Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blog Changes

Dear Friends,
After talking to many of you, it seems that people have more and more e-mail and less and less time. So in an effort to be helpful, I have decided to have the blog print just once a week, which is basically what Light Times started out doing originally. If there is something urgent, then perhaps I will send that, otherwise, in an effort to respect people's time, there will be only one message each week.

If you love the Urantia comments, you can go to their website and they will send you the comments automatically, so that can be your choice.

Thank you for reading this blog! Love and blessings to all, Tina

Saturday, July 25, 2009

KS&L 295 Messengers of God Part 2

That is a pretty heady thought, being a messenger of God! If each person reading this were to take this concept deep within him or herself, imagine what a better job could be done, what a better life could be lead.

God created Stonehenge through a mortal person His chosen messenger. We are all God’s messengers no matter what we are doing. The higher your connection to the Divine, the clearer is the message.

Creativity exists all around you. What if you do not think you are creative? Consider that every single moment of mortal life requires a choice: live or not live, eat or not eat, get up or not, go to work, or get fired. You can choose to love or to hate. Every single choice is a creative thought, even if it is negative. The more positive your thoughts are, the more positive will your choices be. The more negative your thoughts, the greater will the descent be into the unsavory world of darkness. It is still being creative, because you cannot ‘not’ be creating. Breathing in and out is a creative act. Just because a person’s thoughts are dark does not mean that they are not creative. It means that they have chosen to create a dark experience.

This is often a difficult concept, creating darkness. We tend to think of creation as being full of love and light. However, a person can be ‘inspired’ by darkness, by evil and violent death. They can create chaos around them for the chaotic energy high that is created.

God delegates creative opportunity to all of us. Every single moment of mortal life and actually non-mortal life is full of creative opportunities. That opportunity is free will, and it is God’s gift to each messenger.

Back to Stonehenge: imagine that a Divine messenger of God spoke to a mortal person perhaps in a dream. Perhaps this was a mortal who happened to really be an engineering minded person and gave him or possibly her, the plans to build Stonehenge. That person could have just rolled over and slept longer, or he or she could have arisen the next morning to greet a new dawn that would soon awaken to have the mathematical energy of Stonehenge. That engineering plan had to be daunting, but our trusty messenger of God, chose to take on that astounding math project and change the world.

Finally, even emotions, especially love are a math problem. The more you love, the higher your frequency, again a math calculation. The higher the love frequency within you, the greater, more creative will be anyone’s connection to that ultimate engineer, God. The irony is that most people who look at engineering types of personalities would not call them particularly spiritual, but they would be.

God is the first architect, the first engineer. All the architects and engineers of the past and the present were and continue to be divinely inspired. How else could they just know that something would work? Inspiration is also contagious. One great engineer, doctor, artist, chef, writer, parent, teacher, military leader, plumber, mechanic, nurse, technical person and any problem solver anywhere with connection to the Divine, will inspire a thousand others.

Polarity also dictates that those who inspire us, to be better than we thought we could be, will also be balanced by those who creatively destroy and create sadness in our hearts. Human beings are continually creating ways to destroy everything from the environment to their own bodies.

This tremendous mix of light and dark, all kinds of mortal and non-mortal engineers and life itself offer us an eternity of creative opportunities. We never cease marveling at what happens each day. This is how we know that God created Stonehenge, because He also created us and we just keep on creating, the good and bad, and the light and dark of our world.

Thoughts to Ponder

Daily Quotes from The Urantia Book
Courtesy of Urantia Foundation

For the week starting Sunday, June 26th:

July 26

When a great truth seeker and a great truth giver meet, the result is a great and liberating enlightenment born of the experience of new truth. [The Urantia Book, p. 1428, par. 1]

July 27

It is a marvelous and transforming experience to become the living channel of spiritual light to the mortal who sits in spiritual darkness. [The Urantia Book, p. 1430, par. 2]

July 28

The true teacher maintains his intellectual integrity by ever remaining a learner. [The Urantia Book, p. 1433, par. 2]

July 29

The sun rises every morning to salute you just as it does the most powerful and prosperous man on earth. [The Urantia Book, p. 1437, par. 3]

July 30

Why waste words upon one who cannot perceive the meaning of what you say? [The Urantia Book, p. 1440, par. 4]

July 31

We gain knowledge from the experience of man, but we derive wisdom from the contemplation of the Most High. [The Urantia Book, p. 1443, par. 0]

August 1

In your lives overthrow error and overcome evil by the love of the living truth. In all your relations with men do good for evil. [The Urantia Book, p. 1443, par. 3]

Share Thoughts to Ponder

We encourage you to share these "thoughts" with friends, family, associates, and colleagues. Also, feel free to spread these thoughts by adding a favorite to your outbound email "signature."

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

CBS News Viet Nam Vets Reunited

Many of us lived through those horrible years of the Viet Nam War. In many ways, this country is still healing the decade of the sixties and the early 1970's. Perhaps this video clip from CBS News, will provide that hopeful feeling that perhaps, at last we can put the ghosts of Viet Nam to rest. Healing can happen when we least expect it.

In the end, we are all the same, want the same things and really, are the same people. When we can see each other this way, perhaps there will no longer be a need for war. Enjoy!;contentBody

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

KS&L 294 Mesengers of God Part 1

There is an interesting video on the Internet where a lady describes the mathematical elements of Stonehenge and concludes that God built Stonehenge because the math is so perfect. There were lots of comments about this, some people agreeing and some concluding that the lady’s conclusions are seriously flawed. But what if she is right? What if God did build Stonehenge?

Of course God built Stonehenge. God also built the Pyramids in Giza, Teotihuacán in Mexico, Tikal in Guatemala and all the pyramids throughout China. God was pretty handy when the Greeks were enjoying the Acropolis and all the other temples throughout the Mediterranean, including Santorini. How about all those astounding temples and churches in Peru, Turkey, Italy, England and France? What about the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail? God built those as well.

What about the human structure, that elegant math equation of ultimate perfection? We think we make babies, but truly it is God. God also builds the skyscrapers in New York and Singapore. God built Disney World and Epcot center as well as Rainbow Row, that colorful street of charming houses in Old Charleston, SC.

Obviously, God is very busy, exceptionally clever and – He is after all a ‘Creator’ -- masterfully creative in the shear variety of animate and inanimate objects, structures, plants and animals that exist throughout this planet, solar system, galaxy, constellation and our ‘creator’ universe, one of the seven super universes. Truly, God is everywhere.
Perhaps it would be good to step back and examine spiritual law, specifically the Law of Correspondences: as above, so below, which even God must obey. This law binds even the Creator of this law, God Himself.

That which is created on high is reflected below. In my Father’s house are many mansions. In the house of God there are all kinds of structures, in all kinds of places. However, those of us who study every facet of understanding God, especially the Urantia book, have come to understand that God wants to share the experiences that go into creating a Universe of worlds, suns, moon, galaxies, beings, dimensions and unimaginable life forms. These all exist above us. They are the macrocosm, the above, and we, here on Earth, are the microcosm, the below.

How can God possibly do all of this astounding creating, without help? If we are here for experiences, then one of the experiences we must have is the experience of creating a structure. That structure can be a Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, a birthday cake or a new type of tomato. We keep creating human beings of all sizes, shapes, colors, mental abilities, and creative ideas.

Obviously God delegates all of this ‘creating’ to all kinds of ‘created’ beings. However, the closer a person feels to God, the more they feel ‘Divinely inspired’ to create. God creates through all of us. Engineering is in every creative thing we do. All engineering is math. Look around you. Everything, EVERYTHING is math. Without math, no structure can exist. Every single flower petal, cell, tree, building, bit of food is some type of mathematical formula. The math of God appears all around us. Nothing can exist without the math, the engineering of God. The elegance and generosity of this concept is best reflected in all the great minds of our planet’s history, minds that were Divinely Inspired by God to Create. The closer a person comes to God the more inspired, helpful and significant are their creations. The more a person moves away from this Divine inspiration, the less anything seems to work, on long lasting and beautiful levels. Truly, Divine math is just gorgeous. In Part 2 being a Divine Engineer.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Urantia Book Philosophical Comments

Reason, wisdom, and faith are man's highest human attainments. [The Urantia Book, p. 1141, par. 4]

When reason once recognizes right and wrong, it exhibits wisdom; when wisdom chooses between right and wrong, truth and error, it demonstrates spirit leading. [The Urantia Book, p. 1142, par. 1]

Reason deals with factual knowledge; wisdom, with philosophy and revelation; faith, with living spiritual experience. [The Urantia Book, p. 1142, par. 1]

Mind knows quantity, reality, meanings. But quality--values--is felt. [The Urantia Book, p. 1219, par. 5]

What you begin in time you will assuredly finish in eternity--if it is worth finishing. [The Urantia Book, p. 1129, par. 8]

Happiness and joy take origin in the inner life. You cannot experience real joy all by yourself. [The Urantia Book, p. 1220, par. 6]

Please feel free to share these comments.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

KS&L 293 The Economics of Being Spiritual Part 2: Spiritual Practitioners

The truly dedicated soul seeks out a spiritual practitioner to help guide them in the understanding of not just their childhood, but also the other things that are happening in their lives and to awaken in them the understanding that they are here to evolve as souls. Perhaps that human spiritual guide helps them to understand themselves on a whole new level.

What is interesting about those who seek out a spiritual practitioner, if they are even fortunate enough to find a competent one, is the unusual fact that they are not sure how they feel about paying them. Many, many people feel that a spiritual practitioner should want to work for free, and should only work for free. Somehow, they should not need the money and that the money somehow negatively taints the process. Not everyone feels this way, but enough people do, that this part needs to be addressed.

People are funny. They willingly pay thousands of dollars for a five-day seminar but resent paying for the practitioner’s time. People pay for the knowledge they receive in a book, but resent paying for the tailored knowledge that is given to them focusing on their particular situation.

Finding a spiritual practitioner is a unique challenge. They are not listed in the phone book. They do not have any mortal credentials for who can certify them? You will not find any certificates on their walls proving they can do what they do, but when you find one who helps you, it can change your life. Karmically, if you are meant to find one, you will, otherwise, you may never even know that these people exist.

Consider that it may take lifetimes for that spiritual practitioner to get to the level of spiritual insight to even be able to take on a client. They will have studied all of their lives and seldom have a day when they are not studying, working on continually improving themselves, and they are always on call. All of them will have spent the time, effort and money on their own human teachers to get to the point that they can even think of taking on a client. Many of them never set out to do this work. Consider how tremendously daunting it is to take on a client who has been raped, is being possessed or haunted, is being controlled by a black magician or who is suicidal. Often, people just start calling them and so it begins. No one consciously wakes up one morning and decides to do this level of spiritual work for others. It just happens.

The energy it takes to handle even one client on a spiritual level is tremendous. When they give this energy out, they do it with a willing and generous heart. Many of them do offer the service for free, earning positive karma in the process. However, if they give all of this energy out without monetary gain, then because they are in mortal bodies, they end up with a serious physical energy drain. The karma of their service to their client is going to be returned to them one way or another. However, when the client does not offer something in return for the energy the practitioner pours into them then a spiritual imbalance begins to take place.

Reciprocity means that you give something for that which has been given to you. When you give it in gratitude to that person, there is a more balanced feeling between the two parties. Spiritual people still have to eat, still have to pay bills in mortal life. Many of them give and give because most of the time, their clients only call them when they are in dire straights and are penniless. It is as if karma forces the client to finally come to the conclusion that they need help beyond what a good psychotherapist can do. How do you put a price on the work someone does that helps you reconnect to God? How do you value what that person does to help you heal your broken heart or your fractured soul?

Many people are bitterly disappointed when spiritual practitioners charge for their work, and tell them so. Many do not realize that sometimes, you have to pay for what you receive and that to have even found one of these people is it’s own miracle. Payment also honors the lineage of spiritual teachers through all the mists of time. Spiritual law states that when a student is ready, a teacher appears. That teacher/practitioner may have no choice but to do this work: that is absolutely their karmic path and they have to take people whether they pay them or not. However, if and when situations become out of balance, they have the difficult task of trying to right the situation.

So there are economics to be considered along the way of spiritual growth. Sometimes you need to keep your purchases in balance and yet at the same time realize that you do have to pay for the knowledge that you receive. It is critically important to understand that sometimes, the money will be quite well spent. Other times you may not know how something benefited you for quite a long while. However, the spiritual knowledge you acquire, the growth you experience and the soul evolution you achieve are the only things that live within you, which you take with you at death. Sometimes, you just have to understand that the knowledge you may have paid money to acquire will eventually become priceless to you over time.

*This KS&L is dedicated to my treasured teacher Tashi Leo Lightening.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Radio Show: InnerViews with kimmie Rose Zapf and Tina

On “InnerViews with Kimmie Rose Zapf”, we focus on mind, body and spirit issues and we regularly feature world renowned metaphysical experts, authors, celebrities, readings with Kimmie and much more. CBS Psychic Radio Network can be heard worldwide on and is available through 120 CBS radio markets around the country on HD radio. “InnerViews with Kimmie Rose Zapf” ( is broadcast LIVE Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm ET. Listeners may call into the show with their comments and questions by dialing (248) 353-SOUL (7685).

Tina Erwin will be our guest on our show on Thursday July 9th, 2009 at 10:30 am EDT and 7:30 pm Pacific time.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Good News: The Air Car!

My brother Paul sent me this. You have to see it to really understand it, so here is the link to the video. Sometimes, in the bad news, there is a glorious glimmer of hope! Thanks Paul!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

KS&L 292 The Economics of Being Spiritual Part 1

An interesting question was recently posed: do we have to buy ‘things’ to be spiritual, or can we just be spiritual without all of the accompanying paraphernalia and cost? Can’t we just be a good person inside without having to prove by what we own or wear or what books we read, or classes we take that we are spiritual? Can’t we just be spiritual all by ourselves?

The answer is, yes, of course we can. Millions of people are spiritual. We come into the world as very naked spiritual beings. Then we begin to work on our spiritual contract by learning about our parents, our family, our home and how much we are loved or in some cases not loved enough. Our spiritual education pretty much begins from the moment of birth. But we are not aware of it. Our norm is our norm and we usually would not think of that norm of home, school, relatives, toys and TV as having anything to do with being spiritual at all. But all of it is part of our spiritual education whether we realize it or not.

Eventually, we do become aware that we are having a spiritual education because we learn about morals, ethics, religion, God, and good and evil. Finally we do eventually become aware that we are in fact, learning about all the millions of tiny facets of love.

As time progresses, there becomes in some people, a growing desire to learn more about the more esoteric aspects of life. It usually starts out by wanting to understand why some people are just so cruel, why there is war and why bad things happen to seemingly good people. We begin to develop that kernel of desire to understand how everything works. That desire becomes the basis of everyone’s spiritual path. Some people will travel a very long way down that path, while others will be satisfied with about nine months of the journey and then decide that they now understand it all.

Eventually, the economics of the spiritual path appear. To understand more than just the basics, we decide to attend a class about something. Perhaps we suffer a death and decide to get a grief book to understand death and dying. Perhaps a natural disaster hits our family and we wonder if God is angry with us. All of these things are going to prompt us to want to explore the spiritual side of things more. Inevitably, that is going to cost us money. We have to replace the energy of the person who offered us the information and that costs money.

If we are part of an organized religion, we are going to financially support our church and the clergy who offer us their services. Are they bad people because they need to take money to support buildings, classrooms, property and salaries? Of course not, tithing has been around a long time and that means that people have to financially support that aspect of their spiritual path.

For the person who decides to really pursue the path beyond organized religion, it can become really pricy indeed! Classes with people of every discipline are thousands of dollars. Then there is Feng Shui. The cost of having a home or office Feng Shuied can be several hundred dollars. That is just the beginning. Then there is the cost of actually buying the ‘cures.’ Once we learn about the concept of creating balance in our lives, we will then want to continue to pursue this, by not just de-cluttering, but also by working on bringing in more spiritual objects into our homes, everything from angel statues, to crystals.

If we do nothing else, we will surely expand our library of books that help guide us in our health and emotional wellbeing. Books alone can become quite pricy. Yet, each book takes us that much farther down that spiritual highway. Perhaps there is just one concept in this book or that, that opens us up to a whole new level of understanding. What is that worth in the long trek toward soul evolution?

Let us not forget all the amazing metaphysical gadgets such as radionic devices that we can wear that protect us from electromagnetic energy or devices that balance the energy in our home. Some include precious stones such as diamonds and jewels. Some are more mundane but just as esoteric, such as pendants or pendulums. Are these necessary? They are necessary because as we raises our frequency, we become far more sensitive to the frequencies around us. The higher the frequency, the better we feel and often it takes a variety of devices to get us to those higher levels.

Then there are those forays into the darker aspects of metaphysics where many of us purchase Tarot cards or Ouija boards. We may pay to have our futures told by fortune tellers. Some call psychic hot lines - and that is pricy indeed! Are any of these experiences really necessary either? Perhaps in these cases, it is not a question of necessary but rather a question of learning. Sometimes we have to learn about the darkness before we can truly appreciate the light and we pay for those experiences.

All experiences teach us something. However, for the diligent student, the next step up the spiritual ladder is finding a spiritual practitioner, which is Part 2.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Radio Show: InnerViews with Kimmie Rose Zapf and Tina Erwin

On “InnerViews with Kimmie Rose Zapf”, we focus on mind, body and spirit issues and we regularly feature world renowned metaphysical experts, authors, celebrities, readings with Kimmie and much more. CBS Psychic Radio Network can be heard worldwide on and is available through 120 CBS radio markets around the country on HD radio. “InnerViews with Kimmie Rose Zapf” ( is broadcast LIVE Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm ET. Listeners may call into the show with their comments and questions by dialing (248) 353-SOUL (7685).

Tina Erwin will be our guest on our show on Thursday July 9th, 2009 at 10:30 am EDT and 7:30 pm Pacific time.