Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions


Today is New Year's Day. Literally, this is the first New Day in a New Year, a new decade. So,try something different this year and do not make New Year's Resolutions. Today, review what was amazing about last year and then decide that this is just going to be a great year.

We create the realities that we are ready to receive. What will they be? We each decide that. When we make resolutions, karmically, we are creating a type of 'contract' with ourselves, with our subconscious. It is the job of the conscious to create the ideas for how we want our life to be. It is the job of the subconscious to make those ideas a reality. So when we create a 'resolution', we are essentially creating a 'contract' with ourselves. That is no problem if we live up to the contract, but usually, people do not lose that holiday weight, become millionaires or find the love of their life in the new year. The resolutions they made are usually forgotten within the first week of January.

A better scenario would simply be to review the previous year with a grateful eye to the experiences received. We can decide to have a wonderful new year in which we can learn all kinds of new things, embrace new people and treasure old friends and family members. We can choose to be more loving and open-minded. We can allllow for the possibility of amazing things to happen and do not be too strict with ourselves.

There is a freedom to not being bound by a resolution. Perhaps being freer to be different, better, happier will be fantastic things to anticipate now in this wonderful new decade of 2010.

Happy New Year Everyone!

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