Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where to Purchase Dragon's Blood

Many of you have called or written asking where to purchase Dragon's Blood, Frankinsense, Benzoin and the charcoal holders for these various types of resins. The answer is at a wonderful website called You can call them directly at 949-587-1604 and just order over the phone if you like. They are located in Laguna Niguel, CA so keep in mind that is Pacific Standard Time.

I usually buy a brick of the Dragon's Blood resin and then just cut up the chunks myself with a hammer. I go ahead and buy the Frankinsense and Benzoin in the pea size pound bag. One of these bags will last a very long time. Be sure to order plenty of the the charcoal holders as you will need a new one each time you decide to clear any location.

Once you have used these, you will be surprised by how much clearer your thinking becomes. This works after a heated argument, too. You can sit a pyrex dish of this smoking magic in your car to clear it as well. Use it to clear antiques. So, it has lots of great uses.

When you do this, ALWAYS REMEMBER TO OPEN A WINDOW so that the negativity can leave.

You will need:
Dragon's blood, and other resins of choice, just a couple of pea sized pieces will do.
Charcoal holder
a pyrex glass measuring cup
tongs to hold the charcoal holder
a fire starter of some type [don't use matches, they will just be frustrating].

1. Using tongs, heat the charcoal holder with the fire starter, until the charcoal is glowing hot.
2. Carefully place the charcoal in the bottom of a pyrex dish [I use a large glass pyrex measuring cup because it has a handle]
3. Using tongs or tweezers, drop one or two of each resin onto the glowing charcoal.
4. Smoke should immediately come wafting up. If white smoke does not start immediately, your charcoal is not hot enough.
5. Make sure to open a window.
6. Walk around slowly to clear a room.
7. Or you can sit the smoking cup under your chair and let it clear you.
8. Or you can sit it in your car, bedroom, kitchen, over/under/around an antique to clear it.

It is always good to remember that nothing clears everything, but this is something that will clear a good deal and at least help, literally, to clear the air.

Enjoy! Love, Tina

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this, Tina! I really appreciate it. :)
