Sunday, June 28, 2009

KS&L 291: Stressful Sleep

KS&L Chapter 291: Stressful Sleep
Ever wonder why sometimes you wake up at three or four in the morning with your mind racing? Perhaps it is because we are utterly bombarded with mountains of information from television, the Internet, newspapers, and magazines. You are further asked to deal with the political intricacies of the work place, churches/temples and just the day to day of family dynamics.

Kids in school are being asked to absorb and deal with more and more. Often, you find that there is so much going on that there simply is no time to process it all and you end up falling into bed exhausted and then you also wake up exhausted because you spend all night trying to sort out what you didn't get sorted out in the waking state.

What is the answer? None of the above difficulties are going to vanish any time soon, so how do you turn off the mental chatter that is now bombarding you 24/7?

You turn it off by learning an entirely new set of spiritual skills called spiritual discipline in the sleep state. Very probably, no one ever heard of this because in the past, this was not an issue. Consider that in the Sunday issue of the New York Times there is more information than a person in the 18th century would have had to assimilate in a lifetime.

Daily, you are being asked to absorb, sort out, manage, decide on and eventually take action on greater and greater levels of stressful encounters. Some people are literally going bananas because they can’t take it. If you can’t take it, you can’t sleep. If you can’t sleep, then over time, a subtle level of madness begins to seep in. Worry and fear take on a life of their own with no satisfactory resolution.

So, the answer has to be that you have to stop allowing yourself to be bombarded in the sleep state. How do you do this? Try the following steps:
1. Have a sleep routine.
2. Stop watching anything violent at least an hour before you go to bed.
3. Shower at night with salt to wash off the negativity of the day.
4. Find something to read or do that siphons off stress such as read a funny book, do a word or math puzzle.
5. Tell your subconscious that you have to have a full night’s sleep and be firm about it.
6. Tell your subconscious that you will resolve the problems in the morning, not during the night.
7. Ask for ‘sleep guardians’ to guard you in the sleep state so that you will feel safe and protected.
8. Ask your Higher Self to give you the tools to resolve the problems that you are facing.
9. Ask God to provide you with the wisdom to handle the challenges of each day.
10. Trust that this will happen.
11. Send prayers for healing the world or however you choose to do this, and then go to sleep.

This may take a week or so implement, but at some point it becomes critically important to take charge of the energies that are bombarding your subconscious and your conscious mind. It is always appropriate to ask the higher realms for assistance.

The human mind in these times is being asked to handle greater and greater volumes of information, much of it quite technical. We are making new neural networks in our brains on a now, an almost daily basis. It takes time for the physical body to assimilate this information and it cannot do this and solve political problems. Something has to give. A good night’s sleep will calm the brain down, provide a sense of confidence and help the entire body to feel significantly better. Many people are chronically tired.

It is important to help your body to calm down. There are numerous homeopathic remedies, from Rescue Sleep, to other types of Bach Flower remedies, cell salts and more. You may have to do some research to find what works for you, but you may find that it is worth the effort. A good night’s sleep is truly priceless!

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