Sunday, July 3, 2011

KS&L 118 Freedom

Have you noticed that they seem to be showing the movie Independence Day over and over? If you haven't seen this film, it is about the alien bad guys trying to take power from the earthling good guys. Seems we have seen this scenario lots of times.

As a point of comment it is good to remember that aliens have been here for a very, very long time, eons actually and they have yet to take ownership of this planet. Pretty much they leave it to us, no matter how tempting it seems to be to those pesky off-worlders.

For any movie to sell tickets we seem to have to be fighting against something to figure out what we value and who we are and to have an opportunity to really think outside the box. Which brings up the concept of freedom. What is it and why are we so willing to die to preserve it?

Freedom is a karmic opportunity for self government always very hard won at usually an extremely high cost. It is so precious and the truth is that we don’t take it for granted. If we did, why, we could just live anywhere, it wouldn't matter. However, if you want to live overseas, seldom do you think about living in a country that is NOT free. You would know immediately that freedom here, in North, Central and South America, Northern and Southern Europe and the newly freed old eastern block countries was won at a high cost and that all of us who live in these areas value it highly.

No one wants to willingly live in North Korea. So, perhaps it is fair to say that no one consciously takes freedom for granted. We live it, enjoy it and wear it within us like the life blood that keeps us alive. Non free countries are slowly dying. Free societies are growing.

Back to that wonderful scientist, Dr. Bruce Lipton who noted that a body is either in a state of growth or decline - that there is no middle place. Perhaps this is also true of societies. Societies that are free grow at an amazing rate, sometimes stumbling on themselves, making lots of mistakes, pissing off their neighbors and generally plunging ahead are ones that are struggling to move forward.

Societies that are leaving oppression behind have to break out of their stagnant, standstill economy and begin to move forward. People hate change. People who were clinging to control of the stagnant economy don’t give up easy. It is incumbent upon people fighting for freedom to know what freedom costs - that there is sacrifice. That which you sacrifice for, you appreciate. It lets you know what you value.

When we were fighting for our independence, the French and Germans sent some of their best generals to help us and they did an amazing job of organizing a rag tag army to support General Washington. These two countries helped bank roll our fledgling country. Many Germans and Frenchmen died helping us win our freedom. Their deaths were probably not too popular back home. However, many of us are grateful for their sacrifice to us. Stories of one country sacrificing for another to enjoy freedom are growing in the last two to three centuries. Sometimes you just have to have help. Sometimes someone has to believe that you can escape oppression and can achieve freedom and they have to be willing to endure sacrifice to help you get there.

So, to all those aliens who do in fact leave us to work out our own karma and learn what freedom is, what world cooperation can be, thank you for not overtly meddling!

Next, to all those countries who helped us to be free and to establish our fledgling government, to all the native Americans who fought along side us, to all those immigrants who sent their family members to give the ultimate sacrifice, thank you.

And to all those who continue to offer their military service so that someone else can enjoy what we so value: Thank you beyond words!

Happy Fourth of July

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