Sunday, July 5, 2009

KS&L 292 The Economics of Being Spiritual Part 1

An interesting question was recently posed: do we have to buy ‘things’ to be spiritual, or can we just be spiritual without all of the accompanying paraphernalia and cost? Can’t we just be a good person inside without having to prove by what we own or wear or what books we read, or classes we take that we are spiritual? Can’t we just be spiritual all by ourselves?

The answer is, yes, of course we can. Millions of people are spiritual. We come into the world as very naked spiritual beings. Then we begin to work on our spiritual contract by learning about our parents, our family, our home and how much we are loved or in some cases not loved enough. Our spiritual education pretty much begins from the moment of birth. But we are not aware of it. Our norm is our norm and we usually would not think of that norm of home, school, relatives, toys and TV as having anything to do with being spiritual at all. But all of it is part of our spiritual education whether we realize it or not.

Eventually, we do become aware that we are having a spiritual education because we learn about morals, ethics, religion, God, and good and evil. Finally we do eventually become aware that we are in fact, learning about all the millions of tiny facets of love.

As time progresses, there becomes in some people, a growing desire to learn more about the more esoteric aspects of life. It usually starts out by wanting to understand why some people are just so cruel, why there is war and why bad things happen to seemingly good people. We begin to develop that kernel of desire to understand how everything works. That desire becomes the basis of everyone’s spiritual path. Some people will travel a very long way down that path, while others will be satisfied with about nine months of the journey and then decide that they now understand it all.

Eventually, the economics of the spiritual path appear. To understand more than just the basics, we decide to attend a class about something. Perhaps we suffer a death and decide to get a grief book to understand death and dying. Perhaps a natural disaster hits our family and we wonder if God is angry with us. All of these things are going to prompt us to want to explore the spiritual side of things more. Inevitably, that is going to cost us money. We have to replace the energy of the person who offered us the information and that costs money.

If we are part of an organized religion, we are going to financially support our church and the clergy who offer us their services. Are they bad people because they need to take money to support buildings, classrooms, property and salaries? Of course not, tithing has been around a long time and that means that people have to financially support that aspect of their spiritual path.

For the person who decides to really pursue the path beyond organized religion, it can become really pricy indeed! Classes with people of every discipline are thousands of dollars. Then there is Feng Shui. The cost of having a home or office Feng Shuied can be several hundred dollars. That is just the beginning. Then there is the cost of actually buying the ‘cures.’ Once we learn about the concept of creating balance in our lives, we will then want to continue to pursue this, by not just de-cluttering, but also by working on bringing in more spiritual objects into our homes, everything from angel statues, to crystals.

If we do nothing else, we will surely expand our library of books that help guide us in our health and emotional wellbeing. Books alone can become quite pricy. Yet, each book takes us that much farther down that spiritual highway. Perhaps there is just one concept in this book or that, that opens us up to a whole new level of understanding. What is that worth in the long trek toward soul evolution?

Let us not forget all the amazing metaphysical gadgets such as radionic devices that we can wear that protect us from electromagnetic energy or devices that balance the energy in our home. Some include precious stones such as diamonds and jewels. Some are more mundane but just as esoteric, such as pendants or pendulums. Are these necessary? They are necessary because as we raises our frequency, we become far more sensitive to the frequencies around us. The higher the frequency, the better we feel and often it takes a variety of devices to get us to those higher levels.

Then there are those forays into the darker aspects of metaphysics where many of us purchase Tarot cards or Ouija boards. We may pay to have our futures told by fortune tellers. Some call psychic hot lines - and that is pricy indeed! Are any of these experiences really necessary either? Perhaps in these cases, it is not a question of necessary but rather a question of learning. Sometimes we have to learn about the darkness before we can truly appreciate the light and we pay for those experiences.

All experiences teach us something. However, for the diligent student, the next step up the spiritual ladder is finding a spiritual practitioner, which is Part 2.

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