Let us take a minute to discuss hot flashes. Perhaps it is possible to mitigate them. We do not want to stop the changing process because it is part of our soul evolution. As we age, we earn our face and our body by our earlier actions. What mitigates hot flashes is the ability to manage stress using emotional work and various supplements and remedies. As we age, our ability to handle stress becomes more problematic and we need more tools to do this, as long as they are natural ones. Some of the amazing new foods that have become available have helped.
Noni, Mangosteen, Limu, Gojiberry juices, and others of this type of fruit actually are blood cleansers. They also cleanse the liver and kidneys in a natural way. These juices, in small doses also help animals as they age as well.
French Green Clay, pulls all kinds of toxins out of the body and literally cleans the intestines and colon. Use the type without Bentonite. This clay was used by the Russians to cleanse the bodies of the residents of the surrounding area after the radiation disaster of Chernobyl.
Vitamin B-100 complex, especially B-6 helps with the stresses we all find in every day life. B-6 helps us specifically deal with anger in our lives. B-6 deficiencies can be found in people with tremendous levels of anger from an early age.
Homeopathic remedies include Bach Flower remedies that we may need either long term or temporarily that help balance our changing emotions.
Hyland’s cell salts, specifically Bioplasma, which is the combination of all 12 salts, helps keep our cells balanced with the correct level of mineral and salt levels. This is not taking table salt, rather this is a mineral type of supplement and it really makes a difference.
Essential Minerals are absolutely, positively, critical for longevity. It is these tiny doses of trace minerals that really keep the body in balance.
Bee Pollen has been shown to rebalance the entire hot flash issue.
Borage and Flax seed oils are tremendous in keeping the body in balance.
Timed release Vitamin C also is very helpful for cellular repair.
Some people use Black Cohash for balance.
Essential Oils of all types help us to keep our auric structure clean and feeling wonderful. Use any blend you decide to create on the bottoms of your feet every day. Since feet are the template of your body, literally when you spend the money to put expensive oils on your feet, you are giving daily doses of healing to your entire body and all of your organs.
Holy Basil, a capsule, is an herb used since ancient times to manage stress.
All of these things are fantastic for men and women. The above list is merely a sample, a suggestion of things that have worked to varying degrees for many people. Each of us has to decide what will work for us.
If you are a young person and you start early to front load your body with these healthy things, you can forestall aging, especially if you are able to avoid damaging sun exposure beyond receiving doses of essential Vitamin D.
Exercise of some consistent type helps to build bone and muscle, which will provide better long-term structural integrity to your entire body.
Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, super stress and depression all accelerate aging. This is why doing emotional work helps forestall aging.
The karmic concept always applies: what you do for and to your body absolutely will come back to you. Only you control this. Now is the moment to decide to live a long and wonderful life. It is never too late to start finding happiness.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
One of the hardest things to deal with on the Internet is figuring out what is true and what is false and what is confabulation: a lie sandwiched between two truths. So far the best tool I have found is Snopes.com. This tool is really wonderful because Snopes has people who work full time to research the truth about what is circulating on the Internet.
One recent absolutely outrageous lie was the one circulating about the bras being sold from China with flesh eating bacteria embedded in them. When Snopes.com was consulted, it turns out that while a there may be an unfortunate woman with flesh eating bacteria attacking her breasts, the photographs were doctored. One photograph was so astounding, it looked like larva had worked their way into this beleagured breast and were about to hatch. Snopes identified that this was the work of a doctored photo which overlayed a lotus flower seed pod over a breast. Sometimes we just have to be our own best detectives and do our own due diligence before forwarding things.
Perhaps I am not the only one who, in good consciencious has sent something I felt was important, however, I am now very, very careful what I send and still occassionally I make a mistake and forward something. So, in the future, I am working to be extra careful!
One recent absolutely outrageous lie was the one circulating about the bras being sold from China with flesh eating bacteria embedded in them. When Snopes.com was consulted, it turns out that while a there may be an unfortunate woman with flesh eating bacteria attacking her breasts, the photographs were doctored. One photograph was so astounding, it looked like larva had worked their way into this beleagured breast and were about to hatch. Snopes identified that this was the work of a doctored photo which overlayed a lotus flower seed pod over a breast. Sometimes we just have to be our own best detectives and do our own due diligence before forwarding things.
Perhaps I am not the only one who, in good consciencious has sent something I felt was important, however, I am now very, very careful what I send and still occassionally I make a mistake and forward something. So, in the future, I am working to be extra careful!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
KS&L 286: Menopause with Grace Part 1
There are books full of information on menopause. What is this so? Why does Menopause happen and what can we do to fix it, or change it or make it go away?
From the time of birth we are changing, constantly evolving into who we will become. As children we look forward to it, as adults, we lament it. However, no matter how we look at it, the only constant we can ever rely on is that we are changing. The issue is one of how do we incorporate grace into all of our changing processes.
Men and women go through menopause. As we change, our need to have all the chemicals in our body to make children begins to turn off. At some point, we just don’t need those elements any more. As awkward as puberty was to turn it all on, so also is the process that turns it all off.
What we do in our youth will determine how well, how gracefully all of us age. The better care we take of our bodies in our youth, the less difficulty we may encounter as we age. What we do comes back to us on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
Whatever emotional issues came up in our early twenties and thirties will be 1000 times more powerful in our seventies and eighties. This brings up an interesting question. What if we were to deal with our issues when they came up? What if we resolved situations rather than letting them ferment. What if we gave up grudges, hurts and sadnesses? Would aging be far less stressful?
There is an interesting theory that the more emotional work we each do, the fewer physical and emotional problems we will have in later years.
Did you ever notice among the very elderly that whatever emotions defined them as a young person, become quite distilled as they age? The analogy would be perfume. When perfume is new, it has a great and powerful aroma. However, unless it is made with the finest elements and is very pure, it just smells awful as it distills into its most basic elements and eventually becomes concentrated and overpowering with time.
We are like this. The purer we are in our thoughts, our level of happiness, our willingness to change and our desire to love more, the sweeter our emotional/spiritual fragrance/frequency will be to other people. People will still enjoy being with us no matter what age we are. Like the finest perfumes of the world, time only makes us better and more precious.
However some people are like the perfume not made well that had too many chemicals in it - it did not become better with age - only more bitter. The bitterness/rancidness never leaves the perfume or the person.
Bitterness makes menopause torturous. The greater the sadness and depression, the greater the difficulties the person has. The more emotional work a person has done and the happier they are over all, the fewer symptoms they will have as they age. Emotionally, like that really great perfume, they are ever stable and happy. Stress may evoke an occasional hot flash, but that may be the extent of it.
Many people wonder if all the time and expense will have been worth it to do the deep emotional work to help all the parts of us to heal. As we age, just think, that not only will we not be taking that old “stuff” into the next life, we won’t be taking it into later years in this life either.
Grace is an amazing thing. Grace is the light of inner happiness, the knowledge of delight in a life well lived. Grace goes beyond being a state of mind. Grace is a frequency of love that lifts us up and offers us the opportunity to be happy with ourselves on a profound level. We may each want to ask ourselves if we are filled with Grace. If we are not, then this could become an exceptionally worthwhile quest. It is never too late to find Grace. Grace is the compassionate heart that beats with a delight in family and friends. Grace profoundly mitigates the affects of menopause because Grace allows us to embrace change with a happy heart. Getting older with Grace is becoming wiser in the most wonderful spiritual sense. We earn Grace. No one can give it to us. We have to find it inside ourselves, and once we do, we develop a profound love of life and the people who populate that life.
Finally, Grace raises our frequency to a wonderful level. It is with that level that we will leave this incarnation and it is hopefully with this earned level of Grace that we can enter the next life.
What if a person feels that life has dealt them a terrible hand? How can they ever find Grace? The desire has to live within each of us. Change is either forced on us because we did not embrace it with Grace or it is offered to us to embrace with Grace. No matter what has happened to us, we are all going to be offered the same choices. Only we can decide just what kind of light will live within us and Grace our process of leaving this life eventually.
Part 2 will discuss some interesting things that mitigate Hot Flashes!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Book Update
It seems that on this journey of mine, there is a rather vertical learning curve. It also seems that the world of publishing and marketing books is changing constantly. Keeping up with this is challenging at best, but we are all working diligently on it. So, here is the book update.
Barnes and Noble will have us on their website and possibly in their stores within the next couple of months. Many hoops to jump through to actually have a book appear in a store. Who knew? So, we are working on all of those parameters in earnest.
Amazon is selling the book on their website, but they don't have the books quite in stock yet. They expect to soon. If you buy through them, they will send you an e-mail when they physically have the book in stock.
People who have ordered directly from the A.R.E. Press bookstore on line, already have their books. Some of you are ordering in quantities above 15 and are contacting the publisher to see what discount may be available. If you would like to do this, let me know.
As always, I am truly blessed to have such a tremendous promotion team as I have at the A.R.E.
So far, I have been on CBS Psychic News Radio - not sure when that will air, and The Maria Shaw show on Empower Radio which was live. On July 8th, I will be on the Mental Health News Radio Show. If any of you know of a radio program that is looking for a speaker, please be sure to let me know. I would love to help them fill air time!
If any of you would like me to speak, let me know through an e-mail or on the blog site.
That is my news for now. Stay tuned, who knows what today will bring!
Love to all, Tina
Barnes and Noble will have us on their website and possibly in their stores within the next couple of months. Many hoops to jump through to actually have a book appear in a store. Who knew? So, we are working on all of those parameters in earnest.
Amazon is selling the book on their website, but they don't have the books quite in stock yet. They expect to soon. If you buy through them, they will send you an e-mail when they physically have the book in stock.
People who have ordered directly from the A.R.E. Press bookstore on line, already have their books. Some of you are ordering in quantities above 15 and are contacting the publisher to see what discount may be available. If you would like to do this, let me know.
As always, I am truly blessed to have such a tremendous promotion team as I have at the A.R.E.
So far, I have been on CBS Psychic News Radio - not sure when that will air, and The Maria Shaw show on Empower Radio which was live. On July 8th, I will be on the Mental Health News Radio Show. If any of you know of a radio program that is looking for a speaker, please be sure to let me know. I would love to help them fill air time!
If any of you would like me to speak, let me know through an e-mail or on the blog site.
That is my news for now. Stay tuned, who knows what today will bring!
Love to all, Tina
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
MyLife, FaceBook, MySpace Invitations
Just this week, I received an invitation to join MyLife from a long time friend. I realized that it was an automated message, generated from her e-mail address book. However two of the questions included my birthday and my maiden name. Why do they need that? I tried to find out, but could not, so I e-mailed my friend explaining why I was declining her invitation. Imagine my surprise, when she answered me back by saying that she had in fact never sent out that request and had no idea why it came to me. Somehow her roommate's address book had somehow accessed her address book. My friend had never joined MyLife at all.
So, my new policy now is to ask every single person who sends me a request to join their group if that was in fact what they intended. Sometimes it can get a bit crazy out there!
So, my new policy now is to ask every single person who sends me a request to join their group if that was in fact what they intended. Sometimes it can get a bit crazy out there!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Amazon Book Cancellations
When I think things can't get any more interesting with this first book, I discover that I was wrong, they can! Those of you who were kind enough to order my book from Amazon have just been told that all the orders are being canceled because they they cannot get the book.
I am going over what is obviously a logistics problem or misunderstanding, with my publisher. We will get this worked out. My publisher is just terrific, their people are great and this will be resolved. Again, I ask for your patience. Please remember that you can also order the book from the A.R.E. press, just go to the A.R.E. link and order it by pressing the site button at the right of the blog. They do have plenty of copies.
Stay tuned, I have no doubt that more interesting things will follow.
I am going over what is obviously a logistics problem or misunderstanding, with my publisher. We will get this worked out. My publisher is just terrific, their people are great and this will be resolved. Again, I ask for your patience. Please remember that you can also order the book from the A.R.E. press, just go to the A.R.E. link and order it by pressing the site button at the right of the blog. They do have plenty of copies.
Stay tuned, I have no doubt that more interesting things will follow.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Barnes and Noble
I realize that many of you are members of the Barnes and Noble book club and prefer ordering from them for this reason. However, many of you have asked why my new book is not listed on the Barnes and Noble Website. The answer is that one, it really is Mercury Retrograde and two, due to a computer glitch, we are not listed, but thanks to the work of my wonderful publisher, The A.R.E. Press, that is being worked out. When exactly this will be worked out, I am not sure, but it is in process.
Working this out is also very important to me as well since we are planning book signings at many Barnes and Noble stores.
As always, thank you for your patience.
Working this out is also very important to me as well since we are planning book signings at many Barnes and Noble stores.
As always, thank you for your patience.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
KS&L 285: The Spiritual Philosophy of What Constitutes a Good Mother Part 2 Reality
We all come here for the experience that mortal life offers us and that includes the experience of motherhood. Mothers are mortal, they make mistakes, get tired and rue certain days. Sometimes their judgment is cloudy; sometimes they do what their mothers did, even if it was a lousy thing to do.
Mothers are often astonished at how profoundly difficult being a parent actually is and why, for some mothers, no matter what they do, their children do not respect them.
Mothers very often do, not just what their mothers did, but what their lineage of women have done for easily a thousand years. This is true in sexual abuse cases: this is a family secret that just never heals, and that secret is the endless cycle of abuse. These women have no idea how to change the cycle. They know it has to change and they spend lifetimes waiting for someone else to make things better. Sometimes, women like this just really need to look in the mirror and recognize that the face of change they are seeking, is looking back at them.
Some mothers insist their daughters blindly follow religious tradition, even if that tradition is cruel, abusive and archaic to everyone in general and to women specifically.
Some mothers are afraid of motherhood, some are afraid of their children. Some are terrified that their children will not love them and become incapable of providing balanced discipline or any discipline at all.
Some mothers are in competition with their children, be they male or female. They are so immature that they never see how smart their children are and that their children are running intellectual circles around them.
Some mothers detest motherhood and they make sure their children know it. They create guilt in their children so that their children spend endless amounts of useless time trying to make them happy: truly the impossible dream.
On-the-job training is normally the rule for most women and even most really smart women feel overwhelmed by a first baby. For others, the second child pushes them to the brink of sanity. Other women manage elegantly with ten children. Those ladies learned the true meaning of the word delegate responsibility to the older children!
Mothers are mortal, get tired, make mistakes and forget that they are on an artificial pedestal that no one can ever really deserve. Every mother has a spiritual philosophy of what a good mother is and often they privately believe that they are inadequate. They suffer with this concept for a very long time.
Death happens in families all over the world. Even an outstanding mother may falter, fall and feel crushed under the weight of grief at the personal loss of a family member. In some cases, she may not be allowed to grieve, but may be expected to keep the rest of the family going.
Most women who become mothers either biologically or through marriage or adoption have no idea what they are getting themselves into! Thank goodness! If any of them knew how really challenging motherhood is, many would opt out for another type of life. However, they don’t know. They can’t see the future and that is just as well.
Would that it could be said that all mothers love, but even that is not true. Most mothers learn to love not just their children, but the lives created by having children. Once you have a child, you become a different person because circumstances demand it. You don’t have a choice. If you stay the same then something is terribly wrong.
If a woman hates motherhood, or never makes the transition into this new identity, then part of her will be miserable for the rest of her life and she will share her misery with most people she meets. She will make her family life nightmarish.
Often a woman will note that she ‘did the best she could in her situation’. The truth is that when she says that, part of her is thinking deep inside that there may have been better ways for her to have done things. Other women who feel confident about their mothering experience will believe in themselves and note that they have done an excellent job and they are proud of themselves.
Ultimately, every woman has a spiritual philosophy about what a good mother is but not every woman believes she can ever come close to living up to that level of excellence. How each woman meets the challenge of being a mother, of living up to that spiritual philosophy will ultimately define her spiritual path for this life time and all the life times to come.
Mothers are often astonished at how profoundly difficult being a parent actually is and why, for some mothers, no matter what they do, their children do not respect them.
Mothers very often do, not just what their mothers did, but what their lineage of women have done for easily a thousand years. This is true in sexual abuse cases: this is a family secret that just never heals, and that secret is the endless cycle of abuse. These women have no idea how to change the cycle. They know it has to change and they spend lifetimes waiting for someone else to make things better. Sometimes, women like this just really need to look in the mirror and recognize that the face of change they are seeking, is looking back at them.
Some mothers insist their daughters blindly follow religious tradition, even if that tradition is cruel, abusive and archaic to everyone in general and to women specifically.
Some mothers are afraid of motherhood, some are afraid of their children. Some are terrified that their children will not love them and become incapable of providing balanced discipline or any discipline at all.
Some mothers are in competition with their children, be they male or female. They are so immature that they never see how smart their children are and that their children are running intellectual circles around them.
Some mothers detest motherhood and they make sure their children know it. They create guilt in their children so that their children spend endless amounts of useless time trying to make them happy: truly the impossible dream.
On-the-job training is normally the rule for most women and even most really smart women feel overwhelmed by a first baby. For others, the second child pushes them to the brink of sanity. Other women manage elegantly with ten children. Those ladies learned the true meaning of the word delegate responsibility to the older children!
Mothers are mortal, get tired, make mistakes and forget that they are on an artificial pedestal that no one can ever really deserve. Every mother has a spiritual philosophy of what a good mother is and often they privately believe that they are inadequate. They suffer with this concept for a very long time.
Death happens in families all over the world. Even an outstanding mother may falter, fall and feel crushed under the weight of grief at the personal loss of a family member. In some cases, she may not be allowed to grieve, but may be expected to keep the rest of the family going.
Most women who become mothers either biologically or through marriage or adoption have no idea what they are getting themselves into! Thank goodness! If any of them knew how really challenging motherhood is, many would opt out for another type of life. However, they don’t know. They can’t see the future and that is just as well.
Would that it could be said that all mothers love, but even that is not true. Most mothers learn to love not just their children, but the lives created by having children. Once you have a child, you become a different person because circumstances demand it. You don’t have a choice. If you stay the same then something is terribly wrong.
If a woman hates motherhood, or never makes the transition into this new identity, then part of her will be miserable for the rest of her life and she will share her misery with most people she meets. She will make her family life nightmarish.
Often a woman will note that she ‘did the best she could in her situation’. The truth is that when she says that, part of her is thinking deep inside that there may have been better ways for her to have done things. Other women who feel confident about their mothering experience will believe in themselves and note that they have done an excellent job and they are proud of themselves.
Ultimately, every woman has a spiritual philosophy about what a good mother is but not every woman believes she can ever come close to living up to that level of excellence. How each woman meets the challenge of being a mother, of living up to that spiritual philosophy will ultimately define her spiritual path for this life time and all the life times to come.
Friday, May 15, 2009
WI-FI TO GO, NO CAFE NEEDED [from the Virginian Pilot-Ledger Star newspaper in May 13, 2009]
SOMEDAY we’ll tell our grandchildren how we had to drive around town looking for a coffee shop when we needed to get online, and they’ll laugh their heads off. Every building in America has running water, electricity and ventilation; what’s the holdup on universal wireless Internet? |
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Biogeometry classes
Dr. Robert Gilbert of the Vesica Institute has just announced his Biogeometry class schedule for this summer. Read all about Biogeometry, watch their new video clips and learn how amazing understanding Nature's own design language can be. Just click on http://www.vesica.org/ or the link to the right of this blog, and this will take you to their website. Their summer schedule for Foundation Training in Biogeometry will be listed there.
Learning how Biogeometry works is literally life changing. I cannot recommend this class strongly enough. I have personally been through it several times as well as the Advanced classes. Dr. Gilbert, and his wife Elizabeth, really do a terrific job of opening a door of knowledge and undertsanding that is just amazing.
Learning how Biogeometry works is literally life changing. I cannot recommend this class strongly enough. I have personally been through it several times as well as the Advanced classes. Dr. Gilbert, and his wife Elizabeth, really do a terrific job of opening a door of knowledge and undertsanding that is just amazing.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Book Release Today!
Today is the day that The Lightworker's Guide to Healing Grief is available for purchase! Sometimes things take longer to accomplish than you think, but then everything that happens has a timing and this must also be true for the release of this book.
It has always been my sincerest hope that this book will be of service to each person who reads it, that each person will take something that will either help them, or someone they are trying to help.
Many thanks and blessings to everyone who has participated in the release of this book, from my publishing team at the A.R.E. Press, my sister, Andrea Harris and my entire family and family of friends. Let the next journey begin. Tina
It has always been my sincerest hope that this book will be of service to each person who reads it, that each person will take something that will either help them, or someone they are trying to help.
Many thanks and blessings to everyone who has participated in the release of this book, from my publishing team at the A.R.E. Press, my sister, Andrea Harris and my entire family and family of friends. Let the next journey begin. Tina
Monday, May 11, 2009
My friend Dr. Robert Gilbert, Ph.D. from the Vesica Institute sent me the following link regarding the lack of any evidence of autism among the Amish community. I found it most interesting, and in fact based on my own separate research, I have also found this to be true. The only exception was the autistic child adopted by an Amish family, he arrived in their community already vaccinated and autistic. Here is the link:
This issue isn't going to go away. In March, Baxter Pharamceuticals sent flu vaccine to 18 countries that were deliberately contaminated with bird flu. One country caught the supposed error and alerted the other countries. Baxter has been given the contract to create a vaccine for Swine Flu. I would suggest people do their own due diligence on this issue.
This issue isn't going to go away. In March, Baxter Pharamceuticals sent flu vaccine to 18 countries that were deliberately contaminated with bird flu. One country caught the supposed error and alerted the other countries. Baxter has been given the contract to create a vaccine for Swine Flu. I would suggest people do their own due diligence on this issue.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Eagle Cam
Dear Friends,
I have included a really cool link to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. This link is for something called Eagle Cam. What that means is that the Botanical Gardens has a perpetual camera going at a huge Bald Eagle Nest high in a pine tree. The Bald couple has three babies and it is fascinating watching the action in that nest. On one particularly rainy and stormy day [for those us envious Californians, they really have rain in May in other states. . . .] as the rain was pouring down, Mrs. Bald Eagle stood in the middle of the nest and fully extended her wings to protect her babies. Wish I could have seen that. Anyway, this is really a fascinating site.
I have included a really cool link to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. This link is for something called Eagle Cam. What that means is that the Botanical Gardens has a perpetual camera going at a huge Bald Eagle Nest high in a pine tree. The Bald couple has three babies and it is fascinating watching the action in that nest. On one particularly rainy and stormy day [for those us envious Californians, they really have rain in May in other states. . . .] as the rain was pouring down, Mrs. Bald Eagle stood in the middle of the nest and fully extended her wings to protect her babies. Wish I could have seen that. Anyway, this is really a fascinating site.
KS&L 284: The Spiritual Philosophy of What Constitutes a Good Mother Part 1
No matter where you come from, somehow you are born with a spiritual philosophy on what constitutes a good mother. And, when your mortal mother does not live up to that spiritual philosophy, you begin to stack up her failings. Sometimes you
identify a difficult dad, but about 99% of the time, you instantly recount the failings of your mom. Why is this?
When you are in the heaven world, you look down on the parents you pick. If you can, you try to communicate with your mom. You also have a unique vantage point in the heaven world of seeing all the kinds of moms out there and getting a good handle on what a fantastic mom should be. When you are born, you are sure you know what a good mom should be, and you are exceptionally sure of how to identify a bad mom.
The spiritual philosophy of what constitutes a good mother transcends all religions, all cultures and all times. A good mother, it turns out is a good mother in all types of adversity. While there are nuances, these are the most universally accepted traits of a good mother.
A good mother is the provider of unconditional love. She may not love what you do, but she will always love you, no matter what!
A good mother is courageous. She will stand up for you, will defend you from injustice and she will sacrifice herself for you because her love is so tremendous.
A good mother is a leader. This woman will use the love and the courage that she has in abundance, to always show you the way to be the finest person you can possibly be. She leads you by her example and her example is always virtuous, wise, patient, and dynamic. You won’t want to mess with this Mom!
A good mother is respected, she is so respected, you behave out of respect for her.
A good mother is always wise. She always knows the right thing to do in any situation and she knows her children better than they know themselves. She can balance her marriage, her life and her children and all the dramas that come up each day.
A good mother is powerful. She makes things happen; you may not know how she does it, but she can do anything from inspire you to learn your multiplication tables, to making a Dorothy or Tin Man costume on 24 hours notice. She also knows how to work the school system so that somehow even bad teacher situations work out.
A good mother understands the need for boundaries and discipline and administers this requirement with the utmost fairness. She doesn’t let you get away with a thing and when she says something, she means it. She follows through with discipline and she keeps her word.
A good mother is a healer of everything from broken hearts and shredded feelings, to banged up heads and scraped knees. She can feel what you need and knows just what to say or do to make the situation feel better.
A good mother can cook, not just a little, but really create fantastic meals and desserts and best of all, birthday cakes! She understands nutrition and always provides just the right combination of healthy meals, snacks and treats.
A good mother takes care of herself by always looking like you can be proud of her, dresses well, does hair and makeup and is healthy. She doesn’t drink or smoke and she is slim and trim.
A good mother is psychic. She can just feel when you need her. She can feel that something is wrong. She hears your thoughts and she just knows.
A good mother is accomplished, polished. She can help with homework, manage all the administrative work of running a household, do all the shopping, find bargains, decorate perfectly, have style and poise, and endless energy. She may also have a career outside the home.
A good mother never ‘leaves’ you. She is always available to you, rain or shine, no matter how tired she may be, she is there.
A good mother is an example of compassion, caring and strength of character. She keeps her word. She means what she says.
A good mother admits her mistakes and apologizes when she is wrong. This is not an oxymoron. Even good mothers make mistakes.
A good mother does not allow teasing between and among siblings. She fosters love among all the members of the nuclear and extended family. She reminds her children that they will not be children forever and that they will need each other as adults and that the love they establish between themselves today will last a lifetime.
A good mother does not have favorites, loving her children equally.
A good mother is also a different mother to each of her children based on their individual personalities.
A good mother demonstrates how to be a good wife and what a good marriage looks like.
A good mother keeps everything in balance, for without balance, families do not work.
A good mother uses good judgment all the time.
A good mother has future site, understanding that what happens today will dramatically affect tomorrow and all the tomorrows to come.
A good mother is a wonderful teacher, helping you learn self-esteem, confidence and how to learn from your mistakes without feeling stupid or guilty.
A good mother respects your space, your choices and your friends. She welcomes your friends.
In part two, the face of real mothers and why so few mothers make it to the perfect category of really good mothers. Hint: sometimes life happens to them!
identify a difficult dad, but about 99% of the time, you instantly recount the failings of your mom. Why is this?
When you are in the heaven world, you look down on the parents you pick. If you can, you try to communicate with your mom. You also have a unique vantage point in the heaven world of seeing all the kinds of moms out there and getting a good handle on what a fantastic mom should be. When you are born, you are sure you know what a good mom should be, and you are exceptionally sure of how to identify a bad mom.
The spiritual philosophy of what constitutes a good mother transcends all religions, all cultures and all times. A good mother, it turns out is a good mother in all types of adversity. While there are nuances, these are the most universally accepted traits of a good mother.
A good mother is the provider of unconditional love. She may not love what you do, but she will always love you, no matter what!
A good mother is courageous. She will stand up for you, will defend you from injustice and she will sacrifice herself for you because her love is so tremendous.
A good mother is a leader. This woman will use the love and the courage that she has in abundance, to always show you the way to be the finest person you can possibly be. She leads you by her example and her example is always virtuous, wise, patient, and dynamic. You won’t want to mess with this Mom!
A good mother is respected, she is so respected, you behave out of respect for her.
A good mother is always wise. She always knows the right thing to do in any situation and she knows her children better than they know themselves. She can balance her marriage, her life and her children and all the dramas that come up each day.
A good mother is powerful. She makes things happen; you may not know how she does it, but she can do anything from inspire you to learn your multiplication tables, to making a Dorothy or Tin Man costume on 24 hours notice. She also knows how to work the school system so that somehow even bad teacher situations work out.
A good mother understands the need for boundaries and discipline and administers this requirement with the utmost fairness. She doesn’t let you get away with a thing and when she says something, she means it. She follows through with discipline and she keeps her word.
A good mother is a healer of everything from broken hearts and shredded feelings, to banged up heads and scraped knees. She can feel what you need and knows just what to say or do to make the situation feel better.
A good mother can cook, not just a little, but really create fantastic meals and desserts and best of all, birthday cakes! She understands nutrition and always provides just the right combination of healthy meals, snacks and treats.
A good mother takes care of herself by always looking like you can be proud of her, dresses well, does hair and makeup and is healthy. She doesn’t drink or smoke and she is slim and trim.
A good mother is psychic. She can just feel when you need her. She can feel that something is wrong. She hears your thoughts and she just knows.
A good mother is accomplished, polished. She can help with homework, manage all the administrative work of running a household, do all the shopping, find bargains, decorate perfectly, have style and poise, and endless energy. She may also have a career outside the home.
A good mother never ‘leaves’ you. She is always available to you, rain or shine, no matter how tired she may be, she is there.
A good mother is an example of compassion, caring and strength of character. She keeps her word. She means what she says.
A good mother admits her mistakes and apologizes when she is wrong. This is not an oxymoron. Even good mothers make mistakes.
A good mother does not allow teasing between and among siblings. She fosters love among all the members of the nuclear and extended family. She reminds her children that they will not be children forever and that they will need each other as adults and that the love they establish between themselves today will last a lifetime.
A good mother does not have favorites, loving her children equally.
A good mother is also a different mother to each of her children based on their individual personalities.
A good mother demonstrates how to be a good wife and what a good marriage looks like.
A good mother keeps everything in balance, for without balance, families do not work.
A good mother uses good judgment all the time.
A good mother has future site, understanding that what happens today will dramatically affect tomorrow and all the tomorrows to come.
A good mother is a wonderful teacher, helping you learn self-esteem, confidence and how to learn from your mistakes without feeling stupid or guilty.
A good mother respects your space, your choices and your friends. She welcomes your friends.
In part two, the face of real mothers and why so few mothers make it to the perfect category of really good mothers. Hint: sometimes life happens to them!
Mother's Day
It is exceptionally ironic that Mother's Day falls in the middle of Mercury Retrograde. Mercury Retrograde takes us backward, or at least makes it feel that way. Many of us are thinking about past times, childhood, friends, families, but most of all mothers on this significant weekend. Not all mothers fall into the glowing KS&L description below and the pedestal perfect paragons in the flower ads.
Some mothers lack(ed) courage, were cruel and make Mother's day tough. Whatever happened in your childhood, look around and find someone who is a good Mom and honor that person. Biology doesn't always make a family, and maybe a friend, neighbor, or relative helped you to have a view that motherhood can be what philosophically you would have wanted it to be.
As Mercury pulls us back, we can use that energy to heal the past and then when Mercury goes direct and we all move 'forward' again, perhaps we will have left some old emotions behind. We never lose our memories, but perhaps we can handle them with more wisdom and less pain.
For those of us who are Moms, perhaps we can analyze what we got right and what we would do differently: what did we learn from those charming, challenging children who profoundly pushed us to the edge of our patience? Maybe we learned to be wise, perhaps the most precious description any of us can ever earn from the soul expanding experience of being a Mother.
Happy Mother's Day
Correction: Speaking of imperfect people, the Mars event supposedly coming in August, I have discovered happened in 2003 and I got that whole thing wrong. I should have checked it out. My mistake!
Some mothers lack(ed) courage, were cruel and make Mother's day tough. Whatever happened in your childhood, look around and find someone who is a good Mom and honor that person. Biology doesn't always make a family, and maybe a friend, neighbor, or relative helped you to have a view that motherhood can be what philosophically you would have wanted it to be.
As Mercury pulls us back, we can use that energy to heal the past and then when Mercury goes direct and we all move 'forward' again, perhaps we will have left some old emotions behind. We never lose our memories, but perhaps we can handle them with more wisdom and less pain.
For those of us who are Moms, perhaps we can analyze what we got right and what we would do differently: what did we learn from those charming, challenging children who profoundly pushed us to the edge of our patience? Maybe we learned to be wise, perhaps the most precious description any of us can ever earn from the soul expanding experience of being a Mother.
Happy Mother's Day
Correction: Speaking of imperfect people, the Mars event supposedly coming in August, I have discovered happened in 2003 and I got that whole thing wrong. I should have checked it out. My mistake!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Being Ready
Recently a friend of mine's husband left on a trip. He is always there, taking care of things. Marriages are like that, one spouse does bills, one does repairs, one manages the car and the other food, the yard etc. However, when a spouse leaves, sometimes even for a little while, it is often very difficult for the remaining spouse to know where things are, especially phone numbers.
Take an evening and write down on a spread sheet all the names and phone numbers of all of the repair people you know. Print it out and put it in a plastic sleeve and keep one copy in your office and one copy in your kitchen. Include, plumber, vet, doctor, car repair person, landscaper, pool person, housekeeper, electrician, anyone who helps you.
Take another evening and do this for all of your bank accounts, investments, savings accounts. Record every account name, account number, toll free number and contact person for every single type of account. You will be amazed at what you have and didn't realize it.
Take another evening and put on a spread sheet all of your addresses and phone numbers for friends and family. If something happens, a crisis, and you have to let a lot of people know, you will be amazed at how helpful this will be. If you have an elderly parent, work with this parent while they are alive to accumulate all of these little details. Once that person is gone, it becomes very, very difficult to contact all the people you need to inform about that person's life situation, including their eventual death.
This happened with my mother-in-law died last spring. People are still upset with us because we did not contact them when Sylvia died, but she had a million little pieces of paper all around her 46 yr old house with a million phone numbers on them. Blessedly, she did a better job of managing her accounts and we were able to sort those out.
Being ready is really helpful for everyone in your family.
Take an evening and write down on a spread sheet all the names and phone numbers of all of the repair people you know. Print it out and put it in a plastic sleeve and keep one copy in your office and one copy in your kitchen. Include, plumber, vet, doctor, car repair person, landscaper, pool person, housekeeper, electrician, anyone who helps you.
Take another evening and do this for all of your bank accounts, investments, savings accounts. Record every account name, account number, toll free number and contact person for every single type of account. You will be amazed at what you have and didn't realize it.
Take another evening and put on a spread sheet all of your addresses and phone numbers for friends and family. If something happens, a crisis, and you have to let a lot of people know, you will be amazed at how helpful this will be. If you have an elderly parent, work with this parent while they are alive to accumulate all of these little details. Once that person is gone, it becomes very, very difficult to contact all the people you need to inform about that person's life situation, including their eventual death.
This happened with my mother-in-law died last spring. People are still upset with us because we did not contact them when Sylvia died, but she had a million little pieces of paper all around her 46 yr old house with a million phone numbers on them. Blessedly, she did a better job of managing her accounts and we were able to sort those out.
Being ready is really helpful for everyone in your family.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Karmic Savings and Loan, Chapter 283: Why There is War Part 5 Learning about the Team
So people join the military for a thousand different reasons, but in the end, what they really learn, is that there are all kinds of people out there, from all kinds of places and that if you don’t help each other, if you don’t pull together as a team, then everyone suffers. There are karmic lessons everywhere and you really see it in the military.
The military builds you up, fills you with a sense of pride and teaches you discipline. They teach you to be responsible for yourself and your fellow man. They teach you to care about your body, your finances and your family. They show you how to build community and they absolutely impress upon you the value of human life.
The value of human life is worth fighting for and this is why they go to so much trouble to make sure that they actually train you in your job, so that you do not hazard anyone else’s life.
It used to be that roughly 80% of all commercial pilots came from the US military. No one trains pilots like the military does. It teaches those pilots to be safe, how to work as a team and the absolute requirement to follow procedure to keep yourself, your ground crew and your passengers safe at all times. Today only 20% of pilots come from military sources. Who is doing this training? The military teaches you that what you do matters to someone and that the better you do your job, the better everyone will be.
The military is also a microcosm of society as a whole. As the ideas of society change, you readily see this reflected in military society as well. For example, the military had to integrate because it needed people and that happened in World War II. Today, the military is one of this country’s best equal opportunity employers. The military teaches every young man or woman that it doesn’t matter what the color of your skin is, your sex or your nationality, that your job is to incorporate that person as part of your team and to help them at all times.
The US Navy was the last bastion of maleness when they began to incorporate women in World War II. By the Viet Nam War, they were bringing in more and more women. Finally, women could see that it was possible to have the same pay, benefits and career options as men. It was utterly life changing for many women. The service academies finally were forced to open their doors and to offer the same free educations to women that men were offered and women are now on combatants, and have command at sea, all in the space of 20 years. This need to incorporate women has enabled the ‘All Volunteer Force’ to be successful because there aren’t enough men who ever join the military in these times.
The experience in managing and leading people that the military offers is tremendous. It is tremendous because not all experiences are great. There are some lousy leaders out there and they offer the opportunity to see clearly what leadership isn’t. Then you have people who really show you what good leadership and people management skills are. You have to see both.
The military rewards people in a thousand ways from letters of commendation to medals for outstanding performance and service. The military works hard to appreciate its people because you need your senior people. You cannot hire a lieutenant, a general, a Chief Petty Officer or a Master Sergeant. You have to grow those people from the day they enter. Once they leave, you have to start all over because you cannot ever go out on the civilian economy and hire that level of experience. You have to grow it from within. And they let you leave when your contract is up because you have free will.
The military is terribly flawed because human beings are terribly flawed. However, this organization is ever changing. It is never the same two days in a row and its views are ever broadening. Understanding that the military while it appears to be about war, is only about people who care about other people and want a chance to prove themselves. Once they do that, often they find that they don’t need a 20 year career, they only need a few of these experiences and then they move on to other civilian jobs, taking their precious experiences with them.
Can you be a spiritual person and be a military person all at the same time? Of course you can because if your goal is to help people on a day-to-day basis, to see karma in action continually, there are few schoolhouses that provide this like the military does. This is why they call it the service. Consider that in times of domestic crisis, it is the military that organizes resources and helps to create some order out of the chaos of a hurricane or earthquake. So, whether or not you love or hate the concept of a military, the internal workings of it are only about the service of people helping people and often that is a very positive place to be.
So, to return to the beginning, the reason there is war of some type is so that people can learn and grow. Perhaps when the people on this planet no longer need the experience of war and what it offers, there will be an end to all conflict at every level of humanity.
The military builds you up, fills you with a sense of pride and teaches you discipline. They teach you to be responsible for yourself and your fellow man. They teach you to care about your body, your finances and your family. They show you how to build community and they absolutely impress upon you the value of human life.
The value of human life is worth fighting for and this is why they go to so much trouble to make sure that they actually train you in your job, so that you do not hazard anyone else’s life.
It used to be that roughly 80% of all commercial pilots came from the US military. No one trains pilots like the military does. It teaches those pilots to be safe, how to work as a team and the absolute requirement to follow procedure to keep yourself, your ground crew and your passengers safe at all times. Today only 20% of pilots come from military sources. Who is doing this training? The military teaches you that what you do matters to someone and that the better you do your job, the better everyone will be.
The military is also a microcosm of society as a whole. As the ideas of society change, you readily see this reflected in military society as well. For example, the military had to integrate because it needed people and that happened in World War II. Today, the military is one of this country’s best equal opportunity employers. The military teaches every young man or woman that it doesn’t matter what the color of your skin is, your sex or your nationality, that your job is to incorporate that person as part of your team and to help them at all times.
The US Navy was the last bastion of maleness when they began to incorporate women in World War II. By the Viet Nam War, they were bringing in more and more women. Finally, women could see that it was possible to have the same pay, benefits and career options as men. It was utterly life changing for many women. The service academies finally were forced to open their doors and to offer the same free educations to women that men were offered and women are now on combatants, and have command at sea, all in the space of 20 years. This need to incorporate women has enabled the ‘All Volunteer Force’ to be successful because there aren’t enough men who ever join the military in these times.
The experience in managing and leading people that the military offers is tremendous. It is tremendous because not all experiences are great. There are some lousy leaders out there and they offer the opportunity to see clearly what leadership isn’t. Then you have people who really show you what good leadership and people management skills are. You have to see both.
The military rewards people in a thousand ways from letters of commendation to medals for outstanding performance and service. The military works hard to appreciate its people because you need your senior people. You cannot hire a lieutenant, a general, a Chief Petty Officer or a Master Sergeant. You have to grow those people from the day they enter. Once they leave, you have to start all over because you cannot ever go out on the civilian economy and hire that level of experience. You have to grow it from within. And they let you leave when your contract is up because you have free will.
The military is terribly flawed because human beings are terribly flawed. However, this organization is ever changing. It is never the same two days in a row and its views are ever broadening. Understanding that the military while it appears to be about war, is only about people who care about other people and want a chance to prove themselves. Once they do that, often they find that they don’t need a 20 year career, they only need a few of these experiences and then they move on to other civilian jobs, taking their precious experiences with them.
Can you be a spiritual person and be a military person all at the same time? Of course you can because if your goal is to help people on a day-to-day basis, to see karma in action continually, there are few schoolhouses that provide this like the military does. This is why they call it the service. Consider that in times of domestic crisis, it is the military that organizes resources and helps to create some order out of the chaos of a hurricane or earthquake. So, whether or not you love or hate the concept of a military, the internal workings of it are only about the service of people helping people and often that is a very positive place to be.
So, to return to the beginning, the reason there is war of some type is so that people can learn and grow. Perhaps when the people on this planet no longer need the experience of war and what it offers, there will be an end to all conflict at every level of humanity.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Receiving Light Times
By the weekend of July 4th, I will no longer send out a weekly message. All the information that I will be putting out will be in this blog. If you would like to receive the posts from this blog automatically, click "Subscribe to Light Times by EMail" [to the right on this page], and you will be sent an e-mail automatically once a day or any day that I post blog posts with a copy of those posts all in one e-mail.
This process doesn't use any of your personal info - it just sends an email at the e-mail address you provide. Also at the end of that email will be a link to "unsubscribe" if you ever wish to do so. All the e-mails show sent from "kslwebmaster@gmail.com."Just follow the simple directions and all of this information will come to you automatically. Then, just like the weekly message, you can read it at your leisure.
Please feel free to share the blog site with others. Anyone can sign up. Your e-mail address will always remain private, I won't even see it. Also, you don't have to create a password! It just comes! Yeah!! sorry, I am really weary of everything you do has to have a password. . . .
The Karmic Savings and Loan will still be sent out each weekend on the blog. Other little things will come out as time goes on that will hopefully be of interest to you.
Thank you for your support and interest. Tina
This process doesn't use any of your personal info - it just sends an email at the e-mail address you provide. Also at the end of that email will be a link to "unsubscribe" if you ever wish to do so. All the e-mails show sent from "kslwebmaster@gmail.com."Just follow the simple directions and all of this information will come to you automatically. Then, just like the weekly message, you can read it at your leisure.
Please feel free to share the blog site with others. Anyone can sign up. Your e-mail address will always remain private, I won't even see it. Also, you don't have to create a password! It just comes! Yeah!! sorry, I am really weary of everything you do has to have a password. . . .
The Karmic Savings and Loan will still be sent out each weekend on the blog. Other little things will come out as time goes on that will hopefully be of interest to you.
Thank you for your support and interest. Tina
Friday, May 1, 2009
Being Healthy
Hopefully, the Swine Flu will be over soon. However consider that if you don't need the Swine Flu experience, you won't ever have it. If you are not afraid of it, it cannot harm you. The happier you are, the less you ever have to fear and the higher your frequency. Aren't these great metaphysical, just common sense thoughts!
In the meantime, now is the time to make sure that you are using those great essential oils on your feet and chest, especially Thieves [from Young Living Essential Oils], continue to enjoy the health benefits of vitamin and mineral supplements and use Noni, or Mangosteen or any of the other great anti-oxident juices that we are so fortunate to have on the market today. Be well!
In the meantime, now is the time to make sure that you are using those great essential oils on your feet and chest, especially Thieves [from Young Living Essential Oils], continue to enjoy the health benefits of vitamin and mineral supplements and use Noni, or Mangosteen or any of the other great anti-oxident juices that we are so fortunate to have on the market today. Be well!
YouTube Video
Follow this link to the YouTube video that the A.R.E. publisher put together to promote the Lightworker's Guide to Healing Grief: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2cpGkbHih8
I also have it listed in the link section below. If someone is curious about the content of this book, this video will be of help to them. Only 13 more days and I will finally have the book out!
I also have it listed in the link section below. If someone is curious about the content of this book, this video will be of help to them. Only 13 more days and I will finally have the book out!
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