What if the world will not actually end, but life as we think we know it will end and a new time of change will begin? Perhaps that expected event is already happening. What if the karmic wheel is already turning and we as a planet are being allowed to have the energy of the events spread out over months, days and years. What if the events expected in 2012 are already in process? Think back to when our first creeping awareness of the validity of the predictions began to become manifest. Consider the following earthquake statistics* and remember that with the total number of quakes, of that number the higher ones are listed, ex. In 2001, 47 quakes were above a 6.0 on the Richter Scale and of those 47 quakes, 14 were above a 7.0 and one of the 47 was an 8:
1995 saw 59 above 6.0, none higher that year.
1996 saw 36 above 6.0, none higher that year.
1997 saw 37 above 6.0, none higher that year.
1998 saw 30 above 6.0, none higher that year.
1999 saw 37 above 6.0, none higher that year.
2000 saw 47 above 6.0, none higher that year.
2001 saw 45 above 6.0, 14 above 7.0 and one over 8.
2002 saw 20 above 6.0, 11 above 7.0 and none above 8.
2003 saw 34 above 6.0, 14 above 7.0 and an 8.3.
2004 saw 28 above 6.2, 9 above 7.0, one over 8 and a 9.1
2005 saw 33 above 6.0, 9 above 7.0 and one over 8.
2006 saw 27 above 6.0, 9 above a 7.0 and 2 over 8.
2007 saw 46 above 6.0, 15 above 7.0 and 4 over 8.
2008 saw 47 above 6.0, 12 above 7.0 and while none were over an 8 there was a 7.9 in China.
2009 saw 54 above 6.0, 17 above 7.0 and one over 8.
2010 saw 50 above 6.0, 22 above 7.0 and one over 8.
2011 as of 14 March: 14 above 6.0, 6 above 7.0, none over 8 and a 9.1.
The point to be made here is that it would appear, statistically speaking that the energy of our changing planet is being spread out over at least 15-20 years. Imagine if all of that energy were to be released at once. We would probably be vaporized! What is generating the events? Consider these facts:
• The frequency of the Earth is rising.
• We are in a period of significant solar flares which is why we have increased earthquake, tsunami, tornado, and volcano activity.
• The moon is now closer to the earth than at any time in recorded history. Imagine the power of that increased magnetic pull.
• The Earth is in the process of lining up with all of the other planets and this action is creating an additional huge shift in the magnetic pull on the Earth.
• Each massive quake over an 8.0 causes the Earth to rotate just a few microseconds faster. Consider that in the last 7 years, we have had 14 quakes over an 8.0. No wonder we seem to feel that time has speeded up!
• The faster the rotation, the faster the various stresses and strains on the core of the Earth.
There is a tremendous amount happening in the planet itself. This huge shift, spread out over roughly the last fifteen years is also making people feel increasingly uneasy. We are seeing rising levels of insanity, depression and greater and greater health problems. Many people are living longer, but enjoying it less because of their health. These Earth changes affect people in challenging, often political ways, as we are seeing. More and more people want less government, more freedom and greater access to information.
Hang on! It’s not over yet. We are about to see quite a bit of real estate rearranged as we fly through the next ten to fifteen years. Our task is to balance and digest each huge news event and it seems that events are coming at us faster and faster. We may all be suffering from outrage, astonishment, and catastrophe fatigue.
We will witness tremendous changes in our life times. We can move forward through this time with grace, if we accept that as challenging as this is to understand, all is still happening in perfect order. We really will be all right. Elements of our world may seem to end, but our beloved Earth will simply rearrange things a bit and many aspects of our lives will still be all right. Our prayers sent to all the people of the world, will help tremendously. Our calm determination to see all of this through combined with our absolute faith in the wisdom of the Divine, will surely assist us a we barrel toward 2012, and the already beginning New Age.
*Source: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqinthenews/2002/
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