Client: “I am trying to understand how chi works. I know that chi is energy, but is it more than that and can I enhance it?”
Tina: “Chi is energy, power, sickness, health, happiness and pain.”
Client: “OK, I find that a bit overwhelming, perhaps I should focus on something manageable. What kind of chi affects the human body?”
Tina: “Chi is life itself and it is more than this. There are primarily three kinds of chi that affect the human body. The first one is a familiar one. Literally, you are what you eat. ”
Client: “So we get chi from food.”
Tina: “Yes. So to be specific, the more the food that you eat is bursting with life force, or chi, the more chi you will have in your body.”
Client: “Oh, so this is why there is so much talk about ‘processed food: it has less life force.”
Tina: “Less life force. I would say that most processed food, is so processed that it is unrecognizable as to what it originally started out as and in some cases has absolutely no life force. The less adulterated your food, the more life force. Chicken does not have fingers and the sheer volume of ingredients makes you wonder just exactly what is in a nugget, bite or finger of that type of non-existent chicken.”
Client: “I remember reading about a fast food hamburger that would not ever rot if left unrefrigerated on a counter. I guess there is no life force in that supposed piece of food.”
Tina: “Exactly. Food, in its most basic form, fresh from the farm or fresh/flash frozen is going to have the highest life force. Food that rots is full of life force. When it rots, that life force is leaving the food. Simple food is always your best bet and that will not have any extra sugars or fats.”
Client: “Alright, so chi comes from the food you eat. Where else does the chi come from that helps your body?”
Tina: “We all have something called ancestral chi. Ever wonder about the phrase you heard your parents use that noted that someone came from ‘good stock’? ”
Client: “Yeah, always sounded like we were being compared to live stock in a meat yard.”
Tina: “Well, basically, the stronger the gene pool throughout the generations, the stronger will be your ancestral chi. Look at the genes of your family. How long did your relatives live? One of the reasons for marrying someone and having children is to strengthen and extend the energy of a given gene pool.”
Client: “So if your personal gene pool is lousy, everyone dies at a young age, what can you do?”
Tina: “Well you can’t control that, but you can control the food you eat and your surroundings, which is the third source of chi.”
Client: “You mean that your home provides you with chi?”
Tina: “Yes it does. Think about it. If you enter a home that is immaculate, is well done, ie, well decorated, that makes you feel comfortable, and offers you a sense of peace and happiness, don’t you feel like that location is helping you when you are there?”
Client: “I guess so. That seems like common sense.”
Tina: “Well, we seem to have lost some of our most basic common sense in these times.”
Client: “So how a home is decorated makes a difference?”
Tina: “It isn’t just decoration, it is the overall look and feel of the home. Frankly, how do you feel when you are there? Is the location healing or harmful.”
Client: “So does clutter affect chi?”
Tina: “Heavens yes! Clutter takes up the space for chi to circulate. The more clutter you have, the less chi you will have. The less clutter, the better overall air circulation and the better you will feel.”
Client: “So a minimalist way is the best way. Nothing about to get in the way of chi - is that what you recommend?”
Tina: “Oh no, live, enjoy your home, but be aware of how it feels. Again, this is the point of Feng Shui. Balance your home using color, texture, placement, removing threatening things and things that creep you out. Over time, you will be able to walk into your home and feel an unmade bed because your home will feel so balanced. It’s wonderful!”
Client: “Sounds like a lot of work.”
Tina: “Not really. Once you elevate your home to that place of peace and happiness, there is a part of you that will always want to keep it that way and where something is out of balance, you will want to fix it because it will routinely bother you.”
Client: “Who knew just a discussion of chi could be so complicated?”
Tina: “This is the basic level. When you start studying chi on more esoteric levels, you come to learn that the more balanced your home, the more beautiful your surroundings the happier you will be emotionally. The happier you are emotionally, the less illness you will have. The healthier you are, the happier you are the closer you can feel to the Divine. Also, the better the chi in your home is, the healthier will your plants and animals be as well. It is all related. Even appliances in your home will need less repairs once the chi is raised.”
Client: “So, will doing all of this affect ancestral chi?”
Tina: “Absolutely. You come in with a set of genes or cards. Literally, life is how you play the hand that is dealt to you. If you take what you are given and then greatly enhance that chi, those genes, you will find that you are growing on profound levels and you may just change those genes for yourself and potentially future generations.”
Client: “But what if you didn’t grow up eating well, or in a nice place or really feeling healthy?”
Tina: “Change it! Who says that you have to accept what you are given? Be that maverick in the family and change you life by changing the chi in our life. It is a tremendous feeling!”
Client: “So chi can be life changing, life enhancing and life giving.”
Tina: “Exactly! Clean up! De-clutter! Put some art on the walls, play beautiful music, be happy. Imagine how happy the chi will be in your home and how healthy you, your plants and animals will all be!”