By Simon Vetter [Guest Writer for Light Times]
It was a gloomy Saturday morning in January when I first met Elaine, a classy lady in her early-50s with a sharp mind and a way with people. The owner and founder of a high-end jewelry design company, Elaine started her business over 20 years ago, and her reputation in the industry speaks for itself. She was savvy and capable, but Elaine had reached her limit.
She looked at me with frustration and despair, threw up her hands and sighed, “I am just not having any fun anymore.” She confessed that she felt desperate, unmotivated, and irritated with her own team. “To tell you the truth, I’d sell my business right now for one dollar.”
It was a surprising thing to hear her say. In so many ways, she was living the dream – she had a successful business doing what she loves… except, as it turned out, these days she wasn’t doing what she loves very much at all.
When I asked how she spends her workweek, she said, “In addition to designing, I manage the business, direct my team, negotiate with suppliers, and I travel over 100 days per year to sell my jewelry to retailers across the country.”
This talented artist, an exceptionally creative and innovative woman, had followed her passion and built a great business. But her road to success was taking her further and further from her passion: designing jewelry.
With an understanding smile, I said, “No wonder you are exhausted. You do four different jobs: designing, selling, running the business and managing your employees. What about delegating more to your team?”
“I would if I could, but I can’t rely on them! They don’t do the things I ask them to do, and I constantly have to check on them. I feel like I have to do everything.” It was clear she had an uncommitted, underperforming team.
“Elaine, you’re headed in the right direction with your business, but you’re dragging a lot of dead weight on your team. You already know they are slowing you down, exhausting you even... isn’t it time to let them go?”
Watching her face closely, I saw a wave of discomfort come over her. Elaine was holding tightly to something that didn’t work for her, a sure sign of an internal conflict. Her head knew she had a lousy team, but something inside was afraid to see them go.
Over the next few weeks, we uncovered some similarities between her ways of relating to the team and her childhood job of caring for her younger siblings. She had a strong belief that “I have to take care of others.”
But her team didn’t want to be “taken care of” or “bossed around.” These managerial tactics made them feel resistant, uninspired, even petulant. After all, if you treat people like children long enough, sooner or later they’ll act accordingly.
The harder she pushed, the more they resisted. No wonder they weren’t having fun anymore. Everyone in her company was intensely focused on what they didn’t like! And everyone felt powerless to change it.
In a situation like this, there’s only one thing to do: get crystal clear on what you can change, and what you cannot. More often than not, the things you can change all begin with you – not other people.
Elaine realized that she could change the way she related to her team, so she decided to increase her efforts to inspire them. Second, she committed to pacing herself so she could bring more patience and composure to the table. Both decisions led to an immediate change in the tone of the team.
But it was her third decision that made the most dramatic impact. Elaine recommitted her workweek to the things she does best: designing “drop dead gorgeous” jewelry and working with clients. Everything else, she delegated to her new office manager.
It didn’t take long to see enormous changes in her company. Within four months, every one of the underperforming team members left to pursue other jobs. As the new team developed, so did a new culture of performance and accountability. Sales reached an all-time high, and Elaine was overjoyed to feel her creative spirit come back to life.
“I had no idea how easily I could change the world around me – just by changing the way I treated everyone else. Now it makes so much sense! How can I expect others to act differently… unless I do? I was so busy complaining and worrying about what I ‘should’ be doing that I didn’t have any energy to start creating what I really wanted!”
Her close friend Maria just laughs at this story. At 68 years young, she enjoys every day to the fullest – but it wasn’t always that way. “When I was 5 years old, I lost a parent. Growing up, I had to take care of my brother and sister, keep the house running, do all the things that ‘should’ be done. Somewhere along the way, I forgot to take care of myself and go after the things I wanted to do. That sure makes for a dull life.
“One day, after 60 years of drudgery, I woke up and asked myself, ‘What am I doing?’ I looked around and realized I was spending my life on other people’s agendas, other people’s concerns, social pressures, and my family’s expectations. But what about the things that are important to me? They were falling by the wayside.
“It’s my life and I want to enjoy it – so I decided to! It was the best decision I ever made. Now, I’m done with should. Now, I do what I want.”
How old will you be when you step into your role of Leader of Your Life, and really make the most of what you have? The sooner to take the reins, the better your journey will be.
To speed your process along, beware of the word “should.” When you hear it, stop yourself long enough to ask, should I really? Why?
If you get confused, ask yourself, “Should I do that, or do I want to do that?” This immediately puts the reins back in your hands, and you at choice. If the “should-ing” persists, simply smile and say, “Thank you for that suggestion.” That gives you the time and space to decide for yourself if you want to follow that suggestion – or not.
If the “shoulds” in your life are coming from your own mind, take some time to examine them, one by one.
Who does that should belong to?
Whose voice is speaking?
What beliefs are backing up this “should”?
Keep investigating until you feel free to decide.
After all, in the end, the only person responsible for your happiness… is you.
About the Author
Simon Vetter works with managers who want to create positive changes and professionals who want to create a STAND OUT brand. He is a business coach, speaker and author, specializing in leadership effectiveness, behavioral change and personal brand management.
Over the course of his career, he has coached, trained and advised managers and teams from Agilent Technologies, CalPERS, Callaway Golf, Daimler, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, REMAX, Siemens, Toyota, US Steel, UBS and others. His clients engage him because they want more clarity, focus and personal balance. He assists them in improving behaviors, effectively influencing others, developing high-performing teams, and delivering results.
His latest book is STAND OUT! Branding Strategies for Business Professionals. He offers practical solutions on advancing one’s career, finding personal fulfillment at work, and establishing a credible, attractive personal brand.
With 20 years of experience in marketing, sales, and leadership development, Simon combines an MBA-equivalent degree in Business and Marketing from University of Berne. He is a member of Alexcel Group, a worldwide alliance of executive coaches, serves on the board of directors of the San Diego World Trade Center and is a member with Toastmasters. Simon grew up in Switzerland and has lived in San Diego, California for 12 years. He speaks fluently English and German.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
KS&L 312 Why God Doesn't Always Give Us What We Ask For Part 1
The Karmic Savings and Loan Chapter 31?: Why God Doesn’t Always Give Us What We Ask For Part 1
How many times have you had situations where you wished desperately for something and it didn’t happen?
How many times have you been angry with God for not allowing you to have that promotion, marry that special person or have that child you so desperately wanted? Imagine your anger at God if you lose a loved one!
How many times have you pondered why you seemed ‘stuck’ where you were? Often as you faced mounting frustration in what you were doing, or trying to do, you found yourself, shall we say, irritated at God. Perhaps you wondered: ‘why isn’t God helping me? Why won’t God let this happen?’ Perhaps you have prayed long and hard for what you thought you wanted to happen, and you were angry that God did not answer your prayers.
Maybe receiving something, such as a job, a questionable opportunity, or a person in your life, baffled you, because it was something that you thought you really didn’t want, and nothing related to what you truly did want. Why does it work this way?
God just doesn’t always give you what you think you want when you think you want it because it is not part of the Divine Plan. This concept is an element of faith and faith, true faith, requires courage to understand, to accept and to learn to work within its often baffling, confines.
As you embark on your spiritual path, you are often told to ‘ask for what you are ready to receive.’ Yet you find that you receive something else, or you receive something or someone in your life, which isn’t overtly helpful as the following examples illustrate.
A young woman wanted to become an Air Force Officer. She filled out all the paperwork, jumped through every hoop and nothing happened. She applied for other civilian jobs and less happened. Literally, no one would hire her. One day she decided to apply to become a Naval Officer. Once again she jumped through every hoop and to her utter amazement, she got in, went directly to the next Officer Candidate class, was not delayed in anyway and had a long and successful career and a very happy marriage to another Naval Officer. If any of the other jobs had panned out, she would not have had the experiences she was meant to have.
Once upon a time, an Executive received the news that a new employee was coming to work for her, transferred from another division in the company. The Executive had been hoping for someone she could groom, someone she could work with easily and who could fill her tiny shoes when she left. What she got was a person with a staggeringly brilliant intellect, and an utterly impossible personality. Everyone in the last division disliked him intensely. Everything this man did made her life a thousand times more difficult. Her subordinates begged her not to even go on vacation because this would leave this man in charge and life would surely be hell. What could she do? What she ended up doing was teaching this man how to work with other people, how to use his wonderful mind in a different way and how to learn to be of service to others and become precious to people. This man was a huge opportunity and she chose to see him that way. This man is now one of her most cherished friends. They were both lessons and gifts for each other. That is how God really works, that is why we do not always receive what we think we want.
Each choice we make will determine what opportunity we receive next. Ironically, as random as life sometimes seems, this is among life’s most definite laws. Each opportunity can make us feel weaker or stronger.
How many times have you had situations where you wished desperately for something and it didn’t happen?
How many times have you been angry with God for not allowing you to have that promotion, marry that special person or have that child you so desperately wanted? Imagine your anger at God if you lose a loved one!
How many times have you pondered why you seemed ‘stuck’ where you were? Often as you faced mounting frustration in what you were doing, or trying to do, you found yourself, shall we say, irritated at God. Perhaps you wondered: ‘why isn’t God helping me? Why won’t God let this happen?’ Perhaps you have prayed long and hard for what you thought you wanted to happen, and you were angry that God did not answer your prayers.
Maybe receiving something, such as a job, a questionable opportunity, or a person in your life, baffled you, because it was something that you thought you really didn’t want, and nothing related to what you truly did want. Why does it work this way?
God just doesn’t always give you what you think you want when you think you want it because it is not part of the Divine Plan. This concept is an element of faith and faith, true faith, requires courage to understand, to accept and to learn to work within its often baffling, confines.
As you embark on your spiritual path, you are often told to ‘ask for what you are ready to receive.’ Yet you find that you receive something else, or you receive something or someone in your life, which isn’t overtly helpful as the following examples illustrate.
A young woman wanted to become an Air Force Officer. She filled out all the paperwork, jumped through every hoop and nothing happened. She applied for other civilian jobs and less happened. Literally, no one would hire her. One day she decided to apply to become a Naval Officer. Once again she jumped through every hoop and to her utter amazement, she got in, went directly to the next Officer Candidate class, was not delayed in anyway and had a long and successful career and a very happy marriage to another Naval Officer. If any of the other jobs had panned out, she would not have had the experiences she was meant to have.
Once upon a time, an Executive received the news that a new employee was coming to work for her, transferred from another division in the company. The Executive had been hoping for someone she could groom, someone she could work with easily and who could fill her tiny shoes when she left. What she got was a person with a staggeringly brilliant intellect, and an utterly impossible personality. Everyone in the last division disliked him intensely. Everything this man did made her life a thousand times more difficult. Her subordinates begged her not to even go on vacation because this would leave this man in charge and life would surely be hell. What could she do? What she ended up doing was teaching this man how to work with other people, how to use his wonderful mind in a different way and how to learn to be of service to others and become precious to people. This man was a huge opportunity and she chose to see him that way. This man is now one of her most cherished friends. They were both lessons and gifts for each other. That is how God really works, that is why we do not always receive what we think we want.
Each choice we make will determine what opportunity we receive next. Ironically, as random as life sometimes seems, this is among life’s most definite laws. Each opportunity can make us feel weaker or stronger.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Retired Naval Officer Presents Tools for Understanding and Dealing with Grief, and Explores the Journey of the Soul at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.
Virginia Beach, Va. – Tina Erwin, CDR USN, Ret., a lifelong student of metaphysics who served 20 years in the U.S. Navy, turned a family tragedy into the inspiration for The Lightworker’s Guide to Healing Grief, a comprehensive guidebook with insight into understanding grieving and tools to navigate the grieving process. She offers hope about the afterlife and the meaning of reincarnation as part of the Afterlife for All Life: Reconnecting with Beloved Family, Friends, and Pets conference, March 5-7, 2010 at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.
Joining her on the program are medium Rev. B. Anne Gehman, who will explore spirit communication and mediumship and will demonstrate live random readings with messages for audience members; Lynn Sparrow Christy, who will explore the soul’s journey and its immortal nature; Susan Chernak McElroy, an expert on how animals help people on their spiritual journey; and Marta Williams, who specializes in communicating with the spirits of animals.
Rev. B. Anne Gehman, is the founder and pastor of the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment and was the youngest person to be certified by the National Spiritualist Association of Churches. She is recognized worldwide as a psychometrist, clairvoyant, and clairaudient; is a certified medium and a commissioned healer, and is listed among the top 100 psychics in the country. Her work with the University of Arizona on a research study of after-death communication is documented in After Life Experiment by Dr. Gary Schwartz. Her biography is The Priest and the Medium.
Susan Chernak McElroy has spent a lifetime working with animals as a veterinarian assistant, humane society educator, dog trainer, and wildlife rehabilitator. Her pioneering work, Animals as Teachers and Healers, a New York Times best-seller, remains a classic on the human-animal spiritual relationship.
Lynn Sparrow Christy is an author, minister, life coach, and hypnotherapist, and a longtime student and teacher of the Edgar Cayce material. A popular and experienced speaker, her life’s mission is to help today’s spiritual seekers find authentic pathways to growth.
Marta Williams is the author of Learning Their Language: Intuitive Communication with Animals and Nature and other books and articles based on over 20 years’ experience communicating with animals. She has degrees in biology and resource conservation and now lectures, teaches, and offers clinics on animal and nature communication worldwide.
Open to all, Afterlife for All Life: Reconnecting with Beloved Family, Friends, and Pets is scheduled for March 5-7, at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451. Admission is $228, with special pricing for a single day or for single presentations. For more information or to register, contact the A.R.E. conference registrars at 757-428-3588, ext. 7401, or go to
Edgar Cayce founded the non-profit Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) in 1931, to explore spirituality, holistic health, intuition, dream interpretation, psychic development, reincarnation, and ancient mysteries – all subjects that frequently came up in the more than 14,000 documented psychic readings given by Cayce, who died in 1945. The mission of A.R.E. is simply to help people around the world change their lives for the better through the ideas and information found in the readings.
The Virginia Beach headquarters is a popular site for locals and tourists with free daily lectures, a Health Center and Spa, the Cayce/Reilly® School of Massotherapy, an extensive metaphysical library, a meditation garden, a stone labyrinth, and a bookstore and gift shop. Visitors from around the world come to our conferences to hear expert speakers on subjects like ancient mysteries, holistic health, and spiritual development. A.R.E. also maintains an affiliation with Atlantic University. Through its many programs, services, publications, and membership outreach, Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. provides individuals from all walks of life and a variety of religious backgrounds with tools for personal transformation and healing at all levels – body, mind, and spirit. For more information about Edgar Cayce's A.R.E., please visit
Joining her on the program are medium Rev. B. Anne Gehman, who will explore spirit communication and mediumship and will demonstrate live random readings with messages for audience members; Lynn Sparrow Christy, who will explore the soul’s journey and its immortal nature; Susan Chernak McElroy, an expert on how animals help people on their spiritual journey; and Marta Williams, who specializes in communicating with the spirits of animals.
Rev. B. Anne Gehman, is the founder and pastor of the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment and was the youngest person to be certified by the National Spiritualist Association of Churches. She is recognized worldwide as a psychometrist, clairvoyant, and clairaudient; is a certified medium and a commissioned healer, and is listed among the top 100 psychics in the country. Her work with the University of Arizona on a research study of after-death communication is documented in After Life Experiment by Dr. Gary Schwartz. Her biography is The Priest and the Medium.
Susan Chernak McElroy has spent a lifetime working with animals as a veterinarian assistant, humane society educator, dog trainer, and wildlife rehabilitator. Her pioneering work, Animals as Teachers and Healers, a New York Times best-seller, remains a classic on the human-animal spiritual relationship.
Lynn Sparrow Christy is an author, minister, life coach, and hypnotherapist, and a longtime student and teacher of the Edgar Cayce material. A popular and experienced speaker, her life’s mission is to help today’s spiritual seekers find authentic pathways to growth.
Marta Williams is the author of Learning Their Language: Intuitive Communication with Animals and Nature and other books and articles based on over 20 years’ experience communicating with animals. She has degrees in biology and resource conservation and now lectures, teaches, and offers clinics on animal and nature communication worldwide.
Open to all, Afterlife for All Life: Reconnecting with Beloved Family, Friends, and Pets is scheduled for March 5-7, at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451. Admission is $228, with special pricing for a single day or for single presentations. For more information or to register, contact the A.R.E. conference registrars at 757-428-3588, ext. 7401, or go to
Edgar Cayce founded the non-profit Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) in 1931, to explore spirituality, holistic health, intuition, dream interpretation, psychic development, reincarnation, and ancient mysteries – all subjects that frequently came up in the more than 14,000 documented psychic readings given by Cayce, who died in 1945. The mission of A.R.E. is simply to help people around the world change their lives for the better through the ideas and information found in the readings.
The Virginia Beach headquarters is a popular site for locals and tourists with free daily lectures, a Health Center and Spa, the Cayce/Reilly® School of Massotherapy, an extensive metaphysical library, a meditation garden, a stone labyrinth, and a bookstore and gift shop. Visitors from around the world come to our conferences to hear expert speakers on subjects like ancient mysteries, holistic health, and spiritual development. A.R.E. also maintains an affiliation with Atlantic University. Through its many programs, services, publications, and membership outreach, Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. provides individuals from all walks of life and a variety of religious backgrounds with tools for personal transformation and healing at all levels – body, mind, and spirit. For more information about Edgar Cayce's A.R.E., please visit
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Chinese New Year!
Today marks the beginning of the new Chinese New Year. It is the year of the Tiger, overall a lucky year. It is affiliated with the element of metal. Metal energy is about spiralling in with pin-point precision and The Metal element gives the Tiger its sharpness in action and speed of thought. Good luck colors will of course be red and gold - wealth and good fortune colors.
If you’re a Tiger (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998):
It’s your year without a doubt — a great year, a splendid year when you’ll be raring to go and land a ‘kill’. And happily, you’ll land more than one ‘kill’ that’ll bring you applause and add to your fame and clout. Yes, you’ll feel good most times, and better still, you’ll be lucky most times, so ride your luck in the best manner possible. But beware that success doesn’t go to your head. If you’re over-ambitious and don’t factor in the prevailing environment fully, it could well be that what you had hoped to land will get away. So stay charged, but act with careful thought, and most important, direct your efforts carefully. Remember, complacency often leads to failure, and so does roaring unnecessarily.
The bottomline: Let your mind roam far and wide, but limit your hunt to carefully selected targets.
Go to for more info:
So happy Chinese New Year!
If you’re a Tiger (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998):
It’s your year without a doubt — a great year, a splendid year when you’ll be raring to go and land a ‘kill’. And happily, you’ll land more than one ‘kill’ that’ll bring you applause and add to your fame and clout. Yes, you’ll feel good most times, and better still, you’ll be lucky most times, so ride your luck in the best manner possible. But beware that success doesn’t go to your head. If you’re over-ambitious and don’t factor in the prevailing environment fully, it could well be that what you had hoped to land will get away. So stay charged, but act with careful thought, and most important, direct your efforts carefully. Remember, complacency often leads to failure, and so does roaring unnecessarily.
The bottomline: Let your mind roam far and wide, but limit your hunt to carefully selected targets.
Go to for more info:
So happy Chinese New Year!
Kahlil Gibran on Love Happy Valentine's Day!
When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams
as the north wind lays waste the garden.
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.
Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.
All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.
But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor,
Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.
When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God."
And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.
Kahlil Gibran was a Lebanese poet who wrote the collection of poems, The Profit in 1923.
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams
as the north wind lays waste the garden.
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.
Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.
All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.
But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor,
Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.
When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God."
And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.
Kahlil Gibran was a Lebanese poet who wrote the collection of poems, The Profit in 1923.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
KS&L 311 House Creep Part 2
Surely this is a no-brainer: you are the House Creep and you are creating House Creep and you are the reason your house feels creepy! What a concept!
Bet you are wondering what this has to do with karma. Karma is all about balance. When you are the Creep and you feel creepy because of the house creep around you, physically, emotionally and spiritually, you are radically out of balance. Being out of balance puts you in a place of not being at ease, or being “not ease”, or the correct grammar is: in dis-ease. This is where illness begins. This is where you feel that tiny pieces of you are unraveling. It starts slowly at first, but then it builds. More and more negative things also happen both at work and at home and the feeling of being powerless begins to ‘creep’ into your consciousness. Finances also increasingly become problematic.
Things aren’t going well anywhere. You are late to work, late coming home, behind in your bills, not the friend you want to be and chronically tired. It is very difficult to have a restful sleep in chaos.
You feel as if you are behind the power curve and nothing in your life is working, all from a bit of creep.
Take charge by deciding that while you may not be able to change many things about your life, you can definitely change yourself so decide to be different! Take a day off from work and start to take your life back.
• Begin your life change in your kitchen, by cleaning it from top to bottom. Vow: clean up your kitchen every single night before you go to bed. A few dishes are manageable. You will now come down to an immaculate kitchen and start your day out right. The night before, pack a lunch and identify your breakfast for the next day – if you have a spouse and kids, this will pay huge dividends. Delegate to them: one person does dishes, one person dries and puts away and one person packs lunches.
• Next, clean your den/living room. Identify a place for new magazines and catalogs. Recycle the old ones. If you look at a new catalog and you know you will never use it, recycle it immediately.
• Analyze your home office area. Collect all of your mail from your car. Bring it into your office and vow that you will never open mail in the car again. From now on, you will bring the mail in and put it in your ‘to do’ basket. Schedule desk time/bills times. Do them once a month. This will save overdue fees and frustration throughout the month and ultimately give you more free time and a much cleaner car! A cleaner car, inside and out requires fewer repairs.
• Your bedroom needs to be your sanctuary. Find a place for some outside-your-closet hooks. One is for nightclothes, one is for clothes you just took off and one is for lounge clothes. Nothing will ever just go on the floor again. Your dog will have to use his own bed. Have a laundry hamper and put dirty clothes there. This system will save time in the morning so that you always know where things are. When you go to change clothes at the end of the day it takes the same amount of energy to put things away as it does to put them on the floor. The time you will have saved in the morning will be well worth it. Upon awakening in the morning, take a few seconds to disappoint your cat: make your bed! Imagine coming into a real sanctuary that is neat and ready to welcome you!
• Once a week or so, go around your house and just pick up and put away things that are out of place.
• Once a quarter, do your garage. Keep it neat. Tools will then always be available when you need them. Check out your car as well, keeping it cleaned out. Wash your car once a week if you can, at least once a month if you can’t. Every now and then, take your car in for just a checkup to preclude major repairs.
• Check your yard now and then for things to be put away, the condition of plants and the condition of your home as well. If repairs need to be made, schedule them.
• Take some time to de-clutter your office at work, as well. Often the first impression anyone gets from you is your desk and if it is a disaster, really, is that the message you want to send about the kind of professional you are?
The payback from this is that you will feel completely in charge of your life. Cleanliness is next to Godliness because it gets rid of negativity. De-cluttering your life will make room for new things to come to you. You have to make a path for light to find you and if it is horribly cluttered, filled with the daily soot of house creep, you will be invisible to the good things that can come. Become beautifully visible to all that life has to offer and you will begin to always feel at ease and blessedly karmically balanced!
Bet you are wondering what this has to do with karma. Karma is all about balance. When you are the Creep and you feel creepy because of the house creep around you, physically, emotionally and spiritually, you are radically out of balance. Being out of balance puts you in a place of not being at ease, or being “not ease”, or the correct grammar is: in dis-ease. This is where illness begins. This is where you feel that tiny pieces of you are unraveling. It starts slowly at first, but then it builds. More and more negative things also happen both at work and at home and the feeling of being powerless begins to ‘creep’ into your consciousness. Finances also increasingly become problematic.
Things aren’t going well anywhere. You are late to work, late coming home, behind in your bills, not the friend you want to be and chronically tired. It is very difficult to have a restful sleep in chaos.
You feel as if you are behind the power curve and nothing in your life is working, all from a bit of creep.
Take charge by deciding that while you may not be able to change many things about your life, you can definitely change yourself so decide to be different! Take a day off from work and start to take your life back.
• Begin your life change in your kitchen, by cleaning it from top to bottom. Vow: clean up your kitchen every single night before you go to bed. A few dishes are manageable. You will now come down to an immaculate kitchen and start your day out right. The night before, pack a lunch and identify your breakfast for the next day – if you have a spouse and kids, this will pay huge dividends. Delegate to them: one person does dishes, one person dries and puts away and one person packs lunches.
• Next, clean your den/living room. Identify a place for new magazines and catalogs. Recycle the old ones. If you look at a new catalog and you know you will never use it, recycle it immediately.
• Analyze your home office area. Collect all of your mail from your car. Bring it into your office and vow that you will never open mail in the car again. From now on, you will bring the mail in and put it in your ‘to do’ basket. Schedule desk time/bills times. Do them once a month. This will save overdue fees and frustration throughout the month and ultimately give you more free time and a much cleaner car! A cleaner car, inside and out requires fewer repairs.
• Your bedroom needs to be your sanctuary. Find a place for some outside-your-closet hooks. One is for nightclothes, one is for clothes you just took off and one is for lounge clothes. Nothing will ever just go on the floor again. Your dog will have to use his own bed. Have a laundry hamper and put dirty clothes there. This system will save time in the morning so that you always know where things are. When you go to change clothes at the end of the day it takes the same amount of energy to put things away as it does to put them on the floor. The time you will have saved in the morning will be well worth it. Upon awakening in the morning, take a few seconds to disappoint your cat: make your bed! Imagine coming into a real sanctuary that is neat and ready to welcome you!
• Once a week or so, go around your house and just pick up and put away things that are out of place.
• Once a quarter, do your garage. Keep it neat. Tools will then always be available when you need them. Check out your car as well, keeping it cleaned out. Wash your car once a week if you can, at least once a month if you can’t. Every now and then, take your car in for just a checkup to preclude major repairs.
• Check your yard now and then for things to be put away, the condition of plants and the condition of your home as well. If repairs need to be made, schedule them.
• Take some time to de-clutter your office at work, as well. Often the first impression anyone gets from you is your desk and if it is a disaster, really, is that the message you want to send about the kind of professional you are?
The payback from this is that you will feel completely in charge of your life. Cleanliness is next to Godliness because it gets rid of negativity. De-cluttering your life will make room for new things to come to you. You have to make a path for light to find you and if it is horribly cluttered, filled with the daily soot of house creep, you will be invisible to the good things that can come. Become beautifully visible to all that life has to offer and you will begin to always feel at ease and blessedly karmically balanced!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Comment on Spray On Liquid Glass
Dear Friends,
My friend Lee, a very brillent man, added this comment about spray on liquid glass that I felt was so well done I had to share it. Thanks Lee!
Right now, I do NOT know of any nano technology that is not considered to be toxic to humans if ingested. The peer reviewed and published research is just not there. These particles are just so damn small there is a school of thought that they could migrate to areas of the body that really do not recognize them as foreign bodies, and the body will not erect any defenses to get rid of them. This is never good....
There is some significant discussion going around about the silver nano-technology that Samsung uses in its clothes washing machine as an example. It appears that there is a small, minute but measurable release of these silver nano particles into the waste water. The technology is used as a disinfectant and it kills germs. (I do not know if this technology is in America)
If silver nano-technology is widely adopted in washing machines and dishwashers, there are a few problems as I understand:
1. The germs that are not killed become battle hardened.
2. The germs that are not killed have a small, but I believe measurable increase in probability of mutating
3. The excess silver nano particles are flushed back into the waste stream and so far, they are way too small to be filtered out, so eventually, they will return to our drinking supplies.
4. These particles are so small that their effect on the human body if (and when) consumed, has not been widely studied, and is definitely not understood.
(By the way, this phobia of trying to clean and kill germs may be doing our kids much more harm than good. By killing 99.9%, the other 0.1% is more resistant to being killed, controlled etc and our kids, not being exposed to many germs, can become really sick when they come into contact with these battle-hardened germs. When we were kids, we did not have all this disinfectant stuff, so our immune system had a chance to develop into a strong system. My guess is that we are seeing increases in diseases today that were very rare when we were kids because while we have killed the 99% of the germs, we have left our kids exposed to the really battle hardened stuff, and their immature immune systems are just overwhelmed.)
Glass is made up mostly of the element silicon. In certain forms, it is considered HIGHLY toxic. For example, the people that handle the purest of silcon that goes into making computer chips either wear moon suits, or work in special rooms where the airborne concentration of silicon is kept so low it is barely measurable. Silicon can lead to a bad type of lung cancer I believe. I just watched a film on the manufacture of ram used in computers. The people in the room where the sand was being delivered wore masks and gloves and suits all designed it seemed to me to not let one grain of this sand into their body.
So, right now, it appears that nano particles attached to stuff we touch are safe for adults. Jury is out on kids, toddlers, and babies.
It might end up not being a toxic issue. Just a hell of lot of research needs to be done.
PS: Our world has never been and will never be germ free. We are trying too hard to make it germ free, thinking we are making it safer for ourselves, and our kids. I think we will determine, probably too late, that we were wrong. Maybe even deadly wrong. Lee
My friend Lee, a very brillent man, added this comment about spray on liquid glass that I felt was so well done I had to share it. Thanks Lee!
Right now, I do NOT know of any nano technology that is not considered to be toxic to humans if ingested. The peer reviewed and published research is just not there. These particles are just so damn small there is a school of thought that they could migrate to areas of the body that really do not recognize them as foreign bodies, and the body will not erect any defenses to get rid of them. This is never good....
There is some significant discussion going around about the silver nano-technology that Samsung uses in its clothes washing machine as an example. It appears that there is a small, minute but measurable release of these silver nano particles into the waste water. The technology is used as a disinfectant and it kills germs. (I do not know if this technology is in America)
If silver nano-technology is widely adopted in washing machines and dishwashers, there are a few problems as I understand:
1. The germs that are not killed become battle hardened.
2. The germs that are not killed have a small, but I believe measurable increase in probability of mutating
3. The excess silver nano particles are flushed back into the waste stream and so far, they are way too small to be filtered out, so eventually, they will return to our drinking supplies.
4. These particles are so small that their effect on the human body if (and when) consumed, has not been widely studied, and is definitely not understood.
(By the way, this phobia of trying to clean and kill germs may be doing our kids much more harm than good. By killing 99.9%, the other 0.1% is more resistant to being killed, controlled etc and our kids, not being exposed to many germs, can become really sick when they come into contact with these battle-hardened germs. When we were kids, we did not have all this disinfectant stuff, so our immune system had a chance to develop into a strong system. My guess is that we are seeing increases in diseases today that were very rare when we were kids because while we have killed the 99% of the germs, we have left our kids exposed to the really battle hardened stuff, and their immature immune systems are just overwhelmed.)
Glass is made up mostly of the element silicon. In certain forms, it is considered HIGHLY toxic. For example, the people that handle the purest of silcon that goes into making computer chips either wear moon suits, or work in special rooms where the airborne concentration of silicon is kept so low it is barely measurable. Silicon can lead to a bad type of lung cancer I believe. I just watched a film on the manufacture of ram used in computers. The people in the room where the sand was being delivered wore masks and gloves and suits all designed it seemed to me to not let one grain of this sand into their body.
So, right now, it appears that nano particles attached to stuff we touch are safe for adults. Jury is out on kids, toddlers, and babies.
It might end up not being a toxic issue. Just a hell of lot of research needs to be done.
PS: Our world has never been and will never be germ free. We are trying too hard to make it germ free, thinking we are making it safer for ourselves, and our kids. I think we will determine, probably too late, that we were wrong. Maybe even deadly wrong. Lee
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Spray-on Liquid Glass
Sometimes it is fascinating to see how nanotechnology is going to change the future we thought we were going to understand. The following example is just fascinating. My friend Lee shared this. Thanks!
Spray-on liquid glass is about to revolutionize almost everything
February 2nd, 2010 in Nanotechnology / Nanomaterials
Spray-on liquid glass
( -- Spray-on liquid glass is transparent, non-toxic, and can protect virtually any surface against almost any damage from hazards such as water, UV radiation, dirt, heat, and bacterial infections. The coating is also flexible and breathable, which makes it suitable for use on an enormous array of products.
The liquid glass spray (technically termed “SiO2 ultra-thin layering”) consists of almost pure silicon dioxide (silica, the normal compound in glass) extracted from quartz sand. Water or ethanol is added, depending on the type of surface to be coated. There are no additives, and the nano-scale glass coating bonds to the surface because of the quantum forces involved. According to the manufacturers, liquid glass has a long-lasting antibacterial effect because microbes landing on the surface cannot divide or replicate easily.
Liquid glass was invented in Turkey and the patent is held by Nanopool, a family-owned German company. Research on the product was carried out at the Saarbrücken Institute for New Materials. Nanopool is already in negotiations in the UK with a number of companies and with the National Health Service, with a view to its widespread adoption.
The liquid glass spray produces a water-resistant coating only around 100 nanometers (15-30 molecules) thick. On this nanoscale the glass is highly flexible and breathable. The coating is environmentally harmless and non-toxic, and easy to clean using only water or a simple wipe with a damp cloth. It repels bacteria, water and dirt, and resists heat, UV light and even acids. UK project manager with Nanopool, Neil McClelland, said soon almost every product you purchase will be coated with liquid glass.
Food processing companies in Germany have already carried out trials of the spray, and found sterile surfaces that usually needed to be cleaned with strong bleach to keep them sterile needed only a hot water rinse if they were coated with liquid glass. The levels of sterility were higher for the glass-coated surfaces, and the surfaces remained sterile for months.
Other organizations, such as a train company and a hotel chain in the UK, and a hamburger chain in Germany, are also testing liquid glass for a wide range of uses. A year-long trial of the spray in a Lancashire hospital also produced “very promising” results for a range of applications including coatings for equipment, medical implants, catheters, sutures and bandages. The war graves association in the UK is investigating using the spray to treat stone monuments and grave stones, since trials have shown the coating protects against weathering and graffiti. Trials in Turkey are testing the product on monuments such as the Ataturk Mausoleum in Ankara.
The liquid glass coating is breathable, which means it can be used on plants and seeds. Trials in vineyards have found spraying vines increases their resistance to fungal diseases, while other tests have shown sprayed seeds germinate and grow faster than untreated seeds, and coated wood is not attacked by termites. Other vineyard applications include coating corks with liquid glass to prevent “corking” and contamination of wine. The spray cannot be seen by the naked eye, which means it could also be used to treat clothing and other materials to make them stain-resistant. McClelland said you can “pour a bottle of wine over an expensive silk shirt and it will come right off”.
In the home, spray-on glass would eliminate the need for scrubbing and make most cleaning products obsolete. Since it is available in both water-based and alcohol-based solutions, it can be used in the oven, in bathrooms, tiles, sinks, and almost every other surface in the home, and one spray is said to last a year.
Liquid glass spray is perhaps the most important nanotechnology product to emerge to date. It will be available in DIY stores in Britain soon, with prices starting at around £5 ($8 US). Other outlets, such as many supermarkets, may be unwilling to stock the products because they make enormous profits from cleaning products that need to be replaced regularly, and liquid glass would make virtually all of them obsolete.
More information: Nanopool:
© 2010
Spray-on liquid glass is about to revolutionize almost everything
February 2nd, 2010 in Nanotechnology / Nanomaterials
Spray-on liquid glass
( -- Spray-on liquid glass is transparent, non-toxic, and can protect virtually any surface against almost any damage from hazards such as water, UV radiation, dirt, heat, and bacterial infections. The coating is also flexible and breathable, which makes it suitable for use on an enormous array of products.
The liquid glass spray (technically termed “SiO2 ultra-thin layering”) consists of almost pure silicon dioxide (silica, the normal compound in glass) extracted from quartz sand. Water or ethanol is added, depending on the type of surface to be coated. There are no additives, and the nano-scale glass coating bonds to the surface because of the quantum forces involved. According to the manufacturers, liquid glass has a long-lasting antibacterial effect because microbes landing on the surface cannot divide or replicate easily.
Liquid glass was invented in Turkey and the patent is held by Nanopool, a family-owned German company. Research on the product was carried out at the Saarbrücken Institute for New Materials. Nanopool is already in negotiations in the UK with a number of companies and with the National Health Service, with a view to its widespread adoption.
The liquid glass spray produces a water-resistant coating only around 100 nanometers (15-30 molecules) thick. On this nanoscale the glass is highly flexible and breathable. The coating is environmentally harmless and non-toxic, and easy to clean using only water or a simple wipe with a damp cloth. It repels bacteria, water and dirt, and resists heat, UV light and even acids. UK project manager with Nanopool, Neil McClelland, said soon almost every product you purchase will be coated with liquid glass.
Food processing companies in Germany have already carried out trials of the spray, and found sterile surfaces that usually needed to be cleaned with strong bleach to keep them sterile needed only a hot water rinse if they were coated with liquid glass. The levels of sterility were higher for the glass-coated surfaces, and the surfaces remained sterile for months.
Other organizations, such as a train company and a hotel chain in the UK, and a hamburger chain in Germany, are also testing liquid glass for a wide range of uses. A year-long trial of the spray in a Lancashire hospital also produced “very promising” results for a range of applications including coatings for equipment, medical implants, catheters, sutures and bandages. The war graves association in the UK is investigating using the spray to treat stone monuments and grave stones, since trials have shown the coating protects against weathering and graffiti. Trials in Turkey are testing the product on monuments such as the Ataturk Mausoleum in Ankara.
The liquid glass coating is breathable, which means it can be used on plants and seeds. Trials in vineyards have found spraying vines increases their resistance to fungal diseases, while other tests have shown sprayed seeds germinate and grow faster than untreated seeds, and coated wood is not attacked by termites. Other vineyard applications include coating corks with liquid glass to prevent “corking” and contamination of wine. The spray cannot be seen by the naked eye, which means it could also be used to treat clothing and other materials to make them stain-resistant. McClelland said you can “pour a bottle of wine over an expensive silk shirt and it will come right off”.
In the home, spray-on glass would eliminate the need for scrubbing and make most cleaning products obsolete. Since it is available in both water-based and alcohol-based solutions, it can be used in the oven, in bathrooms, tiles, sinks, and almost every other surface in the home, and one spray is said to last a year.
Liquid glass spray is perhaps the most important nanotechnology product to emerge to date. It will be available in DIY stores in Britain soon, with prices starting at around £5 ($8 US). Other outlets, such as many supermarkets, may be unwilling to stock the products because they make enormous profits from cleaning products that need to be replaced regularly, and liquid glass would make virtually all of them obsolete.
More information: Nanopool:
© 2010
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