Monday, June 15, 2009

Healing Lyme Disease

Chronic and acute Lyme's disease completely cleared by sequential homeopathic single remedies .
Dr. Robert Gilbert sent me this and I found it quite fascinating. It used to be that homeopathy was all people used to heal illness.

"I have been working with ill people with Lyme's disease for some eleven years now , and have found twenty-one strategic homeopathic single remedies that attack Lyme's disease powerfully - but only a selected few of these are applied for each person . They are administered to the individual sequentially , specifically targeting Lyme's and all other tick infections. I have discovered that chronically and acutely afflicted people with tick infections respond profoundly and brilliantly to the specific remedies I medically dowse for them, using their dried blood sample on unbleached coffee filter paper. I believe you recall that I employ Dr. Hazel Parcell's pendulum dowsing method to divine people's conditions and therapies . I have experimented with potent herbs, essential oils, supplements, etc. - yet the Lyme's disease would come roaring back!

This is not so, with the specific homeopathic remedies I have over the years applied and experienced, that treat and allay the crippling disease quickly and thoroughly! The remedies in {somewhat} order of immediate action and importance are:
Ledum palustre,
Aurum arsenicum ,
Lachesis {Bushman snake nosode },
Syphilinum {human nosode },
Tuberculinum { human nosode },
Mercurius vivus,
Arsenicum album,
Eupatorium perfolatum,
Thuja ,
Sulphur ,
Baptisia ,
Echinacea angustifolia,
Argentum metallicum,
Chininum sulphuricum,
All potencies I normally recommend are : 30c and 200c .

Two other homeopathic remedies that I have never used - but other homeopaths have recommended I look into are :
Hedeoma { homeopathic Pennyroyal} and
Carcinosin { human cancer nosode }.
So, I hope this information will help others that you come in contact with in the future ! I need to subscribe to your newsletter soon."

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