Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dalai Lama Speach Part 1

Dear Friends,
Recently a friend of mine, Jeanette Amen attended a talk given San Diego State University.  The most precious guest speaker was the Dalai Lama. The focus of his talk was Compassion. Thanks to Jeanette, I am able to provide a series of concepts from this wonderful talk. Thanks Jeanette!

“There are 7 billion people on the planet,” he said.
“Compassion comes from the mind and emotion of all of us. There are 2 kinds of emotion:
         Fear and anger lead to destructive emotion.
         Love and compassion lead to constructive emotion.
We survive by our mother’s care; the seed of compassion is in all of us. Fear & anger in small children is very bad.”
         Perhaps what His Holiness was trying to convey was that we must all work to cultivate that seed of compassion in our children by our own deeds and words.

“A very important rule: At death or illness the most important factor is being surrounded by family and/or friends, not money, not being physically perfect, not possessions.”

“Compassion is the most important part of life.” 
To be happy think in terms of togetherness: your life is my life; your health is my health.”

“Mental worry causes alcohol, drug, and eating problems. Physical comfort can’t subdue mental pain. But mental effort can subdue physical pain. Mental pain is from worry & loneliness. The mental level of experience is more important and more serious than any other.”

“The new ‘cancer’ is the corruption and injustice around the world today. Ultimately we need self- discipline.”

“Religion makes us very narrow.  We need another approach not based on religion.”  [AMEN!!] Secularism will solve problems universally – not out of disrespect for religion, but in respect for believers and non-believers.”

“As children grow they get socialized and they start to think: if I make this friendship how much will I get. This fosters jealousy and extreme competition. Competition is good, extreme competition is bad.”

“We have 2 egos:
1.   One builds strength, courage, a strong sense of self, and compassion
2.   One builds desire, attachment, self-focus and is destructive
One being can rob the sense of self of another being.”

1.   Anger out of ill feeling is bad.
2.   Anger out of  [injustice?] is fine.”

“If there is maximum affection from our mother when we are a child, then when we are grown up, then throughout our life we will have trust and affection of others. If there is no affection from our mother, then our whole life we will feel unsafe, insecure, suspicious and jealous.”

“A healthy mind causes a healthy body, when we come with open warm-heartedness as our attitude. Jealousy and fear are caused by our human interaction with our mortal brothers & sisters. This is not the same fear as fear of death, which is there to protect us [and cause to think before we act.] When you open your heart you can see the other parts of life and it reduces anxiety. When you are suspicious it leads to distrust.”

“When he wakes up the first thing the Dali Lama decides to think about is Buddha and altruism, then the whole day he thinks of dedicating his mind and spirit to it.”

“We can change by doing this practice daily, monthly, and yearly. This is a centuries old concept:
         MAKE EFFORT”

“If you THINK ‘you are a part of me’ you create togetherness.
If you Think ‘you are different’ you will create distance and problems.”

“THINK:  Create inner peace to create family then…
MAKE EFFORT:  to create a better world.”
  See part 2 next week

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