Sunday, August 5, 2012

KS&L 379 Super Heroes Part 1 Why We Need Superheroes Right Now! by Tina Erwin

       Whenever there appears to be a time when we as a nation feel threatened, we imagine that there is a magical being, a seemingly ordinary person with astounding powers. But wait, think about this though, usually, it’s guys who have this fantasy. You’d think it would be women, but no, it’s guys who dream up superheroes.
       The male writers of comic books slip into the fantasy of what it would be like if there were such a person who could rescue us from whatever calamity has currently befallen us. Is this men longing to be more powerful than they currently are?
       Women authors write about men coming to rescue them in a romantic way, but the truth is that men also dream of being rescued as well from all kinds of things that are far more globally threatening.
       These writers are amazingly creative, too. They dream of this astounding being righting wrongs, protecting us from the bullies in our life and saving the world from harm. Predominantly, these superheroes are male. And these writers want us to know that we can believe in the superhero du jour because he has powers bordering on the divine:
       • this super being can fly, often into outer space.
       • this astonishing hero has the strength of twenty men.
       • this great one, has the wisdom of the sages.
       • this champion of the underdog is a soul of superior ethics, morals, and judgment.
       • this heroic idol is so intelligent, he can figure out the toughest problem.
       • And this conqueror of evil is so humble that he walks among us, anonymous, unknown and unsung.
       What makes this so startling, is that these superheroes come in astounding forms and virtually all of them wear tights that so tightly fit their rippling muscles and virile form that the sight of them takes our breath away:
       We have an ordinary guy in the 1940’s who fight’s Hitler, a Captain United States* kind of guy who starts out puny and ends up with the powerfully sexy, glistening body of a god.
       There is a guy with powers from outer space who glows handsomely green, having been endowed with truly other worldly powers.
        There’s the alien who arrives in a space capsule and ends up living in a crystal cave at the top of the world. This is the guy who wears glasses and flies through the air and rescues a newspaperwoman when terrifying things happen to her, among other death defying duties.
       Of course there is the Instant guy, flashing all around very quickly.
       Let us not forget arachnid man who weaves a web of intrigue in the city he is protecting, ever mindful of the responsibility that accompanies his great powers.
       In the 1940’s there was a shadowy man who ‘knew’ ‘things’ psychically and who’s ancestry went back to Tibet.
       There is the Righteous League of America a bunch of avenging guys including Instant man, Neptune man, [and the token] Wow Woman, Superb Man and the Batty Man. Oh, Oh!! Don’t forget the Might Morphing Strength Rangers, Ferrous Sulfate Man, Odin, a reference to Norse strength, and a Green Lamp guy. Maybe he lights the way for the other guys. . . .
       In the 1950’s there was Mighty Rodent who could fly and lift entire buildings. Really? The physics of this might have defied belief, but an entire generation of little kids bought into this idea of a small, flying rat.
       If you think about it, virtually every decade since about the 1930’s has had some type of comic book superhero to satisfy the need to believe in a higher level of protection. This higher power isn’t God, but someone who has the visible power of a god but who looks just like us – with a few subtle muscular modifications.
       In the 1930’s we were suffering from the Depression, then we went to World War II, followed closely by the Korean ‘Conflict’, which morphed into the Cold War with the evil Soviets. The Viet Nam War was a natural outgrowth of our fears of Communism. Were the superheroes of those times Presidents Roosevelt and Truman? Did our leaders fail us later on with the unending conflicts of hot and cold war?
       Communism was knocked down with a clunk in 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell. Were the superheroes of the day President Reagan, and Soviet President Gorbachev? Was it the Pope, or the Polish people who worked behind the scenes to reduce world tension? Perhaps there was no clear-cut super hero. Perhaps it was very ordinary people placed in extraordinary circumstances seizing the moment and changing history.
       However, today, as this piece is being written, for the very first time, the threat seems so tremendous, so terrifying that we need an entire league of superheroes. One won’t cut it. In a recent film, it took an entire team of astonishingly powerful champions to overcome what appeared to be an exceptionally vague yet utterly deadly threat.
       Is that what we as a people are sensing? Are we feeling a tremendous peril that is so overwhelming for us that we cannot specifically describe it? Think about it, pretty much the big screen is overrun with brave men with super powers beyond imagination fighting not only local threats to our cities, but these big guys are also taking on global, interstellar threats. Is that what we are feeling in the subconscious regions of our soul? Where is the source of all of this fear? Are we fearful because despite the huge population of chatty politicians globally, there is not one soul who inspires us to believe in truth, justice and the way of the superhero?
       Where are today’s superheroes? Part 2 will offer some modest ideas.

       * Due to my desire to respect copyrights, the superhero names have been modified. See if you can guess who they are!

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