Sunday, September 29, 2013

KS&L 408: A Lesson in Frequency Part 2: The Bahia Emerald Ownership Saga by Tina Erwin

      When there are almost immediate difficulties with the ownership of anything, but particularly a precious stone, this is a seriously dire warning. The ownership saga of this stone is detailed by this piece written by the National Geographic channel. Underlined emphasis points are mine.
       “The Bahia Emerald was carried out of the rain forest by a team of pack mules. Along the way the mules were attacked and killed by a pair of black panthers and had to be carried by a team of men and a hand made stretcher the rest of the trip. 
       The Bahia Emerald was flown from Sao Paulo Brazil to San Jose California; shortly thereafter the stone was relocated to New Orleans and placed in a vault. Two weeks later Hurricane Katrina struck devastating New Orleans and leaving the vault and the Bahia Emerald submersed under 16’ of water for two months before it could be retrieved.
       The Bahia Emerald was then brought back to San Jose and stored in a seemingly abandoned building. On or about April 8th 2008 The Bahia Emerald was secretly transferred to an attorney’s office in Santa Barbara CA. where it was kept under 24 hour armed guard before being transferred once again to a Private vault known as Commonwealth in South El Monte CA.
       The Bahia Emerald was transferred in a black Cadillac Escalade driven by Jerry Ferrara and accompanied by Kit Morrison, from the Commonwealth vault to a private vault in Las Vegas Nevada.
       The Bahia Emerald was involved in a $197,000,000 banking transaction with Barnard Madoff, fortunately Madoff was led away by Federal agents just two days before the transaction was to be completed.
       The Bahia Emerald was involved in a transaction gone wrong involving a well known Columbian family at the Golden Nugget hotel Casino in Los Vegas NV that nearly ended up as a blood bath battle in the Nevada desert. (All identities Withheld).
       The Bahia Emerald was reported stolen to the L.A.P.D. by (identity withheld). The Bahia Emerald was questionably seized by L.A.P.D. authorities on or about Christmas Eve 2008 in Los Vegas, Nevada in an excursion led by Lt. Grubb.
       Lt. Grubb began to organize an excursion to Las Vegas. On the morning detectives drove to get the emerald, he told his deputies: "We're going to stop on the way and get breakfast. We're going to pick up a $400 million piece of evidence. On the way back, we're not stopping." When Lt. Grubb finally laid eyes on the emerald, he said, "It almost didn't look real." Shortly thereafter [a man] (Identity withheld) who reported the Bahia Emerald stolen bowed out of the case stating his life was threatened! To this day no criminal charges have been presented and no arrests have been made.  
       The Bahia Emerald court battle, one of the largest custody/lawsuits in California history, has gained an international following. National Geographic is conducting a 50 minute documentary about the Bahia Emerald and the incredible, almost unbelievable story surrounding it.” Source: National Geographic

       As of June, 2013 the Los Angeles County Court system has yet to determine the rightful owner!
       Some stones are so amazing that the karmic ‘weight’ that each brings with them, the energy of their frequency makes it impossible for one person or one family to own them. Such is the case with the Bahia Emerald.

Now let us turn our attention to Part 3: The Hope Diamond.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

KS&L 407 A Lesson in Frequency Part 1 The Bahia Emerald by Tina Erwin

This is a multi-part series on the frequency of certain stones. Sometimes winning the worst lottery in the world would be to own an outwardly gorgeous jewel, before discovering that you don’t have the correct frequency to actually own that jewel.
       I love emeralds. I lived in Medellin, Colombia, one summer when I was in college, and I remember the thrill of shopping for emeralds on my extremely limited college student budget. However, in 1971 there will still bargains to be found. I learned all about the two most famous emerald mines, the Chivor and the Muzo. The stones that come from the depths of the earth in these mines are a vibrant blue/green, so beautiful, so alive that it feels like a privilege to own one. Each mine has its own color signature. The clearer the stone, the deeper the blue/green the more valuable the stone and the more pronounced the ‘personality’ of each piece. Emeralds are soft, (not unlike Tanzanite), so cutting and polishing them require great care, especially the extremely expensive large stones. The larger the stone, the more pronounced the ‘personality’ and the higher the frequency of the stone. It is the frequency of the stone that really tells the story. So let us talk for a moment about The Bahia Emerald.
       The behemoth that is the Bahia Emerald was found in Bahia, Brazil in 2001. Bahia, Brazil is a tiny village in the northeast corner of Brazil inland from the Atlantic Ocean. Almost all quality emeralds come from Colombia, but not this one. This one was found in Brazil. Let’s take a moment and look at the staggering statistics that describe this stone:

- 24/01/12 - The 400 Million Dollar Bahia Emerald – Premiers on 29th Jan on NGC Inspiration

Description: 00 million dollar bahia emerald400 million dollar bahia emerald

v The stone and its granite matrix weigh in at 840 pounds.
v It has been valued at between $400-900,000,00 (yes that’s four -nine hundred million dollars.)
v The granite matrix of the stone contains the largest single emerald crystal ever found.
v The size is roughly 4’x4’x4’ making it the largest uncut emerald in the world.
v The estimated karat weight of the shards in the stone range from 180,000 to 1,900,000 karats!
v No one currently owns it despite numerous claims.
v It is presently housed in the Los Angeles County evidence locker, awaiting adjudication by a Los Angeles County Judge if that is even possible!
Stay tuned for Part 2: The ownership saga of the stone.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Repeatability by Sig Lonegren Guest Blogger

Dear Friends, Sig Lonegren writes a wonderful blog and this one was so memorable I wanted to share it. Enjoy!    This is Sig's website:   
Mid-Atlantic Geomancy,


MAG E-zine 43 - Repeatability 

The more I think about various fields of endeavour's mandate for repeatability, the less valid or achievable, I find them.  Let's start with the Big One: Science. Recently I flew from Bristol to Amsterdam (on my way to Vermont to visit family), and I sat next to a Professor of Bio Statistics at Brown University in Rhode Island.  Bio Statistics is apparently a relatively new field (I'd never heard of it before) that looks at different bio-medical experiences from a statistical point of view.  He told me about looking at various different studies of a single medical disease.  The results should be repeatable, but in many cases when using live humans rather than laboratory animals, they aren't. 

The problem is that there are too many variables.  Did everyone actually take the pills they were testing every time that they were supposed to?  Or, is the group of participants in a particular test representative of a general cross section of the population?  In one test this professor told me about, they only ran it on weekdays.  Most of the study's volunteers were therefore retired or unemployed, thus excluding working people, single parents, and students etc. So the results were deemed not to be statistically accurate.  Then, other studies of this same disease yielded different results.  They just can not control all of the variables. Bio Statisticians explore and discover the reasons for these discrepancies (read: lack of repeatability). 

Recently I received an email from someone who I don't remember ever meeting, but as he wrote about earth energies in Vermont and the vortex he had found, I found his piece about something he called "Lay Lines"  interesting - especially as he was looking at the same earth energy elephant, but finding very different things.  His email was a response to an email from a friend who also was into these energies entitled, "hey, this (says lay lines r manmade.  huh?  what do u think?"

Lay Lines?  Obviously this was a new concept.  I don't suspect dyslexia here.  (I must  disclose to you at this point that I do have dyslexia.),  So what was happening?

Consequently I wrote,  "As you mention Vermont, and that is where I used to live and got my MA (at Goddard in the late seventies) in the study of Sacred Space,  I felt motivated to respond to your email about "Lay Lines."  There are two different phenomenon that fall into the category of "leys."  The email attached to his that spoke about lay lines being manmade came from an organisation that used mostly esoteric or spiritual terms found in China and India, so it was not surprising that this group (and the writer himself) was perhaps not that familiar with leys.  For example, Chinese feng shui practitioners felt that straight lines were anathema, so they thought that the straight railroad tracks that the English constructed in China in the Nineteenth Century were dangerous indeed! 

But I also suspect that there were two geomantic systems going on in China.  I'd call feng shui a form of secular geomancy.  It was used to keep the common folk happy, healthy, and under control - (It must have worked.  Their governmental system stayed the same for thousands of years).  But I believe that there must have been an Imperial Geomantic System in China as well that practiced another form of geomancy.  Have you seen the film "The Last Emperor"? At the Emperor's Palace, one goes visually through gate after gate in a perfectly straight line to get to the Emperor's throne.  Nothing was allowed to interfere with the flow of energy along (what European geomancers would call "leys' or more precisely "energy leys") that ran through the countryside to the Imperial Palace.

In any event, the term "ley" was coined in Europe by Alfred Watkins in the first two decades of the 20th century to describe a straight alignment of holy sites (today in Britain, five in less than ten miles).  The initial thing that confounds academic archaeologists is that these sites do not have to come from the same time period.  One ley can have a Bronze age round barrow, any number of Neolithic standing stones, and a church tower.  "If they knew of these alignments for thousands of years, why haven't we seen them in the written record?" The answer is quite simple - they burned people like us who were in to the Earth Energies.

Leys are alignments of sacred sites.  The other term is "energy leys."  They are six to eight foot wide bands of yang energy that have a direction of flow and sometimes flow along leys - but by no means always.  They are found by dowsing. And they present an even more insurmountable problem that can be best summed up in what I have been calling for over twenty years Sig's Hypothesis Number One: "Even if they were trained by the same teacher, when dowsing for intangible targets (like leys or auras) in a sacred site, no two dowsers will probably ever find exactly the same thing."  Scientists love to mock this lack of repeatability.  Here is that issue of everyone-should-get-the-same-result rearing its ugly head again!  

But this stuff ain't science.  Another word for "dowsing is "divining."  In addition to finding physical targets like water and oil, dowsing can be used as a tool for exploring the Divine, the Spiritual realms.  

Between 2000 BCE and 1000 CE a number of men saw God and were the founders of major religions as a result of their experiences.  Some of their names where names were Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster (also known as Zarathustra), Moses, Jesus and Mohammed just to mention some of them.  They all saw the One.  I have no doubt of that. But they all came back and told different stories!  How could that be? If, as a Christian, for example, there is only one way to God (through Jesus), why are there over two thousand different Christian denominations?  Why aren't all world religions that all seek connection with the One describing that One and seeking him/her in the same way? 

The answer has something to do with what one was taught to see, what one expects to find, one's level of consciousness, and what one is ready to see.  This is anathema to science, but continual reality to those on the spiritual path.  We all see the Spiritual Realms differently.

I don't have any expectation that all people who work with Earth Energies see these them the way I do - as the Earth's Meridian System, and standing stones are Earth acupuncture needles, but when European geomancers use Eastern geomantic terms we need to use and spell them the way, for example, feng shiu practitioners do, and in return, Orientalists need to spell European Geomantic terms correctly, "ley" being a good example.

We are never going to see things exactly the same.  Just as some scientific experiments come up with different conclusions, different religions see God/dess differently, Earth Energy enthusiasts see energy leys, vortexes or Michael and Mary Lines, and Geomancers find different energies in and under sick houses and clean them in many different ways. Repeatability seems less and less important.  The critical factor is, "Does it work for you?'

We're all on a great journey.  I can only trust that we all will find what we seek.


 sig's sig
Sig Lonegren M.A.
SunnyBank Centre
9, Bove Town
Glastonbury, Somerset  BA6 8JE
United Kingdom
Skype: sigdowser

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The 9/11 Time Anchor by Tina Erwin

There are those shattering moments in life that define time and space. We all have them. These moments anchor our memory at certain points in our lives. We connect memories to them like pearls on a necklace. The energy of those moments may affect us indirectly and yet directly because after each of them, we are never the same. We change because the world around us changed.

I was in 8th grade English class in Greensboro, North Carolina on November 22, 1963 when President Kennedy was shot. I remember that the PA (public address) system came on and they interrupted class and made the announcement. I remember Walter Cronkite’s voice cracking as he pronounced the fate of the Kennedy family, the changing course of a nation and the reality that our illusion of living in a safe world was forever shattered.

On January 28, 1986, I was a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy, stationed in Norfolk, Virginia. I was home with the flu that day. I was resting when the news came on that Challenger blew up. I could not fathom such a disaster in the macrocosm being witnessed by the world and in the microcosm being witnessed by all of the astronaut’s families. My husband was Captain of a Submarine Rescue Ship that could perform salvage operations. He volunteered to immediately begin search operations with his ship. His ship USS Kittiwake, (ASR 13), eventually recovered that damaged ‘O’ ring that physically caused the accident. Looking back, I find it so strange to be connected to this event in its aftermath. Yet, in a thousand subtle ways, we are all connected.

I was sound asleep on September 11, 2001, when my sister called me from Virginia Beach. California is three hours behind the East Coast, so she was sure I would be asleep. Her frantic voice penetrated my sleep as I listened to the horror in her words. I rushed downstairs and turned on TV. My husband was at sea. I started calling my friends and neighbors. My friend Karen Ward came over and together we watched our world change again, and again, as each new piece of information came hurtling to us that not just the twin towers were hit, but the Pentagon as well and possibly the White House was next. There was a fear that one of the planes was headed to the West Coast to crash into some big building in Los Angeles.

Karen and I watched all the channels on television for most of that day. It was as if our world came to a halt. I will always be grateful that Karen shared that moment with me, that neither of us was alone watching this. The companionship of a wonderful friend or family member, helps to mitigate the initial trauma of any powerful event.

When any of us watch real life horror, we suffer trauma, to greater and lesser degrees, depending on who we are, where we are in relation to the event and how we approach life. Bad things happen to good people. The indelible memory is forever etched in our brain as well as the date, time and place of a national trauma. This becomes a time anchor. We will remember other events in our lives in relation to that time anchor.

Perhaps one of the hardest things about national traumatic events is the blunt reality that we are never really going to know for sure what actually happened that day, whether it was ‘that day’ in 1963, 1986 or 2001. If we are wise, we reserve judgment for the whole story is seldom what we think it was. Unlike the Tsunami of Dec 26, 2004, where we do know the cause was an undersea earthquake, the other events are man made. Maybe that is the hardest part. Natural disasters as bad as they may be are part of the ‘act of God’ scenario that we know we have to accept. But when one person deliberately harms another or is negligent then there is a huge sense of injustice.

In the end, the only way to balance the illogic of injustice is to remember that karma balances everything, whether we can perceive it or not. So today, the time and place anchor that is 9/11 will remind us where we were, who we were with and how we felt when our world stood still.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

KS&L Chapter 406 Pick a Card, Any Card by Tina Erwin

       That’s what the card sharks say when they want to prove how clever they are, how stupid they make you feel and how desperately they want to make you believe in their crafty skill. Then they proceed to ‘guess’ what card you took.
       What’s the harm, it’s just a trick – right? Yes, it is just a trick, a slight of hand and for the most part pretty harmless. However, there are other types of card games, other types of card tricks that are not so harmless, not so simple.
       These other types of cards are even more magic: they can predict the future! Either you pick the card, or the card reader ‘picks a card for you.’ Then the reader proceeds to tell you your future or your fortune. Perhaps this person does a ‘reading.’
       They call these folks ‘fortune tellers,’ and they do not all use crystal balls, most of them use cards. These individuals consider themselves psychic and claim that they can use their psychic skills to tell your future.
       But we each have many unique futures to choose from, many paths to follow. Any fortuneteller will only see one or two possible futures that are apparent at that precise moment in time. That’s it. Nothing more. It also doesn’t mean that the future the ‘seer’ actually sees is going to happen. You have free will and you can choose a different path.
       Also, no future seer can see all the facets of your future, the factors in mitigation, the themes and variations that make any person’s life the complicated hand-made quilt that defines each of us. Many patterns shape us; many stiches of various colors of thread help us to construct our lives. We are not just one color on the quilt. We are all the colors, the swatches of fabric representing each experience that create the elegant definition of what creates the dynamic of a soul.
       And no fortuneteller can see our past lives and the influence those previous life experiences have on us. No one can see the batting inside the quilt, that gives it shape and dimension and no one can see the mosaic of the lives previously lived that help us to be who we are. We have those experiences for a reason.
       The cards I am referring to are Tarot or Runes cards, the ostensible tools of the garden-variety psychic.
       But what if the these cards, are actually the puppeteers and not the tools?
       What if the psychic is the tool and the cards are the vehicle for a much more powerful magician on another realm?
       What if this magician uses the ego of the mortal Tarot card reader to manipulate that person and then use his or her energy – and the energy of all of his or her fortune-seeking clients? Here’s how it works.
       The Tarot or Runes reader asks her ‘client’ to shuffle the deck, cut the deck and shuffle it again – so that the client’s energy goes into the cards. Then the client hands the deck back to the Tarot reader. The reader then lays out the cards in a specific pattern and ‘reads’ the signs and symbols in the cards to determine the future of the client. [Bet that card reader never cleans or clears those cards. . . . imagine the sheer volume of negative energy that those cards hold. . . . shudder.]
       Other Tarot/Runes readers work with clients over the phone or on the radio, on air, and ‘pull a card’ or ‘work with their runes’ to get a sense of the client and then ‘do a reading.’
       The Tarot reader believes that ‘spirit’ is providing the information and that when the client shuffles the cards that the client is also connecting to that same spirit which is how the Tarot reader can ‘see’ the person’s future. This is also true of the psychic doing the reading over the phone and pulling a card or a rune. Pretty clever! However, no one ever asks whom this spirit really is, what the intention is and if the connection with that other dimensional spirit is fully severed.
       Many a thrill seeking client has found him or herself hooked on psychics. That clever magician or spirit on the other side is laughing all the way to the energetic bank while the hapless client spends many thousands of dollars representing loss of energy, on the psychic.
       No, you would think that with this clever plan, the psychic would be rich, but none of them are wealthy because that ‘spirit’ on the other side is in reality, also bleeding the Tarot reader energetically dry as well. No one wins here except the immortal black magician.
       Those true Lightworkers who seek to help people do so without the use of Tarot/Rune cards. They do so by connecting to God, not some unidentified spirit. These souls connect with their own Higher Selves and access God. They do not need or use any form of divination.
       That means, that they do not use Runes, Angel Cards or any form of Tarot card that would even hint at divination. It also means that they do not use even inspirational cards.
       Want inspiration? Go outside, listen to nature, send prayers and healing to the world. You do not need a stack of specially cut thickened pieces of stiff paper with funny symbols on them to connect to God.
       No one requires an intermediary or a symbolic tool to speak to the Divine. No one needs a specific building of wood and stone to speak to God. God is there, without cards, without runes, without any form of divination.
       The more each person connects with God directly the emotionally stronger, the spiritually wealthier, and the happier he or she can be for the rest of this and all future lives.