Sunday, March 31, 2013

KS&L 395 The Service of Distributed Power Part 2 by Tina Erwin

Why This is So Important!
[On this Blessed Easter Sunday, of all days, read this and think of profound spiritual service you can do!]
     Why bother? Once a soul has died, why bother to move them on to the Heaven World? Why would this be important? Really, once the person is gone, what difference could this conceivably make?
       Also, is it any of our business if someone moves on, or just lingers in the vast, empty, darkness of the 4th dimension? Maybe, it is more of our business than we realize.
       The 23rd Psalm, appears in sacred texts, in various forms, all over the world. Here is the gist of this Psalm:
       Lo thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. Thy rod and they staff they comfort me. He restoreth my soul. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. . .
       The point of this Psalm is that once the soul has crossed over, that soul is restored, their body is healed, hope is restored, and that nuturing and healing for the very DNA of a soul can only be fully healed in the Heaven World.
       But if you as a soul don’t know this, don’t realize you are dead, are guilty, worried, fearful, bewildered, you aren’t going to take that critical leap of faith and cross over into the Heaven World.
Did you ever wonder where evil comes from, what it feeds on and how it is perpetuated? Think about it, what positive energy comes from a ghost? There isn’t any positive energy. The energy of death is never positive, even if the dead person is someone you dearly loved. The energy of death is dead energy. Dead energy is always negative and has to be cleaned, cleared and recharged. How can a soul do this for itself if it doesn’t know that it’s dead or has any other of a million reasons for not crossing over into the Heaven World? But there is one group who loves dead energy and that is those who dwell in the house of darkness!
Evil loves dead energy. This energy of haunting a location means that the energy of living persons is being slowly but surely siphoned away from the person, their family and their lives. A haunted house will have water problems, representing loss of energy, loss of money. A haunted location may have a great deal of difficulty growing plants. They all seem to die because the resonance of the location is quite plainly, death.
This dead energy attracts dark things, crime, loneliness, illness, financial loss, emotional upheaval, lack of hope, depression. Mechanical things easily break down in this type of energy. This becomes a feeding ground for the negative energy of the dark side. You begin to ask yourself why all of this is happening to you.
 Logic dictates that there has to be a 'scientific reason' for all of these events. But logic only applied to the 3rd dimension will never free you from the toxic energies of the dead. You will literally have to begin to think outside of your normal paradigm box. You may simply have to start believing in ghosts whether you want to do so or not.
Evil exists. Evil needs darkness to exist. The dark sooty energy of ghosts, sadness, tragedy, depression, suicide feeds the dark side. If you even hope to clear that energy, you have to transition those souls who are there, in that spot for whatever the reason. At some point, the reason they are each there simply doesn’t matter. What matters is that the soul will be empowered to find a way to have his or her soul restored in the Heaven World.
    When all of these souls are removed, you literally deprive the dark side of the fuel required to power evil. This concept can change the world as a whole, or simply the world that you live in right now.
  But there is a tremendous amount more to it than that. Souls who die a ‘troubled’ death, also reincarnate from the 4th dimension. The exact mechanism is not completely clear, but part of the fractured soul stays in the 4th dimension and part of the soul reincarnates to work out what was not resolved in previous lives. Let’s look at an example:
Let’s say that a soul commits suicide, life after life, after life. The sadness that has dogged that soul for millennia is still haunting that person. However, if in this life, if the person again commits suicide, his or her family does something utterly different, if they help this soul cross over, find the light of the Heaven World, then in the next life, this soul will have possibly been restored by the light of God and just perhaps, will not commit suicide in future lives. That’s how powerful this concept can become.
 Now imagine millions of people saying this prayer, imagine distributing this power of spiritual service, regardless of faith or lack of faith, social standing, or any form of prejudice. Imagine that the soul receives exactly what it needs and finds healing. Imagine how much better a world we could all live in, in the future. Karma will still be operative. The person will still have to come to terms with the difficult things that they failed to manage in past lives, but what if this time the person has the spiritual tools to handle it better because the soul reincarnated directly from the Heaven World!
   And that’s how you change the world, one or a million ghosts at a time. So I am asking each of you who reads this concept, to share The Crossing Over Prayer © with everyone you know whether or not he or she believes in ghosts. Give everyone the tools, give all souls the spiritual opportunity to be of service and to receive the service of the love and detached compassion that can only come from help on this level!
The Crossing Over Prayer © is available at and in all of her books.

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