Saturday, October 31, 2009

Become a Fan of The Lightworkers

Dear Friends,
I have started facebook and also a facebook 'page' because many people said that they would like to become a fan. The Page is called The Lightworkers. The point of this page is to offer all kinds of helpful tips, possibly ghost stories, or answer interesting metaphysical questions.
Feel free to sign up!
Become a fan!
Feel free to start a discussion topic!

I Look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Poem

The following copyrighted poem is from a collection called "Poems from the Mariner's Wife". These were written to my husband who, at 61, is still sailing the seven seas, so that he would know that no matter where in the world he would be, my love would always find him.


By Tina Erwin

The Goblins have come, as they do every year,

to fill all the children with excitement and fear.

The orangey pumpkins with gnarly faces,

are waiting for the moment to assume their places.

The kids have decided what they will and won’t be,

a flapper, a gangster, a kook from TV.

The trick or treat candy now sits in the basket

just waiting for someone to dare for to ask it.

The witches are watching from rooftops and trees

while trolls terrorize the insects and scare away the bees.

The Trick or Treat players have begun their patrol,

seeking candy and fun from around every knoll.

But there’s just no Halloween at sea I’m told,

just the wind and water and the ever present cold.

So think of us brightly on Halloween night

as we ward off the scary, the hairy, the fright.

We’ll think of you braving the dark anyway

with nothing to scare you but the lack of the day.

So wrap your Halloween in our love and light

and you won’t have trolls or scares or fright.

For Halloween time is about love after all

the love that comes from the feel of Fall.

That love that comes from the fun painted faces,

and the knowledge that we miss you in your far away places.

Copyright 2009, Poems by the Mariner's Wife, by Tina Erwin

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Numbers

This is just fascinating! My friend Diane Springer sent me this. Enjoy!

If you click on it and it doesn't work, just cut and paste it into your browser, it is worth it.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

An Interview

"Inhale, Exhale" &
Hello everyone from Cheri & Judy of a ~ ~

We are so grateful to offer you this interview with Tina Erwin from the Edgar Cayce's (A.R.E.®) ~ Association for Research and Enlightenment.
(Now archived on ~ ~)

Tina provides us with an hour of helpful information allowing you to integrate simple powerful tools such as Love, Truth, Wisdom, and Compassion in your life as you encounter challenges of loss in your daily!

Tina D. Erwin, CDR, USN, Ret, has studied metaphysics much of her life to allow her to understand her own psychic abilities. These intense studies were further enhanced by the experiences of a dynamic twenty-year career in the Navy, working for the US Submarine Force and retiring at the Commander level. All of these experiences enabled her to not only assist her sister and her family, at the death of their child, but also guided her in the creation of the book Lightworkers Guide to Healing Grief.

Tina offers us all hope about the afterlife while also exploring reincarnation, "death gates," angels, and ghosts as she takes us through the stages of grief ~ offering tools and methods that really help us to heal. You can learn more about Tina at her website Also, to To learn more about Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment, (A.R.E.®), please visit

With Love & Grace,

Cheri & Judy

Cheryl P. Lenz Teacher, Practitioner of the ~ "New Energy Medicine”

Judy Lynn Sorenson Intuitive Consultant ~ Vibrational Medicine

Co~Host of ~ the Design Your Life Broadcast on ~

Anchoring the Energies of Love, Truth, Beauty & Goodness
Web site:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Radio Show Today!

World Puja Network ~

Monday October 19th, 2009 ~ Airing 12:30 ~ 7:30 p.m. PST

Interview with~ Tina Erwin

Co~Hosted by ~ Cheryl Lenz & Judy Sorenson of ~

Hello & Welcome everyone!

This is Cheryl and Judy of A Sacred Connection broadcasting from the World Puja Network! We are so grateful to offer you this interview with Tina Erwin from the Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E Association for Research and Enlightenment. Judy and I are very excited that Tina joins us to provide you with a wonderful hour of enlightening information that will keep you focused, aligned, and able to integrate simple powerful tools such as Love, Truth, Wisdom, and Compassion in your life as you encounter challenges in your day to day life!

Tina D. Erwin, CDR, USN, Ret, has studied metaphysics all her life to enable her to understand her own psychic abilities. These intense studies were further enhanced by the experiences of a dynamic 20 year career in the Navy, working for the US Submarine Force, retiring at the Commander level. All of these experiences enabled her to not only assist her sister and her family, at the death of their child, but also guided her in the creation of the book Lightworkers Guide to Healing Grief. Erwin offers us all hope about the afterlife while also exploring reincarnation, “death gates,” angels, and ghosts as she takes us through the stages of grief—offering tools and methods that really help us heal. You can learn more at her website To learn more about the Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. (A.R.E.®), please visit

Topics we will discuss in this interview include; how to move through the various types of grief, loosing a loved one, life situations; loss of job, home, and relationships with the knowing there is life after trauma.

  • What is living and doing Service all about ~
  • Death Gates as opportunities ~
  • Living & Dying with Love and Grace ~
  • Karma ~
  • Near Death Experiences ~
  • The Power of Prayer ~
  • The Heaven World ~
With Love & Grace,
Cheri & Judy

Cheryl P. Lenz ~
~ Teacher & Practitioner of the ~
"New Energy Medicine"
Cell (561) 596-5328
Web site:
Co~Host of ~ the Design Your Life Broadcast on ~

Sunday, October 18, 2009

KS&L 303 Changing Thanksgiving Day Tradition and More

Every year people gather on Thanksgiving Day for the tradition of giving thanks. This is wonderful. It is wonderful to have everyone gather around that glorious table, hold hands and ponder about the many blessings and the surprising blessings cloaked as unsavory challenges that the preceding year has offered. However, getting to that table is often fraught with difficulties.

If you have to travel by air, Thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the year. Air travel is just not the fun it used to be. So, if you are the Thanksgiving event planner, you have to take into consideration all the travel plans and the arrival and departure times of all of your guests as well as transportation to and from the airport.

If you have married children and they are trying to balance that thankful day between their families, imagine their stress! If there are grandchildren, it becomes even more complicated. Some dutiful kids end up eating more than one Thanksgiving dinner, just to please all the relatives.

Freeway/highway traffic can be tremendous, and again, stress producing.
Is there some reason that this particular event has to happen on the specific day that the calendar denotes as ‘Thanksgiving’? Think about it. Why are we wedded to a dictated day of the week once a year?

What if, the actual day you eat the turkey isn't as important as the special time of gratitude you spend with your family? What if you were to make a new family tradition and have Thanksgiving the weekend before that Thanksgiving Thursday? Consider that if you were to do this, that you might find, that your own stress is significantly less, that the stress for your family is also significantly less since now, they won't have to be in two places as once.

What if on that actual crazy Thanksgiving Thursday, you weren't having a cast of thousands, you could actually have a complete day of relaxation? Perhaps you could get your Christmas or Hanukkah decorating begun or even finished. What if you could enjoy a meal out or have a quiet day or could accept someone else's invitation to dinner? If you have family that has to fly, having Thanksgiving a week or two early, would mean less expensive flights, less travel hassle, especially if they are traveling with small children. They could get in and out and avoid the craziness. What if?
What if you changed how you do things just this one year, as an experiment? Some families do this and they just love it! It doesn't mean that we can always please everyone, but it has the potential to be a tremendous anxiety reducer.

What is the karma of an idea this simple? Consider that you reduce the stress for all the people in your Thanksgiving circle, not to mention the persons doing the bulk of the cooking. Let us say that they don’t have to travel, don’t have to choose between families, don’t have to balance other people’s feelings.

Also consider, that the stress of that balancing act can make relatives very ‘testy’ with each other. Sometimes things are said that in another scenario with less tension, would never be said. Once said, a nasty Thanksgiving dinner can be an unhappy memory for a very long time.

If some relatives feel you are a traitor to the day and rebel, then that is their choice, but offer the concept to them that this is just an experiment for this one year. You know how flexible and loving they are and surely, they would want to reduce stress for everyone.

Sometimes family leadership is defined by the ability to look at a situation and change how it is being done, especially if it is always stressful. The purpose of Thanksgiving is the celebration of the gratitude and love you share and you can designate any day of the year you like to do that!

Helpful info if you have to get the swine flu shot. Try this jotoba tea. Here is the website for this tea an related information.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Newspaper Article About Our Book

This article was printed in the Sept 27th issue of the Virginian-Pilot newspaper's Beacon section, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Copyright (c) 2009, The Virginian-Pilot. Reprinted with permission.

By Sandra J. Pennecke Correspondent
After Andrea and Craig Harris suddenly lost their 6-year-old daughter, Arianna Rose, in 2003, their grief took them on an unimaginable journey to help others. The couple and their now 15-year-old daughter, Marisa, were blessed to have the kindness and compassion of family, friends and even strangers come to their side when Arianna died from Group A Strep. But people often had no idea what to say to the family, said Tina Erwin, Andrea’s older sister, a retired Naval Officer who is well versed in the study of metaphysics “All of these people wanted to help, but were clueless,” Erwin said. Erwin traveled from California to console the family – and everyone else, too – and conceived the idea for a book. “In the process of grieving this adorable child, we learned just how many other parents are grieving,” Erwin said. “We learned that, in truth, everyone is grieving someone or something,” wrote Erwin in the introduction to her book, “The Lightworker’s Guide to Healing Grief” published by ARE Press and released in May. After six years of writing, revising and scrutinizing the manuscript word for word with her sister via phone, the 220-page tool book was finally completed. “It’s an important book to us,” said Andrea Harris, of Cypress Point. “It’s not a light read. Anyone can pick it up and learn something through it.” Arianna was the catalyst for the book, but it’s not about her, Harris said. The book includes chapters on death, grief concepts, tools and healing, stages of grieving, understanding and assisting various types of grief and much more. Throughout the book there are compassionate words to say, practical actions to take and deeper insights to help guide the reader, as well as friends, neighbors or co-workers grieving a death, divorce, injury, property loss, etc. Erwin said death and grieving are the elephants in the room no one wants to talk about. “We are populated with kind people who want to help,” Erwin said. “They just need to know how.” Arianna will always be in her family’s hearts, Erwin said. “We feel she’s smiling because we are helping other people,” Erwin said, “and we’re good with that.” The Harris family surrounds themselves with photographs of Arianna and wonderful memories. “She was always considerate of others,” said Andrea Harris, “I like to think of her in the heaven world helping others.” With “The Lightworker’s Guide to Healing Grief,” now on bookshelves, Arianna will surely do that for years to come, said her mother. “We want people to know that whenever they think they’re alone in their grief, they’re not,” Harris said. Sandra J. Pennecke,
SANDRA J. PENNECKE Andrea Harris holds a copy of her sister’s book, “The Lightworker’s Guide to Healing Grief,” written by her sister, Tina Erwin. Craig Harris, with daughter Marisa, holds a photo of Arianna Rose.
Arianna Rose Harris died from Group A Strep in 2003. She was 6 years old.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

KS&L 302 Clearing Items of Negative Energy Part 3: Difficulties in Clearing Some Things

There are occasions that will come up when it will be exceptionally difficult if not utterly impossible to clear something. The reasons are wide ranging, but for this discussion they can be grouped into the following categories• The method you are using to clear the object, is just not strong enough. If you try to use sage and dragon’s blood incense or any other kind of incense to clear negative energy, routinely, this will not work. The negativity may leave for a little while and make you feel better, but it has no lasting affect. Burning real sage also feels good, but it will not permanently clear anything.

• You may have a great deal of difficulty clearing an object that someone gives you if that person is still emotionally attached to the piece. No method will work here. You may have to wrap it in salt and aluminum foil, shiny side in, until the person has finally emotionally released the item.

• Sometimes there is so much karma is attached to the object or location, that it cannot be cleared for many hundreds of years, if ever. Consider that the Nazi concentration camps will not be able to be cleared in anyone’s lifetime. The negative karma that was created there cannot be cleared with any mechanical tool. Even prayers said there will take millennia to clear the profound sadness, the tears, the pain, and the violence that is embedded in the very soil. Consider that there are locations all around the world like this.

• Weapons that have been used in violence are extremely difficult to clear. Imagine that a decorated dagger was used in a murder. It shows up in an antique shop. You are not going to know the history of this object unless the shop owner tells you about it and that is unlikely.

• The difficulty with an antique dagger or any other antique weapon is that without knowing the history of the object, you also have no idea what karma is attached to it. Once you purchase it, you are now tied into the karma of the object whether you know it or not. There is a reason that the Hope diamond is in the Smithsonian Museum and that is because of course it was a gift, but the very negative karma attached to that stone cannot influence something as large as an entire country, but it can have a powerful influence on a person.

• Follow this logic trail and you can then understand why small businesses fail repeatedly at one location, but a national chain can move into that same spot, and do well. The spot cannot specifically influence something as large as a huge business chain.

• Some areas or even objects, can have a resonance of darkness. An example is the piece of property in southern United States where several terrible events took place on the property, but no one stayed in the area long enough to have enough corporate memory of the area to warn potential buyers of the problem. In these cases, a more sophisticated space clearing professional has to be brought in to work on the property.

• Objects that were part of Nazi Germany, such as arm bands, weapons, flags, insignia and clothing carry with it very powerful negative karma. It is wise to completely avoid owning any of these objects or having anything like them in your home or office. These objects are tied into the karma of the Nazi’s and cannot be cleared.

Not everything can be cleared and sometimes, the karma just has to work itself out. Prayers said, spiritual practice done in an area, can eventually, over many, many years, begin to shift the energy of a location. However, most people either will never know this or will not have the financial time to spend while the place is healed. Usually a very negative place will drain its owners financially for a very, very long time, essentially precluding any real healing on the property.

Part 4 will address how to test your property or object to see if it is fully cleared.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where to Purchase Dragon's Blood

Many of you have called or written asking where to purchase Dragon's Blood, Frankinsense, Benzoin and the charcoal holders for these various types of resins. The answer is at a wonderful website called You can call them directly at 949-587-1604 and just order over the phone if you like. They are located in Laguna Niguel, CA so keep in mind that is Pacific Standard Time.

I usually buy a brick of the Dragon's Blood resin and then just cut up the chunks myself with a hammer. I go ahead and buy the Frankinsense and Benzoin in the pea size pound bag. One of these bags will last a very long time. Be sure to order plenty of the the charcoal holders as you will need a new one each time you decide to clear any location.

Once you have used these, you will be surprised by how much clearer your thinking becomes. This works after a heated argument, too. You can sit a pyrex dish of this smoking magic in your car to clear it as well. Use it to clear antiques. So, it has lots of great uses.

When you do this, ALWAYS REMEMBER TO OPEN A WINDOW so that the negativity can leave.

You will need:
Dragon's blood, and other resins of choice, just a couple of pea sized pieces will do.
Charcoal holder
a pyrex glass measuring cup
tongs to hold the charcoal holder
a fire starter of some type [don't use matches, they will just be frustrating].

1. Using tongs, heat the charcoal holder with the fire starter, until the charcoal is glowing hot.
2. Carefully place the charcoal in the bottom of a pyrex dish [I use a large glass pyrex measuring cup because it has a handle]
3. Using tongs or tweezers, drop one or two of each resin onto the glowing charcoal.
4. Smoke should immediately come wafting up. If white smoke does not start immediately, your charcoal is not hot enough.
5. Make sure to open a window.
6. Walk around slowly to clear a room.
7. Or you can sit the smoking cup under your chair and let it clear you.
8. Or you can sit it in your car, bedroom, kitchen, over/under/around an antique to clear it.

It is always good to remember that nothing clears everything, but this is something that will clear a good deal and at least help, literally, to clear the air.

Enjoy! Love, Tina