Saturday, August 28, 2010

KS&L 330 The Good Steward

Edgar Cayce was considered one of the most remarkable psychics of the Twentieth Century. His ‘readings’ are so prolific that they are housed in the Edgar Cayce Center in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This center has a metaphysical library that is so large that only the metaphysical library at the Vatican is larger. What makes this so remarkable is that the very foundation of this library is the massive collection of Edgar Cayce readings that cover topics that range from healing the body to what happened in Atlantis.

When you study the life of Edgar Cayce what you find is a man who had an astounding ability to tap into the spirit world when asked a specific question, and then to share that information with the rest of us. These ‘readings’ offered glimpses of the future of the world as well as how to heal someone at a distance. Mr. Cayce didn’t just heal someone he gave them the tools to heal themselves. That information using everything from essential oils, electronic devices, therapeutic massage to meditation, comprises the basis for the Cayce healing library in Virginia Beach.

Perhaps the most important element of all of the Cayce work is the integrity with which he dealt with his ability to work with the spiritual world. Edgar Cayce was a man with tremendous psychic ability. This ability was not a gift. A gift is something unexpected that you receive on a holiday or your birthday.

Psychic ability is a very specific skill that you earn life after life after life. You don’t just wake up one morning and you are suddenly psychic. Perhaps if you are hit by lightening, then perhaps you may have found a sudden ability, but that ability is never a gift, because it carries with it a huge level of karma both positive and negative based on how any soul chooses to use that skill. Psychic ability is a responsibility and the greater a person’s ability, the more significant the responsibility and the heavier the karmic burden. Abuse that ability by hurting another person with it, and the karmic price tag for that abuse is very high. It is costly because you earn your ability life after life by what you sought to learn each life. Perhaps you wanted to learn how to do hands on healing or become a medical intuitive. Maybe you wanted to be able to see into the future and prevent disaster. Possibly you actively sought to see the dead, or auras or the stacks of time. All of that is fine. But once you acquired this ability, what did you do with it? How did you use it?

Karma attaches because once you have an ability you are karmically expected to share what you have earned and learned with the utmost integrity. The more you use your ability, the higher the ante is raised. This means that you are earning more intense positive karma with each wonderful, generous and above all, wise action you perform. The reverse is also true. People who participate in fostering psychic addiction by taking advantage of other people, such as fortune tellers, cult gurus or energy vampires, know what they are doing and they energetically steal on a conscious level.

Edgar Cayce always used his powerful psychic ability from a place of the utmost integrity. He is one of the finest examples any of us can study in just exactly how to use any spiritual ability and hold ourselves up to the highest karmic/spiritual standards. He did not promise what he could not deliver. Cayce was honest in what he could and could not do for someone, and he realized that he could not heal everyone. No one could do that, not even the Christ because not even Christ could randomly remove the karma of another person.

Edgar Cayce was truly the finest steward of the psychic and spiritual ability that he had. He was a humble man with a deep and powerful love of Christ, the Divine and the spirit world. Cayce also loved all people of all religions so much that he would often sacrifice himself to help a person in great need. In the crazy world we live in, perhaps now and then it is a good practice to study those more spiritually advanced souls who walked among us and follow their example of outstanding spiritual stewardship.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Summer First Aid Kit With Essential Oils

[The following information comes from Arial Lange}

Young Living Therapeutic Grade Summer First Aid Kit With Essential Oils

Every home should have a fully stocked first aid kit. Therapeutic grade essential oils are very effective solutions to help deal with all sorts of summertime bumps, bruises, cuts, scrapes and other discomforts.

If you have the Essential Oils Desk Reference, look up the oils you have and see what they can be used for. Most oils have antiseptic properties and can be used to disinfect or clean cuts and scrapes. Some oils would need to be diluted, especially hot ones like cinnamon or oregano.

This is probably my most favorite essential oil. I drink water with a couple drops of peppermint in it. It is so energizing and refreshing. Always use essential oils in glass containers.

Temporary Fatigue or Lack of Energy: Peppermint is very stimulating. Inhale it & put a drop or 2 on your big toes. Put a couple drops of peppermint in water and drink it.

Heat Fatigue: Peppermint oil, rubbed on base of skull, inhaled, and added to drinking water.

For Digestion and Heartburn: Put a few drops in an empty capsule and take internally after a heavy meal. (Be sure you are using PURE YL essential oils for this.) Rub 4-6 drops in the palm and rub over stomach and around the navel to relieve indigestion, flatulence and diarrhea.

Nausea or Motion Sickness: Put a drop of peppermint on your tongue, then on your hand and inhale it. Another way is to rub several drops of peppermint on the abdomen.

Headache: Put a couple of drops on the back of the neck and on the temples, then in your hands & inhale.

Allergy and Cold Congestion: Place a drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue and inhale into the nose and sinuses to relieve congestion.

Injuries: Apply peppermint oil immediately to bumps and bruises to relieve pain.

Cool off on a Hot Day: Drink a drop of Peppermint oil mixed in a glass of cold water.

Poison Ivy or Poison Oak: Apply Peppermint oil on location neat or dilute with V-6 Vegetable Mixing Oil.

Poison Ivy - Help with Itching
1 cup of cold water
1/2 cup of cider vinegar
9 drops of Lavender essential oil
3 drops of Peppermint essential oil
2 drops of Roman Chamomile oil
Blend well. Place in plastic bowl with tight sealing lid.
This blend is great to keep cool in your refrigerator. Soak a washcloth in this solution to gently apply to area of skin with the poison ivy.

Itching: Apply a drop of peppermint oil topically on unbroken skin to stop itching.

Insect Repellent: Add 10 drops of peppermint to a 4 oz. bottle of distilled water. This is my favorite insect repellent for working in the garden. It works wonders to keep the biting Deer Flies off. I have had no bites while using this simple formula. Be careful not to get any near your eyes.
Take the peppermint water and spray where insects enter your house.

Remove Ticks: Apply a drop of Peppermint oil on a Q-Tip and dot it on the tick. Wait for it to let go, then remove the tick.

To Kill Aphids: Add 4-5 drops of peppermint oil to 4 ounces of water and spray the plants.
Burns and Sunburn: Apply 1-3 drops on burn location to cool tissue and reduce inflammation. Apply 3-6 times daily or as needed.

LavaDerm Cooling Mist from Young Living is another option for sunburn. It has lavender and Aloe Vera.
LavaDerm Cooling Mist #3249

After-Sun Healing Spray
1 cup distilled water
1/2 cup aloe vera gel
8 drops of Lavender essential oil
2 drops of Roman Chamomile essential oil
2 drops Geranium essential oil
Blend together and pour into a 12-16 ounce fine mist
spray bottle. Spray skin if you have been over exposed to
the sun. This is very healing and soothing to sunburned
skin. Do not get any in eyes.

Insomnia: Lavender is well known for its calming and sedative properties. Rub a couple drops on the back of the neck and shoulders. Rub a drop of lavender oil on your palms and smooth on your pillow, then inhale.

Bee Sting or Insect Bite: Put a drop of lavender on the area to stop itching and reduce swelling.

Headaches: Lavender is good for headaches. Put a couple drops in your hand then inhale. Then rub a drop on your temples, the back of the neck across forehead or on location.

Allergies: Diffuse Lavender oil to alleviate the symptoms of allergies. Rub a drop of lavender oil between your palms and inhale deeply to help alleviate the symptoms of hay fever.

Mood Uplifting: Diffuse or put a couple drops in your hand and then inhale. Apply direct application. Lavender also helps PMS symptoms.

Poison Ivy and Poison Oak: Apply 2-3 drops of lavender oil to stop the itching and heal the skin.

Cleanse & soothe cuts, scrapes and other minor injuries with:
First-Aid Spray
5 drops lavender
3 drops tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)
2 drops cypress
Mix above oils thoroughly in 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Add this to 8 ounces of distilled water and shake vigorously. Put in a spray bottle. Spray minor cuts and wounds before applying bandage. Repeat 2-3 times daily for 3 days. Complete the healing process by applying a drop or two of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil to the wound daily for the next few days.

This one is great for disinfecting cuts and scrapes. Also put on location whenever you have bee stings or other bug bites.

This is one to have on hand for when cuts and scrapes get infected. I put Thieves on and layer AnimalScents, V6 or other carrier oil over it if it needs to be diluted.
PanAway, Helichrysum or Deep Relief are all pain relievers.

is a blend with wintergreen, which has an active principle similar to cortisone; clove, which contains
eugenol, used synthetically by dentists to numb gums; peppermint, calming for nerves; and helichrysum, soothing to localized discomfort.
Many people have had relief from arthritis symptoms, sports injuries, sprains, muscle spasms, bumps and bruises.
Apply on location for muscles, cramps, bruises, compress on the spine and Vita Flex points on the feet.
Headache: Rub a couple drops of PanAway on the back of the neck, on temples or forehead, inhale. Create a soothing compress by rubbing 1-3 drops of PanAway on location, cover with a warm cloth. Leave for 30 minutes.

is a good oil to have around to stop bleeding. I had an experience with this a while back when I cut myself. I didn’t have straight helichrysum but I had Aroma Life which has helichrysum in it. I put Aroma Life on the cut and stopped the bleeding.
These are just a few ideas for your First Aid Kit.
Did you know that you can do a Raindrop Technique just on the feet? It’s marvelous!!! You apply each of the oils in the Raindrop Kit, one after another, to the feet. If you know Vita Flex (a technique that we use to work oils into the body) use it, otherwise, just rub them on. I would use 3 - 4 drops of each oil on each foot, and use less (1-2 drops) of the oregano and thyme at first, because they can heat up on the skin.
Also, I know of several people who just use peppermint oil on their feet when they ache and love the results that they get.
Information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper medical help. Consult with the health authorities of your choice.

Ariel Lange
Young Living Distributor Number 24417

Saturday, August 14, 2010

June Issue of Tidewater Woman Article


How do you rebuild your stamina

after experiencing a terrible loss? How do you recover from the death of a child, a spouse, or a family member? How do you put your life back together after a divorce? How does anyone recover from a fire, tornado, hurricane, or flood? Everyone handles loss differently. Some people simply never fully recover.

Many people feel that somehow they are so changed that their former selves will never return. Others feel that they age, that the trauma, the emotional bodyblow is so severe that it can cripple them for a very long time. Some people note that while they feel they have aged, they don’t necessarily look older. They just feel older.

Some feel that something has died inside of them, that the very heart for living has gone out of them. Others feel they can never love in the same way and that they have to hold on to who and what they love more possessively. Many feel an exquisite loss of control over their lives. A profound sense of insecurity develops around them, and they begin to withdraw.

If you have experienced any type of loss, perhaps you can relate to these feelings. If you have observed similar behaviors in a friend, worker, or family member, you can perhaps relate to how hard this is by observing it.

There is no easy answer to rebuilding physical, emotional, and spiritual strength after you feel that the life has been knocked out of you. There is no pill, potion, powder, or procedure that will take away the pain. There is no magic that makes the grief waves that keep coming, ever more slowly, turn off. The only aspect that makes this comprehensible is the concept of experience. We don’t enter mortal life to sit and be idle. We come into the physical realm to feel life. For example, one woman can’t explain to either a man or another woman what childbirth is like—it just isn’t possible. You have to experience it. Why do people go to war? They go to experience the extremes of emotion. If this were not so, then there would be no wars. If we cannot get experiences through actual contact with good and evil, then we seek these experiences through film and TV.

The experience of loss is a painfully important one, for it causes us to appreciate what we not only have, but what we have had. When the loss is very personal, we have to go deep inside ourselves to find meaning in the experience. The interesting point is that not everyone crumbles with loss. We are changed, often changed for lifetimes to come from some losses, and yet some people use loss as a vehicle to have the experience of healing. They appreciate the loss, love what was lost, but do not cling to what is no longer in their lives. They choose to move forward with living. The people who learn the most from the lessons learn to love more. They learn that healing can only come from opening our hearts to other people and helping them. The spiritual law that notes, “As you heal others, so are you also healed,” is the truest aspect for rebuilding strength and internal life after severe loss. When you choose to maximize loving and giving and you appreciate and hope for a better tomorrow, you will be lifted up.

The journey and the effort involved can be a challenging ladder to climb. At some point, 100 percent of souls will experience every type of loss there is for the very experience of it. It is the point of mortal life—all these joys and all these sorrows.

Soul evolution is ultimately determined by how we choose to handle these dynamic and painful experiences and by the courage we show in the face of great pain. When we don’t need the experience any more, we no longer have it. It takes tremendous courage to love more after loss, but it is that very courage that takes each soul up another rung of the spiritual ladder and eventually, finally, evolving toward a very different type of existence.

Excerpted from The Lightworker’s Guide to Healing Grief by Tina D. Erwin, CDR, USN, Ret, who has studied the spiritual side of life for many years. These studies were further enhanced by the experiences of a dynamic 20-year career in the Navy, working for the U.S. SubmarineForce. Tina’s book is available from and

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Some Butterflies Get Color from Crystals

RESEARCHERS STUDYING certain species find that their bright hues are the result of gyroids, which manufacturers hope to copy.

By Rachel Bernstein, Los Angeles Times

Butterfly wings are so synonymous with bold color that few people may wonder what makes them that way. But Yale University researchers studying the green color on the wings of five butterfly species have found the source of that striking color – threedimensional crystals known as gyroids.

Such crystals create vibrant hues through their interactions with light – a type of color that is structural, as opposed to pigment-based. Other animals, such as peacocks and frogs, have structural colors as well, but these particular butterfly colors were based on the especially complex gyroid.

“The structural colors are notable because they’re so brilliant, so saturated, so pure,” said biologist Richard Prum, senior author of the study published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

And at last, researchers have been able to see – in three dimensions – the gyroids that create some of these colors. In doing so, they’ve gained a greater understanding of how butterflies produce them.

This study was the first to use a three-dimensional imaging method, called small-angle X-ray scattering, to directly observe the unique structures. “The gyroid is the most challenging thing to describe in this research,” Prum said. “I’m still mystified myself. It really is mind-bending.”

Vinodkumar Saranathan, co-author of the study, took a stab: “Imagine a maze of these pinwheels, hundreds of thousands of pinwheels connected in all directions.”

The team surmised that the wing cells weave in and out among themselves, so that the external surfaces become internal, creating channels in which a material called chitin can be deposited. Chitin is the hard material that forms insect exoskeletons; when the cells die and decay, the chitin is left behind as a gyroid, making the wings a vivid green. Not all butterflies employ such complex structures to make their colors; others use simpler structures or pigmentation.

Structural colors of all types are appealing to textile and cosmetic manufacturers because they’re fade-resistant. They’re also responsible for iridescence and are used in products such as holographic wrapping paper and CDs.

Gyroids, however, are too complex for current fabrication processes, so manufacturers are keen to mimic the butterflies’ method for producing them. Not only could they be used to create vibrantly hued textiles, gyroids respond to light much like wires transmit electricity, so the potential technological applications could be enormous.

Because butterflies create such structures naturally, the findings suggest that technological developments wouldn’t have to come at an enormous environmental cost.

“These guys can make all the stuff at room temperature without toxic chemicals,” said University of Albany biologist Helen Ghiradella, whose prior work on structural color had an impact on this study. “The biological systems are showing us it can be done.”

Sunday, August 1, 2010

KS&L 329 The Power of a Handshake Part 2

So, what constitutes a ‘good’ handshake and what does it mean on a psychological/spiritual level?

• As you reach out your hand to the other person, it literally means that you are extending yourself to them.

• As you reach for the other person’s hand you open your hand all the way to be able to have complete palm to palm contact meaning, that you are open to the interaction.

• As you close your hand around theirs, use a firm balanced grasp. Do not deliver a crushing, weak, or limp grasp. Be very firm, business like, and direct. This action reflects the fact that you mean what you say, you are business like, fair and that you expect the same treatment in return.

• As you shake the now combined hands, up and down two or three times, not more, give an extra slight squeeze and release. This final action says that you are a professional, you get to the point, you want to do business and you expect the same in return.

The silent cues from a handshake linger with both parties for a while although they may not be consciously aware of them at the outset. As you practice getting a sense of another person through this process you may find that you develop a more mature sense of this person and of other people in your life in the process. This isn’t so much to judge someone else as it is to decide whether this is a good person to do business with and that includes people who give you care including doctors, lawyers, contractors, teachers, all people who are going to work with and for you. Learn to know people on other levels.

Can someone give a firm handshake and still be deceitful? Possibly. This will require a bit more awareness on your part. Think back to past interactions with other people. Are you able to remember their handshakes? Can you marry that memory to your experience with them?

As an experiment, for a week, after you shake someone’s hand, make either a mental or written note of your impression of this person based solely on his or her handshake. Over time, review your memories/notes and see how accurate you were. You might just be surprised.

What if you have an exceptionally small hand? How do you deliver a good handshake, especially if the person coming toward you has a hand the size of a catcher’s mitt? Do the best you can to get your fingers all the way around the palm area of the person’s hand. They will instantly recognize that you have a small hand, but the strength, which you used to execute the handshake, will linger in their memory. Literally, you were not intimidated by their size on any level. You, with the small hand, will also get a sense of whether this person makes any accommodation – literally is sensitive – to the requirements of your size. They do not crush your hand, but are inherently courteous. See how much you learned in that one exchange?

Handshakes also represent your style, your energy, your zest for life, and your passion for whatever has brought you and the other person together. Possibly changing your handshake could offer you insight into yourself. If you had a weak handshake, you may now choose not to be ‘weak wristed’. If you had a crushing handshake, you may wish to be more sensitive. You can change with insight and care.

Human interaction and reaction is based in a very large part on subtle cues. Being sensitive to these cues can go a very long way in gaining insight into the person in front of you and that is an excellent use of spiritual insight. Signing off with a strong, firm handshake!