Sunday, November 29, 2009
New Facebook Page
Many of you have asked me how you can become a 'fan' on Facebook. I have a Facebook page and recently, I started a Facebook Page to be able to offer a forum for discussing spiritual topics. Currently, we are discussing Ghost Stories. That Facebook page is called The Lightworkers. Currently, you can reach it through this link:
Sunday, November 22, 2009
KS&L 306: The Ghostly Adjudicator
There is a television producer who has proposed an interesting pilot for a new TV show, with this premise: two family members are brought to the show because they are bickering over how to dispose of the possessions of a beloved family member who has died. They are agonizing over how their Dad would have wanted his ashes spread, or who their Mom would have wanted to have received her old fur coat, or what to do with their son’s vintage mustang car, as an example. So, on this show, a reputable psychic who is also a medium is brought in to contact the dead relative to adjudicate the argument. Once they learn what the dead person’s wishes are, then everything is resolved, everyone is happy and they all live happily ever after and even their grief is solved.
The producers absolutely believe that this show will help people resolve their differences after a loved one has died. They want to show that all anyone has to do is find a good medium, learn what their dead relative wants and everything is now OK.
Do you see the problem with this? This is just wrong on so many levels --- where does one begin!
The premise of the show is that since the living cannot resolve their differences, they need the services of a medium to find out the wishes of a dead relative. The ghost has to solve the problem. The irony is that once the medium contacts the ghost, they discover to their dismay that the ghost has given up ‘attachment’ and has let go of the past and is moving through the realms of the heaven world. Frankly, the dead just do not care what we do with their ashes, that old fur coat or the vintage mustang! What use have they of material things and really, why do they care?
It is not the job of a transitioned soul to have to adjudicate problems among family members left behind. If a soul is still hanging on to those things, then the soul has not made their required passage into the heaven world and truly, they have much bigger problems than what to do with a piece of jewelry or a set of golf clubs. One of the major lessons of dying is that you are giving up earthly things. One of the pleasures of transition is not needing earthly things. One of the milestones of soul evolution is the concept of release from attachment.
Souls need to feel that they are now, literally free to move through all the glorious school houses of the heaven world, unencumbered by the problems that their death may have engendered for the living. Every person’s death is a problem for some living person. That is part of the lesson of living and dying. Everything we do, whether it is being born or it is dying is going to have an impact on someone, somewhere, somehow. This impact, the continuing impact of living on after someone in our life dies, is the purpose of life itself, of living through all the experiences on the Earth plane and eventually all the experiences of the Heaven world. That is the very essence of the process of soul evolution.
Just because a family member may want a departed soul to resolve a family squabble, does not mean that contacting the dead soul is a karmically correct action to take. Resolving that squabble without the departed soul is the lesson!
The other profoundly disturbing element here is the concept of ‘just finding a reputable medium’ to talk to the dead. Do we just look these folks up in the phone book? Truly, how does one conduct due diligence on a medium? Some people will use word-of-mouth, or reputation. Most of the really authentic mediums do not advertise. Many of them are extremely careful how they use their expertise, because the karmic bar is set a much higher for them. Literally they are being trusted with the ability to talk to the other realms and not only is that not a minor feat, it is also a huge karmic responsibility.
Some mediums are frankly questionable. One has to approach them gingerly. Some mediums prey on the sadness of the grieving family and often tell them what they want to hear, while charging large sums of money. So just finding a medium is itself a problem.
Frankly, if all anyone had to do, was to ask the dead what their wishes are, wouldn’t it all be just so much easier? Wouldn’t grief be easier if we could get the answers to the ever-nagging questions of:
• Why did this happen?
• What were you thinking when you drove off the bridge?
• Why did you kill yourself?
• Are you ok where you are, do you miss me?
• Did you suffer horribly at the hands of your killer?
• Can you ever forgive me for what I did or didn’t do?
When you consider how profound, poignant and persistent these questions are, the question of what to do with material things, just pales in comparison.
Maybe this producer’s television pilot will be a hit, at least for a while. Maybe a tiny handful of families will get an irrelevant answer as they put off their karmic lesson. Maybe audiences will falsely believe that they can find reputable mediums in the phone book, that are able to talk to the dead. However, the truth is, that the age-old elements of grief will never be so easily solved.
The karmic lessons of living and learning from grief are demanding and no matter how much any of us want them to be different, they are not going to change. We must come to terms with our grief and we have to heal our grief and our relationships through the process of loving and helping one another day by day, through the challenging schoolhouse of earthly life.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Heart of Military Woman
I am most proud to share that I am a contributor to the newly released book Heart of a Military Woman by Sheryl Roush, Sparkle Presentations. You can also check out her website at This wonderful book is part of the "Heart of" series of books that Sheryl has put together.
Heart of a Military Woman is a collection of stories from military women, officer and enlisted who have served their country over the last fifty years. These stories cover challenges, politics, leadership and love. I invite everyone to pick up a copy of this charming book.
Currently, Sheryl is seeking contributors for her next book regarding women who have learned to live and thrive after having had breast cancer. If you know of anyone, be sure to contact Sheryl. Truly a dynamite lady, she is focusing on the positive in these times of often very negative news. Truly, my hat is off to her!
Heart of a Military Woman is a collection of stories from military women, officer and enlisted who have served their country over the last fifty years. These stories cover challenges, politics, leadership and love. I invite everyone to pick up a copy of this charming book.
Currently, Sheryl is seeking contributors for her next book regarding women who have learned to live and thrive after having had breast cancer. If you know of anyone, be sure to contact Sheryl. Truly a dynamite lady, she is focusing on the positive in these times of often very negative news. Truly, my hat is off to her!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
KS&L 305: Metaphysical Experiment
In the parlance of the spiritual path, you learn that you cannot change anyone else: you can only change yourself. How you change yourself will ultimately determine how people around you react to you and what energetic forces you attract. Like absolutely attracts like. So to this end, what if you could change the circumstances of your day-to-day life? What if you could change something about yourself and your surroundings in a really wonderful way?
The benefits of this are many-fold, rather like a good neighbor who really has a beautiful yard: that yard/home and property will help the values of the whole neighborhood. You will find that you are happier, healthier and overall, have a more fulfilling life – and this is something that you can control. There are unseen forces out there that react to how you react. So, how can you raise the value, literally the vibration of where you work, as well as your home?
Here is the experiment. Do it for 90 days as a test.
• Step one: Every morning, visualize the violet flame of transmutation coming up through your desk, work space, home, property, car anything that you want to spiritually clear and make feel very positive. It has to be your space. You cannot do this for someone else, only your own space.
• Step two: Bring down a beautiful white light after you have done the violet flame on the whole area. This will literally bring positive healing light to your life.
• Step three: As you walk toward your desk, workspace, car, home, yard or room, bless it. Just ask that the area be blessed by the Diving Light of God.
• Step four: Every so often during the day, say to yourself one or all of the following affirmations:
*Something wonderful happens to me every day.
*Day by day in every way, I am more abundant.
*Everywhere I go, I meet the nicest people.
*I am magnetic to all wonderful things.
*It’s all good. Even the difficult experiences are teaching me valuable lessons.
• At the end of every day, give thanks in your prayers for the wonderful day you had.
• Send some type of healing to the world. Give out the energy of your most generous heart.
• Create a new realities book where you make a list of the aspects that you are ready to receive in your life. This can be a raise, a new car, love in your life and/or great health.
• Ask your subconscious to make this happen and then thank your subconscious for doing such a great job.
It is good to remember that the subconscious makes manifest what the conscious part of you creates. Your connection to Higher Self is what will provide the spiritual horsepower to make manifest wonderful things.
As you do the things above, you are changing your own frequency. The higher your frequency, the higher frequency people, experiences and things will you attract.
When – yes - when wonderful things begin to happen to you, start recording them. Document the results of this experiment just as you would do with any experiment. The proof of your actions will be in the reactions of people to you. Your attitude will determine how the world treats you. Just like Ebenezer Scrooge, he had to change his view of life itself in order to redeem himself before his eventual death. As he changed, literally, the sun came out in his life.
True metaphysicians are ultimately scientists at heart, studying the science of that which is beyond known physics. When every one of us can prove the existence of how all of this works to ourselves, we can literally change the world around us and truly make this world a very happier place for everyone with whom we interact.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Bach Flower Remedies for Success
Dear Friends,
My friend Caryn Worcester who is quite skilled at creating Bach Flower combination bottles, offered this wonderful combination for success in whatever you are doing. What a great idea for a gift! Many thanks Caryn!
You may remember my many references to Rescue Remedy in various writings and in my book. Bach Flower remedies are flower essences which can help balance that which is out of balance in a person's 'subtle body'. Bach Flower remedies are sold in health food stores everywhere and you can also buy them on line at Swanson vitamins. You can also read about Bach Flower remedies on line at
Sure Success Bottle:
Centaury - Standing up for yourself and going after what you want
Cerato - Following your intuition and having inner resolve
Crab Apple - Cleansing and releasing past failures
Larch - Creating a solid and new foundation
Vervain - Generating positive enthusiasm without being overbearing
Walnut - Making changes without being influenced by others
Wild Oat - Discovering and contributing your unique talents and gifts
My friend Caryn Worcester who is quite skilled at creating Bach Flower combination bottles, offered this wonderful combination for success in whatever you are doing. What a great idea for a gift! Many thanks Caryn!
You may remember my many references to Rescue Remedy in various writings and in my book. Bach Flower remedies are flower essences which can help balance that which is out of balance in a person's 'subtle body'. Bach Flower remedies are sold in health food stores everywhere and you can also buy them on line at Swanson vitamins. You can also read about Bach Flower remedies on line at
Sure Success Bottle:
Centaury - Standing up for yourself and going after what you want
Cerato - Following your intuition and having inner resolve
Crab Apple - Cleansing and releasing past failures
Larch - Creating a solid and new foundation
Vervain - Generating positive enthusiasm without being overbearing
Walnut - Making changes without being influenced by others
Wild Oat - Discovering and contributing your unique talents and gifts
Sunday, November 1, 2009
KS&L 304: Mental Popcorn
Did you ever notice that when people get together and they begin to talk about ghosts, that somehow everyone joins in, not just with an opinion, but also with an actual experience of some kind? . . .sizzle. . .
Did you ever ponder why when people are discussing religion that frequently they begin to discuss past lives and reincarnation? Pop!
When people discuss going on vacation or to a new country that more often than not, they will note how familiar the place felt, almost as if they had been there before? Pop, Pop!
Did you ever meet someone and note how instantly you either disliked with him or her, or at the opposite end, felt immediately comfortable with him or her, almost- - - -almost as if you have known them before? Pop, Pop, Pop!
Have you ever taken part in a discussion of the pyramids in Egypt, the pyramids of Teotihuacán, the monuments of Tiahuanaco, or the amazing pyramids in China? Did the discussion continue to include Stonehenge, Angkor Wat, Chichin Itza, or Machu Picchu? Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop!
Perhaps you and your friends gazed at the night sky and pondered the possibilities of life in Atlantis, or life on other planets, ancient and modern alien visitors? Did you then go around the group and ask if someone had actually seen a UFO or had a close encounter? They filled you with their delicious sense of either, dread, fear and/or excitement, didn’t they! Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop!
Surely you have seen a deck of Tarot cards, or been to a party where someone is doing a Ouija board or telling a story of their experience with these darker tools of magic. This caused you to want to understand what this concept of magic is all about. Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop!
Mental popcorn is created when even one person figures out that there is a staggeringly large world out there of fascinating, esoteric facts, opinions, legends and native stories to learn about that cannot be explained away by science! Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop!
These things are so interesting, so tantalizing that you begin to hunger for even more stories of the strange, the unexplainable, and the hauntingly tempting elements of the seemingly unknowable.
Yet, there are people who do know this information and how it works! These are the seemingly eccentric people who spend a very large part of their lives studying just these very topics. They are utterly fascinating to talk to, why it is as if you didn’t realize how very hungry you actually were to understand this very important yet esoteric side of life! These people will also help you understand how to connect the psychic dots of understanding, the invisible lines of connection and the eternal historical threads that totally bind all of us together. They will skillfully weave the tapestry of understanding and ultimately help you to find wisdom.
These are the teachers among us who spend a lifetime in their own personal searches for truth beyond what modern science tells them is ‘true.’ These people will understand the esoteric and profound science of love, compassion, hate and viciousness and their places in our lives. These folks have an organized mind and they can delicately put the pieces together of why you hated your mother and how that may connect to a past life you may have had in say Brazil or China. They will guide you to seeing into the realms beyond physics into meta [beyond] physics.
If you are lucky enough to find one of these people, you will have entered the world of the disciple, the initiate in training, the world of the metaphysician. We can all enter this world it is not for a few people alone. The only difference is that they long ago discovered the pleasures of mental popcorn and now fill out their spiritual diet with meatier topics and, often, healthier spiritual choices. You can enter this world with diligence, an open mind and an insatiable desire to know.
However, at the end of the day, at the end of a life, truly, the butter on that spiritual popcorn is the wisdom acquired by understanding, growth and the delectable connection to the clear light of the Divine!
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