need for comfort? Is it a desire to mistakenly believe that you can actually control your world?

As we each change and grow, our frequency will naturally rise. This will enable us to embrace the waves of oscillation we may feel. This will encourage us to accept what we cannot change and move forward into an uncertain future with the knowledge that we are constantly evolving at that ever increasing rate of speed and that this is part of the normal and Divine plan.

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