Sunday, March 24, 2013

KS&L 394 The Service of Distributed Power Part 1 by Tina Erwin

Part 1: Learning that We Can All Help the Dead
       The concept of distributed power is the idea that if you are the only one who can do something that you are limited in your power and scope, your ability to accomplish something. However, the concept of ‘distributed power’ means that if you take the power you have and share it, that you can then maximize that power on a much greater scope and have a much larger impact.
       This is probably a pretty straightforward concept. No mystery here. But what if you have a unique power, an ability to do something that other people can’t envision, can’t imagine that they could do and then you teach them how to do it, then you share that power? Can you imagine how amazing that could be? If you are using your ability, your power for the service of others, what if you could empower more people to perform this same service, wouldn’t that be life changing?
       I have come upon this not very new concept as a way of assisting those souls who are lingering here on earth, you know, your basic ghostly soul.
       I talk to the dead. I help souls cross over into the Heaven World on a routine, day-to-day basis. It’s no big deal to me, I do it all the time, it comes with the territory of having psychic ability. I have chosen to use that ability for service. However along the way, I have come to understand that there is an astonishing number of people who do not cross over into the Heaven World when the breath of mortal life leaves their bodies. This is true, no matter what their age, their manner of death or how this person felt about themselves as they died.
       Folks, there are billions of ghosts out there. Contrary to popular belief, most people do not cross over into the Heaven World. Most people linger for a million different reasons because some:
• can’t bear to be parted from a spouse, a sibling, a parent, a child.
• are guilty because of something he or she did or didn’t do in the most recent life time just lived.
• souls have no idea that they have died.
• are terrified of what will happen when they do cross over because they are convinced that the life just lived, was not necessarily their finest lifetime.
• have no belief system and even if they do see the light, moving toward it would involve an uncomfortable paradigm shift. These folks don’t think they’re ready for that!
• want revenge because they feel wronged by someone else and vengeance is their only focus.
• Have a tremendous belief system, but died such a horrific death that he or she simply cannot conceive of what to do next because the shock of this death is so great. They may actually know that they have died but are not sure what to believe about where they now find themselves.
      And the list of reasons continues on and on. The bottom line is this: souls who are ghosts need assistance crossing over into the Heaven World. Everyone needs to feel that he or she has the power to help that person, that disembodied soul find the peace of spiritual release.
      Have you watched these reality TV shows about Ghost Hunters? They are all desperately seeking a ghostly encounter and then when they find one they’re scared to death! Did I miss something here? Why are they looking for them in the first place if they are terrified of ghosts? What’s the point? Not on one single show has one quaking ghost hunter done anything to help the ghostly apparition they have just ‘found’. What’s the answer here?
     The issue isn’t hunting ghosts, folks, they’re just not that hard to find. They’re pretty much everywhere. If you really want to find ghosts, just go to your local hospital. Ghosts walk the halls, ask any psychic. There’s a reason we all find a great deal of discomfort in hospitals, they are all profoundly haunted! There are hundreds of pastors, priests, chaplains, and rabbi’s walking those corridors passing thousands of souls and never turning to help them because they don’t know how and many don’t even believe in ghosts, but then people in ancient times thought the world was flat too. . . .
  So, back to distributed power.
There is a terrific book called Ghost Stories from the Ghosts’ Point of View that has a prayer in the back of the book. This prayer is called: The Crossing Over Prayer and it’s purpose is to empower any person who finds the book to help any ghostly soul, whether you know the person or not. All you have to do is say the prayer. The prayer opens a pathway for light to come to the ghosts and angelic escorts to take them home.
This prayer is also located on my website: Copy it down. Put it on your smart phone, print it out and carry it in your purse, share it with your friends. Tell everyone you know about this. This is the point. Let’s distribute the power to help the dead! Imagine how powerful this can be!
      Can you imagine if every single real estate agent, all over the world asked their sellers if this prayer could be said to help all properties to feel healed? Can you just imagine how powerful this could be? Ghosts would not be haunting property anymore!
     Imagine thousands of people quietly saying this prayer to themselves when they have that eerie feeling. This prayer will immediately connect that person to the Heaven World and will instantly offer help to perhaps thousands of souls who desperately need help.
      Part 2 will explain why this service is so important and why distributing this power can change the world.

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