Sunday, April 29, 2012

121 Uses for Young Living Essential Oils

Dear Friends,

This information comes from Young Living. I actually do most of these things myself. I cannot recommend Essential Oils strongly enough, both the single oils and the amazing blends. And yes, you can get the gel caps and ingest the single essential oils. Frankincense is especially wonderful to take internally. Lots of great information here generously offered by my sister Andrea Harris.

The Everyday Oils Kit was created by Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) so that anyone could immediately use and appreciate the benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oils.

Single Oils

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Lemon (Citrus limon)

Peppermint (Menthapiperita)


Oil Blends




Peace & Calming®

Purification ®

Uses: All single oils may be used as dietary supplements. All of the oils can be applied to the Vita Flex points on the feet, added to bath water mixed with YLEO’s Bath Gel Base, applied topically or used with body and foot massage. All of the oils may by diffused. Diffusing allows the oils to stay suspended in the air to reduce bacteria, fungi and mold. It also freshens the air with natural fragrances, eliminating the need for synthetic, harmful air fresheners. Using the oils aromatically is an excellent way to stimulate the brain in many positive ways, as discussed below.

Obligatory Disclaimer: The following information is intended for educational purposes only. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from a serious disease, illness or injury should consult with a physician.

The Suggested Uses Apply Only to the Use of Therapeutic Grade, Young Living Essential Oils

FRANKINCENSE - (Boswellia carteri) also known as “olibanum,” or “Oil of Lebanon.” Considered the holy annointing oil. Used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. Known as “liquid gold” in the time of Christ.

How to Use Frankincense:

84. Rub on temples or place a drop on tongue and push to roof of mouth to relieve stress and sadness.
85. Diffuse to increase spiritual awareness and uplift the spirit.
86. Diffuse or inhale directly to stimulate the limbic system of the brain (memory and emotional center).
87. Take as a dietary supplement for immune stimulation.
88. Rub on skin to decrease signs of wrinkles. Studies have demonstrated DNA repair using Frankincense.
89. Rub on skin to lighten age spots, decrease inflammation of acne & boils.
90. Rub around orbit of the eye for improved vision.
91. Anointing oil with Biblical references to protect from illness & disease.

VALOR - A blend of rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora), blue tansy (Tanacetumannuum), frankincense (Boswellia carteri), and spruce (Picea mariana).

How to Use Valor:
92. Chiropractor in a bottle! Use to relieve pain and stress.
93. Apply 3-4 drops on feet or spine for improved spinal alignment.
94. Use in Raindrop Technique® for general structural balancing.
95. Apply topically or diffuse for calming and stress relief.
96. Apply topically on temples and back of neck for improved focus and mental clarity.
97. Wear as cologne! It’s perfect for men and women.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

121 Uses for Young Living Oils Thieves

Dear Friends,

This information comes from Young Living. I actually do most of these things myself. I cannot recommend Essential Oils strongly enough, both the single oils and the amazing blends. And yes, you can get the gel caps and ingest the single essential oils. Frankincense is especially wonderful to take internally. Lots of great information here generously offered by my sister Andrea Harris.

The Everyday Oils Kit was created by Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) so that anyone could immediately use and appreciate the benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oils.

Single Oils

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Lemon (Citrus limon)

Peppermint (Menthapiperita)


Oil Blends




Peace & Calming®

Purification ®

Uses: All single oils may be used as dietary supplements. All of the oils can be applied to the Vita Flex points on the feet, added to bath water mixed with YLEO’s Bath Gel Base, applied topically or used with body and foot massage. All of the oils may by diffused. Diffusing allows the oils to stay suspended in the air to reduce bacteria, fungi and mold. It also freshens the air with natural fragrances, eliminating the need for synthetic, harmful air fresheners. Using the oils aromatically is an excellent way to stimulate the brain in many positive ways, as discussed below.

Obligatory Disclaimer: The following information is intended for educational purposes only. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from a serious disease, illness or injury should consult with a physician.

The Suggested Uses Apply Only to the Use of Therapeutic Grade, Young Living Essential Oils

THIEVES - A blend of highly antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, antiinfectious oils. Includes: clove (Syzygium aromaticum), lemon (Citrus limon), cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum verum), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Named after a band of Thieves who used essential oils to avoid the Plague while robbing the sick and dying.
How to Use Thieves:
70. Make a Spritzer to use as a disinfectant. (Combine water and vinegar, or alcohol, with Thieves oil.)
71. Diffuse to kill airborne microbes and pathogens. (Research shows a 99.96% decrease in airborne pathogens.)
72. Diffuse and use directly for toxic molds.
73. Use Thieves oil, natural soap and water to clean outdoor surfaces like concrete, wood and siding to stop toxic molds.
74. Make your own disinfectant hand wipes for home and travel. (Paper towels, bath gel base, water and Thieves oil.)
75. Mix water, vinegar and Thieves oil for internal digestive cleanse.
76. Dilute and use for teething, mouth and dental pain.
77. Dilute and use for sore throats, swollen glands and tonsils.
78. Dilute and apply around ear area (never directly in ear) for infection.
79. Rub 3 drops directly on bottom of feet to enhance immune function.
80. Use directly on toenail fungus.
81. Dilute and dab on pimples, boils and acne.
82. Dab on warts, until eliminated.
83. Use Thieves Household Cleaner to eliminate and prevent airborne pathogens from home, school, indoor and outdoor work environments.

Next week:

How to use Frankencense Oil!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Pyroluria PTSD in Real Life Part 2 by Tina Erwin

The information provided below is not meant to treat or to diagnose any particular ailment. The information is provided as a different way to look at what is frequently an unsolvable problem. For more information, be sure to look up Pyroluria on line.

“Can you help my friend?” asked Cara.

“I hope so, what’s the issue?”

My friend Cara and I were having dinner at a quiet Cracker Barrel in Yuma, Arizona. We were on our way to look at rocks in Quartzite. We always enjoy sharing tips, tools, and ideas that will help our families and our friends.

Cara continued: “My friend’s son has an anger problem. He’s thirteen and he has these terrible bursts of anger – it’s as if he reaches his boiling point so quickly that there is no time to even intervene to help him to rebalance his emotions.” Cara seemed so worried about her friend’s son.

“How does he do in school?” I asked.

“It’s terrible. Teachers fear him because he has these awful outbursts in class and one time he became like this crazy person and threw a chair across the room. No parent will take him home from school but me.” She sighed.

I could see how desperately Cara wanted to help this family. I had a feeling I knew what this was.

“Cara, has this child, to your knowledge ever had a sudden, severe trauma, something so tough that either he or his Mom would immediately remember it? And if so, at what age did this happen? Keep in mind that when a multiplicity of vaccines is given all at once, this can also qualify as a sudden trauma to the brain.”

Cara wasn’t sure. She said she’d ask her friend when we got back to the hotel room. I began to ask more questions. Is this boy a loner? Cara replied that yes he was. I asked if he had any siblings and did they have this issue. She said that he has an older brother and no, the older brother seems fine although the younger brother has physically hurt his older brother. I also asked her what lengths this mom had tried to assist this violent child.

“This mom has been to every psychotherapist, shrink, doctor and alternative medicine person and no one has helped appreciably so far. They have had this kid on so many drugs, you can’t believe it and nothing makes any difference over the last about nine years. What do you think is the issue?”

I told Cara that I didn’t know for sure but that my bet was that this child was suffering from Pyroluria. Cara had never heard of this syndrome so I explained.

A physician in Illinois discovered Pyroluria, several decades ago. Basically, it is a chemical imbalance in the brain due to a severe lack of vitamin B6, Zinc, Manganese, Magnesium, Vitamin C and the rest of the B-12 complex. However what makes this issue so critical is that there is usually an initiating trauma although a child can be born with it. In that case the pregnant mom could have had the trauma when she was carrying the child. I explained that I have a theory as to the underlying cause of this boy’s issue as well as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. To me, this chemical balance is a critical facet of PTSD.

PTSD can come in a myriad of forms. It can strike a person at any age and can come from one single cause or an overlay of causes/traumas, or medicinal toxicity from vaccines. What appears to happen is that the adrenal glands become ‘blown’ meaning that the stress the person feels is so tremendous, so unrelenting that the adrenal glands can no longer handle the flood of emotion and therefore become drained of their ability to keep the body emotionally and physically in balance. This manifests in how the body reacts to the stress of even the most insignificant moment or event.

If a person has a normal intact set of adrenal glands, these normally functioning glands will react to extreme stress by releasing an appropriate amount of adrenaline. This correct amount of adrenaline will allow the person to react to the situation in a balanced manner. In the normal course of a day, the total amount of adrenaline released is negligible. The body through the kidneys begins to wash it out of the body. Also the body’s ability to use the vitamins and minerals it takes in keeps the body functioning normally. This is especially true if the person takes supplements, especially the entire B vitamin complex, C, E and essential minerals.

However with Pyroluria, what may be happening is that the initiating trauma causes the person to ‘blow out’ their adrenal glands. This ‘blowout’ for lack of a better word now disables the control valve for adrenaline release. The result is that when a person has a stressor, instead of a miniscule amount of adrenaline being released, an entire flood is released and the person becomes enraged. Quite literally, the individual cannot control the volcanic volume of emotion that erupts from them.

It doesn’t matter what causes the rage or the issue, a flood of adrenaline is released into the person’s system, clouding their judgment and resulting in chronically inappropriate behavior bordering, in some cases I have seen, on murderous tendencies.

The terrible tragedy is that this person cannot control it. The chronic affect of adrenaline poisoning can range from adrenaline addiction, violent rages, violence, murder, to a long-term breakdown of various organs from the constant toxic overload of adrenaline. One young woman was so desperate to control her murderous rages that she turned to smoking. She wasn’t sure why she felt better but she did. Smoking is a vasoconstrictor and the affect was to curb the amount of adrenaline pouring into her system. Other people use alcohol to 'calm' themselves.

Continuing this theory, if the adrenal glands are barely functioning and these glands hug the pancreas, and then many times the pancreas has difficulty fully functioning because the kidneys become exhausted and toxic from trying to wash so much adrenaline from the body. In body chemistry, kidneys and pancreas are inextricably linked. In some way or other, all the body’s organs become affected and/or out of balance. The relationship between kidneys and pancreas is important to understand.

What routinely happens is that family members look at the person’s behavior as a mental problem when in truth it is more of a chemical imbalance rather than an emotional imbalance. Once you bring the body chemistry back into balance, then the person can begin to process the initiating or ongoing trauma.

However if the chemical issue is never addressed the person is routinely placed on anti-depressants or anti-psychotic drugs. The drugs now enter a body system already overloaded with adrenaline and now the person’s behavior is very hard to predict. That interaction between powerful anti-psychotic or anti-depressant drugs and a body full of adrenaline can either have no affect whatsoever or it can create a totally unpredictable level of violent behavior.

The key to healing this chemical deficiency is the restorative balancing agents in Vitamin B6, zinc, manganese and magnesium. The key to cleansing the kidneys seems to be either Noni Juice or Mangosteen juice because these gentle fruit juices are natural blood cleansers and they are also natural anti-depressants. Following the protocol, the addition of Vitamin B-12 complex, Vitamin C and E, and essential minerals, may be the key chemical components to healing this rage and rebalancing the body/brain chemistry. When the adrenal glands have enough of these emotionally nourishing elements, then the adrenals return to releasing appropriate amounts of adrenaline and the person’s anger seems to be an ugly old memory. However, it is important to note that usually the person has to religiously take these supplements for the rest of their life. Small price to pay for feeling normal.

Other related tools include Holy Basil capsules, which help a person handle day to day stress, using the essential oils from Young Living Essential Oils: Lavender, and a blend called Melissa which are best used by rubbing each on the heart area of the body.

Bach Flower essences in the form of Rescue Remedy, Star of Bethlehem, Mimulus, and Cherry Plum in a combination bottle can be taken throughout the day to begin to teach the body to rebalance itself emotionally.

It is possible that a much larger population of people suffer from Pyroluria than anyone realizes. The supplements suggested above can be enormously helpful in almost anyone suffering from stress or intense stress on the job. These tools can also be used by someone suffering from the shock and trauma of any type of grief. This could include loss of loved one, friend, pet, loss of job, loss of home through flood, fire, or natural disaster. There can also be an overlay of trauma through multiple causes. Of course when a person is in a foreign or domestic war zone and their life is on the line, this level of stress and it’s aftermath, PTSD can truly be catastrophically damaging to the adrenal glands.

In the case that Cara was relating, her friend’s then five year old lost his grandfather to heart disease, his best friend moved away and his beloved Dad went to war in Iraq: all within a two month window. This child’s emotional structure simply couldn’t deal with it. By the time this young man was thirteen his explosive rages were uncontrollable. His mother feared he would spend his life in prison for murdering someone. Can you begin to imagine her stress? The boy himself hated his behavior but felt powerless to stop it.

Once this mom began to start him on Noni, B6 [P5P supplement] and zinc, then manganese and magnesium, his behavior began to change. Within three days he smiled. He was able to respond to simple requests without exploding. He did become physically sick and in fact threw up as a result of a healing reaction as the Noni washed the anti-depressants, and accumulated adrenaline out of his system. Finally this child has a potential future. Finally his mother’s stress began to lessen. She decided to take the same supplements to help her with her own stress level. Finally the downward spiral was stopped. Hope began to appear as this young man’s adrenal system and his other organs began to feel restored. His mom felt like a whole person again.

Pyroluria can affect anyone. Sometimes the affects are temporary and can be rectified by bringing the adrenal glands back into balance. Sometimes the damage to a person’s brain and their glands through severe trauma can be permanent. However, with natural supplements the person has the potential to create balance and to live a normal and often much happier life.