Sunday, June 7, 2009

KS&L 288 The Byproducts of Studying Death

Why study death? Isn’t it morbid? We cannot appreciate life until we can appreciate death. One cannot exist without the other.

The study of death has, in the past been the purview of the scientist and the religionists. But death encompasses both, the science of dying and entering the afterlife and the mechanical/spiritual aspects of the shut down of the body so that the soul can leave the mortal realm. For some, this concept of death means that a person has to come to terms with themselves and that can be a really scary place to be! Fear of death creates anomalies and imbalances in the body.

Embracing death does not mean a person is suicidal. It means that a person has to know what is going to happen so that they can easily go with the flow when the natural end of mortal life actually comes.

If we do not die in fear of death, then we come much closer to dying in a state of grace. The closer we are to a state of grace or being in Grace, the higher will our frequency be. The higher our frequency, the higher the level of dimension we can enter after the vital heat has finally left the body and the soul exists the mortal shell.

The seed atom of the soul lives in the center of our heart. That is also where the silver cord is fully attached. When the final vital heat leaves the body and all the systems are shut down, then the soul can feel that the silver cord, is cut and the soul then exits the body. Often a person does not know that they are dead. They only know that they do not really feel any different and yet they are different. If they were in physical pain, they are not in pain anymore. Once the understanding comes that death is upon them, then they must look for and/or request angelic assistance.

At death, several things happen, but one of the most significant is our disconnection from all we have ever known in mortal life. The grasping heart has to finally release its attachment to people, places and things. We cannot drive our favorite car anymore or walk the floors of our beloved house.

We will no longer taste the lusciousness of food or feel the fur of our precious pets.

As our friends and families grieve the fact that they can no longer hold or hugs us, so once we are out of our body, we will not be able to feel physical touch again either.
This realization causes us, the dead to grieve own passing to the degree that we have held on to things. If we did not have a grasping heart in mortal life, then we may quite readily release the physical aspects of our lives.

When we study death, we learn this and it is precious in its insight. It teaches us to let go, to recognize that we do not control anything in mortal life really, except our thoughts. The more we discipline ourselves to let go, trust and forgo the grasping heart, the more gentle will our transition be to the afterlife.

The study of death reminds us that the only constant in mortal and immortal life is change. As we change, we release the old and embrace the new experiences - in any dimension.

We evolve as souls when we cherish the old experiences, learn from them and then embrace new ones.

The study of death allows us to embrace the physical and spiritual reality of life and death. It teaches us to be purposeful in our conscious decisions to embrace all that life has to offer.

Finally the study of death removes fear from our lives and offers us the supreme opportunity to consciously evolve as souls.

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