Edgar Cayce was an amazing person best known for giving ‘readings,’ while operating in deep trance, about everything from Atlantis to a person’s illness. His information was recorded and now exists in the library at the Association for Research and Enlightenment at the Edgar Cayce Center in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Mr. Cayce was quite specific in the treatments he recommended for people as well as the devices he would strongly urge someone to use if they wanted to become healthy again. One of the most remarkable devices he ever recommended was something called the Radiac®. Currently few people even know it exists, what it does or where to acquire this device.
The following is quoted from author Harvey Grady’s “A Gift on the Doorstep” as he describes the amazing Radiac®.
The Impedance Device was recommended in the readings for health maintenance and prevention of disease. It was said to be ‘good for anyone!” (826-3) “The vibrations from some are well for every human individual.”(1800-15) Specifically, it was recommended for nervous tension and incoordination [sic] in 61 readings: circulatory incoordination (52); circulation (41); insomnia (35); Neurasthenia (22); debilitation (16); hypertension (13) abnormal children (12); deafness (11); obesity (11) arthritis (11); and other conditions (170).
The readings suggest that it offers the advantage of correcting possible imbalances, equilibrating body energies, and attuning the vibrations of the body to an optimal state. It is said to stimulate the body and mind to better organize and integrate their functioning. It might also produce an altered state of consciousness similar to those achieved in meditation and creative visualization. Aerospace engineer James Beal has called it a “harmony generator”.
Basically no one has ever fully been able to describe just exactly what this is or what it does. So since I personally use it several times a week, I have decided to attempt to describe my view of what it is, what it does, and why I would highly recommend it to everyone.
The Radiac® is about 8” tall, made of a unique blue plastic and has two electrical terminals at the top of it. Coated copper wire attached to a red electrode and a black electrode, are connected to these terminals. The opposite ends of these electrodes are connected to your wrist and ankle. Literally you plug yourself into the device. No outside source of energy is required. While you are plugged in, you are lying down and are absolutely still. The entire evolution takes about an hour and a half because you have to ‘chill’ the device for 30 minutes prior to use. You literally plug yourself into your own energy supply. It is my own personal theory, that the device cleans your electrical system. Once your body electrical system is fully cleaned, harmonized and rebalanced, the Radiac® helps to keep all of the body systems in a harmonious state as long as you continue to use it regularly.
One key element in using this device is to make absolutely sure that when you are ‘hooked up’ or ‘plugged in to it’ that you maintain an extremely positive outlook. Say prayers, offer gratitude to God, to the world and to those you love for the life you are living. Send healing to the world with a positive, warm, loving heart. Whatever you do, do not use it when you are angry, upset or thinking negative thoughts. All thought is energy. Think about how this might work. You plug yourself into your own body electric and then using the power of mind, you connect to the Divine. That Divine energy is now assisting you in healing/attuning your body. One of the spiritual laws notes that as you help others to heal, so are you also healed – which would literally be the case with the Radiac®.
Stanford University physicist William Tiller offered the theory that the Radiac® balanced the flow of energy through the acupuncture electrical meridians in the body. We are all electrical creatures. That electrical ‘charge’ is the spark of life that continues as long as we are each in a physical body. Lots of things can influence how electricity functions in the body, from drugs and alcohol to electro smog and fatigue. However, think about the last time you could balance your own body electric without an actual acupuncture treatment. Only with the Radiac® device can you do this on a routine basis.
One of the fascinating elements of the device is that it cannot ever be shared with anyone else. It becomes attuned to one user for that person’s entire life. Another amazing question is where does the device get the energy to recharge the user? The sun provides this energy. Your Radiac® machine must be charged in direct sunlight for at least 30 – 60 minutes at some point prior to use. I always have my sitting in a sunny window. The life giving energy of the sun, may literally become a type of ‘lightening in a bottle.’
I have been using the Radiac® since 2008, and I find that my body tells me when it is time to use the device. Many people feel absolutely nothing while using it. I do feel various meridian points either open up or just feel unclogged. I feel energized when I am done, almost as if my electrical outlets had become sooty or picked up negativity in the normal course of living. Once I have given myself some down time, rest and literally re-energizing with the Radiac®, I feel so much better.
There is frankly a part of me that doesn’t really care how it works. The Radiac® enables me to do something very positive for my body and to enjoy my extremely productive down time now and then. I recommend this device to anyone. Imagine that this isn’t a pill, potion, powder, or procedure. Somehow, magically, the Radiac® uses the energy of the sun to help you keep your body in wonderful shape. Thank you Edgar Cayce! Thank you also to Dr. Bruce Baar, MS, ND who is currently the only person anywhere who makes this device.
To learn more or to purchase the roughly $225.00 Radiac®, contact the gift shop at the A.R.E. or the Baar Company which is the official supplier of Edgar Cayce products at:
ww.baar.com or 1-800-269-2502