“My daughter sees ghosts, talks to plants and animals and discusses her past lives. I know she is ‘gifted’ but how do you parent a child like this? She freaks people out.”
“My son can see inside people’s bodies and tell them with pinpoint accuracy what their illness is and he just blurts it out. He can also see ghosts that haunt people. I have no idea how to guide him.”
“My little girl can close her eyes and project some type of energy to another location and hear what people are saying. Is this real? Can someone really do this?”
“My son sees ‘colors’ around people and becomes afraid when he sees certain hues. He also has nightmares and sees these ‘beings’ and comes running into my room terrified at night. What can I do to help him”?
Many children have varying levels of psychic ability. Fortunate are the children whose parents actually believe them and do not punish them for that they are ‘seeing.’ Many parents deny their children’s ability and accuse them of lying about these skills. Some religious extremist parents actually consider these abilities the work of the devil and do tortuous things to ‘drive the demon out’ of the child.
At the other end of the spectrum, are the parents who smugly claim that their child is ‘gifted’ or is an Indigo, Crystal, or Star Seed child. Some psychics will tell a parent that these types of children are Earth Angels, which by the way is not true. Humans can never be Angels. Many of these well-meaning parents have utterly no idea what to do with this supposed ‘gift’ or the child. Just how do you guide or parent a child who can routinely see through walls and doors, predict the future, talk to ghosts, or heal animals and humans? How do you parent someone with abilities you aren’t sure you believe in much less understand? The answer is: you parent them very, very carefully.
Psychic ability is not a gift. It is a responsibility for whoever discovers that they have this exceptional level of spiritual skill. It is a huge responsibility for the parents of such a child because it is critical that each parent respect their child and guide this child with hopefully, enlightened spiritual wisdom.
If you had a child who could sing, you would find a voice coach or a piano teacher if you had a music prodigy. Finding a teacher for a psychic child is fraught with challenges. However, there are some guidelines that can be used which will enable any parent to be able to tell if a teacher is the right one for their child and their family, because this teacher will be affecting an entire family.
• The spiritual teacher should offer to teach the parents, not the child, thereby maintaining the sanctity of the parent’s role in the child’s eyes. It is a sad situation for a parent to feel almost incompetent in the face of a child’s huge psychic ability. Educate the parent and the entire family will know how to work and live with this unique family member. It is strongly suggested that no spiritual teacher ever work alone with a child under the age of 18. The primary influence in a child’s life must always be the enlightened parent.
• The parent has the right to an explanation for every single thing that the spiritual teacher is doing, as well as the consequences for various psychic actions that the child might take. In other words, the parent must make sure that he or she understands what the teacher is saying. An example of this is the medical intuitive child who blurts out what they see when he or she meets someone. The teacher has to explain to the parents some of the spiritual laws of healing and why the budding psychic child must respect the sanctity of someone else’s body and not just blurt out what they can ‘see’.
• Parents should educate themselves in as many aspects of psychic phenomena a possible and how psychic ability can be used or abused. There are many books that will help parents with these children but avoid those ego-feeding books about Indigo Children coming to save the world. Without discipline, training and a balanced ego, that child will be the pawn of a very dark intelligence and create serious harm to more people than they actually help. Psychic children’s missions are not yet known and they still have to function in a very ordinary, mundane world. Never feed a child’s ego or allow him or her to behave in a way that hurts someone else. The first spiritual law is to do no harm and sometimes that is an exquisitely fine line of discernment.
• The parents who do allow a spiritual teacher to work with their teenager, would be wise to always be in the room with the teacher so that they can understand exactly what is happening.
• Each Mom or Dad must believe in him or herself and in their own instinct and intuition. At the end of the day, it is this Mom or Dad who is morally and legally responsible for what this child does or says. This means that if the parent hears the spiritual teacher say or do anything that does not ring true, then the parent needs to find another teacher. An example would be the spiritual teacher who told a Mom that her child would have a dread disease if she, the spiritual teacher didn’t continue to work with the Mom, that only she [meaning the spiritual teacher] could help her. This is simply untrue and is blatant manipulation. Do not put up with this.
• Each parent must listen to his or her own Higher Self, must remember that good judgment and common sense always apply and that if what he or she is hearing does not ring true, leave! The spiritual teacher must always be able to show the science behind the words and tools used. Do not accept anything less.
• Psychic children seldom benefit from staunch religious beliefs that cannot embrace someone with these often, unfathomable abilities. If the faith that the parents embrace does not embrace psychic ability, then the parents may have to reevaluate what they believe, especially if they do believe in their own child.
• Good parents want to learn how to parent a challenging child and should never, ever be awed by what their child can do. Parents must hold on to their personal power by educating themselves constantly. Good parents can respect ability but understand that without education, diligence, discipline and a pure heart, any psychic ability is just so much grey magic at the least and black magic if abused. Just because your child can read minds does not mean that this is something that can be allowed.
Parents must pray for guidance for this child and for themselves. Parents who make a sincere request to God to place a competent and wise teacher in their path may be delightfully surprised with the result. These same parents must always show gratitude for the astounding opportunity to parent an intuitive human being who just might make a wonderful difference in the world.