Sunday, October 10, 2010

KS&L 157 Ghosts Part 1 Do They Exist?

Did you ever listen to a small child ask any minister/reverend/priest of almost any religion if there is such a thing as a ghost? The answer virtually 100% of the time is that condescending smile that says “dear child, of course there is no such thing as ghosts.” This is a lie and the minister knows it. If the child persists, the clergy person says, that all people just move into the light. This is unfortunately, another lie and it is told all the time.

This same question when posed to any school science teacher will illicit the same answer: There is no such thing as a ghost – period. However, again, if the child persists and notes that 'matter is neither created nor destroyed, then what happens to the energy of the physical body at death' question gets the very heated response that religious matters cannot be discussed in school – period.

All right, then let us address the question of whether or not there are ghosts. Yes there are ghosts. Actually, there are lots of ghosts out there and a surprisingly large number of people “sense” their presence. Even people who would never in a million years consider themselves psychic, just feel “creepy” in certain locations and just as quickly exit the location.

Ghosts have existed throughout recorded history. Where did Dickens get his ideas for “The Christmas Carol”, if he did not surely, believe in ghosts in the first place? Why is there a law on the books in the State of South Carolina that states clearly that if your house is haunted, that you MUST disclose this to potential buyers? Why is the Catholic Church sending certain priests back to school to become exorcists at the rate of over 300 a year if there is not something out there that needs “divine intervention” – at least divinely from the Catholic Church point of view? Currently the Catholic Church cannot keep up with the number of requests for exorcisms. Why do so many people think that the Queen Mary moored in Long Beach, California is haunted – there are even shows about it? The list goes on. The point is that something is and has been happening that people cannot explain.

Can we prove that there are such things as ghosts? Can we prove that a location is haunted? Actually, there are all kinds of “Ghost Busters” out there who would like nothing better than to prove to anyone who will listen that there are ghosts. They use lots of electronic gear to measure electromagnetic output. Those people who are students of Biogeometry also find that many of the Biogeometry tools are quite helpful in determining if a location is haunted because Biogeometry tools measure energy, and are not influenced by what you think is there. Ghosts actually emit an energy field. Why? Because energy is neither created nor destroyed, so when a body dies, the energy that was resident in that physical body has to go somewhere. That soul essence still emits an energy field and it is measurable/identifiable.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. So to have that human experience, we need a casing in which to feel all these experiences. Hence, the physical body is an animated aspect that we use to do this. When we no longer need that human experience and we return to being a spiritual being, we literally shed that physical body shell.

The question is then, where does this energy that once animated the body – go? It has to go somewhere. This energy is the essence of the soul. The answer is that the soul enters the 4th dimension on its way to the correct dimension of the Heaven World. The 23rd psalm from the Bible describes it perfectly:

“Lo though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me. . .” The valley of the shadow of death is the 4th dimension and it is indeed quite dark and can be quite scary. The 4th dimension is the transition dimension – sort of like a step up transformer, which enables us to make the transition to the appropriate dimension.

We need that transition aspect because it is here that a certain amount of ‘soul’ sorting actually takes place. Many factors determine what happens to a soul after death. In part two, we will explore the factors that cause a soul to become a ghost.

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