This article was printed in the Sept 27th issue of the Virginian-Pilot newspaper's Beacon section, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Copyright (c) 2009, The Virginian-Pilot. Reprinted with permission.
Copyright (c) 2009, The Virginian-Pilot. Reprinted with permission.
After Andrea and Craig Harris suddenly lost their 6-year-old daughter, Arianna Rose, in 2003, their grief took them on an unimaginable journey to help others. The couple and their now 15-year-old daughter, Marisa, were blessed to have the kindness and compassion of family, friends and even strangers come to their side when Arianna died from Group A Strep. But people often had no idea what to say to the family, said Tina Erwin, Andrea’s older sister, a retired Naval Officer who is well versed in the study of metaphysics “All of these people wanted to help, but were clueless,” Erwin said. Erwin traveled from California to console the family – and everyone else, too – and conceived the idea for a book. “In the process of grieving this adorable child, we learned just how many other parents are grieving,” Erwin said. “We learned that, in truth, everyone is grieving someone or something,” wrote Erwin in the introduction to her book, “The Lightworker’s Guide to Healing Grief” published by ARE Press and released in May. After six years of writing, revising and scrutinizing the manuscript word for word with her sister via phone, the 220-page tool book was finally completed. “It’s an important book to us,” said Andrea Harris, of Cypress Point. “It’s not a light read. Anyone can pick it up and learn something through it.” Arianna was the catalyst for the book, but it’s not about her, Harris said. The book includes chapters on death, grief concepts, tools and healing, stages of grieving, understanding and assisting various types of grief and much more. Throughout the book there are compassionate words to say, practical actions to take and deeper insights to help guide the reader, as well as friends, neighbors or co-workers grieving a death, divorce, injury, property loss, etc. Erwin said death and grieving are the elephants in the room no one wants to talk about. “We are populated with kind people who want to help,” Erwin said. “They just need to know how.” Arianna will always be in her family’s hearts, Erwin said. “We feel she’s smiling because we are helping other people,” Erwin said, “and we’re good with that.” The Harris family surrounds themselves with photographs of Arianna and wonderful memories. “She was always considerate of others,” said Andrea Harris, “I like to think of her in the heaven world helping others.” With “The Lightworker’s Guide to Healing Grief,” now on bookshelves, Arianna will surely do that for years to come, said her mother. “We want people to know that whenever they think they’re alone in their grief, they’re not,” Harris said. Sandra J. Pennecke,
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