Sunday, April 3, 2011

Homeopathic Radiation Remedies

This information comes from Shelly McQuerter at
Remedy Highlights Protecting Against Radiation Exposure

There is homeopathic help!
Radiation from Japan's earthquake and tsunami damaged nuclear plant have reached the west coast of North America. Tiny amounts of radioactive particles have arrived in southern California but expert sources are saying not large enough amounts to pose a threat to human health.

In a situation where the radiation exposure is higher, more dangerous or threatening, there are remedies to defend and support. You can use these remedies alongside any other form of treatment with potassium iodide (which you want to take only once exposed to radiation) or any other herbal or supplemental support.

Homeopathic Remedies:
Bioplasma - Combination 12 Cell Salts - Supports and
strengthens the entire body. The entire family can take 4
tablets 2 times a day.

Kali Iod - Homeopathic form of potassium iodide taken
in a 6X potency if there has been radiation exposure.

N-4 Radiation Detox (made by Apex Energetics) - For
symptoms related to radiation exposure (X-rays,
geopathic stress, electromagnetic stress, etc.).

Considered a "prescription" but can get it from practitioners that carry the Apex line or it may be ordered under Willow Tipton's patient number: call 800-736-4381, use patient number P2502 - give them your address and credit card, and they will send it to you.

Flower Essences:
Choose the appropriate essences and take a couple drops
orally and add some to a drink. You may also blend a few
of them together in a mixture bottle - 4 drops of each
essence and fill the rest of the bottle with spring water.
From that mixture bottle, take 5 drops 3 times a day and
also put some in a drink.

Aspen - Vulnerable feeling, vague fears and anxieties. Sense
of dread.
Cherry Plum - Fear of loosing control on some level, emotionally or physically.
Mimulus - Specific fears and worries.
Red Chestnut - Worry and concern for loved ones.
Star of Bethlehem - For shock, grief and trauma.
White Chestnut - Mental restlessness and chatter. Mind filled with worries.
Rescue Remedy (Five Flower Formula) - For any stressful or emergency situation.
Yarrow Environmental Solution - A blend made by Flower Essence

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